It's Dewey defeats Truman all over again
Veeky Forumstory repeats itself
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With some flavors of Jackson and Bush v Gore thrown in
Trump knew where the votes were and targeted them specifically. Hillary campaigned like she was trying to be the President of California.
Fun fact: in 1970, the Democrats controlled the Senate, they put forward a constitutional amendment to replace the electoral collage with a simple plurality system, and then a bunch of senators, both Democrat and Republican, filibustered it because they didn't want their small states to become less important.
The Democrats eventually abandoned the bill to focus on other things.
Their failure to get that passed has cost them two presidential elections so far.
I think it'll be like the Republicans pushing term limits in the 50s after FDR took 4 terms.
If they ever get the chance to prevent another 2016, they'll do it.
Truman was actually a sissy who was alpha as fuck though.
>Only loved 1 woman and won her over
>Was feared as being a lacky of a crime lord
>Cheated his way into the army by memorizing the chart for the visual test
>No deaths in his battalion
>Made huge waves when he learned a lot of tax dollars were going to waste when it came to working army related jobs
>Didn't want to be vice president because he felt he wasn't fit for it
>Ended up becoming president because FDR kicked the bucket
>Authorized the use of the atomic bomb to end the war
Truman's life story is great.
Constitutional amendments don't work like that user
You'd need ratification by the states which will NEVER happen. Barking up that tree is begging for sectarian conflict.
Njah see, I'd say, that Truman guy, he truly cannot be stumped, so to speak!
Verily, the numbers that appear twice on the side of this bulletin board tell me that the famed phantom Kek is at work to favorably influence this election!
We have the National Popular Vote Compact now. We just need big red states like Texas to see the light. The Compact is good for every large state that isn't a battleground state.
>11 states
>changing the electoral college
Literally a meme
You just need 270 worth of states to make the electoral college obsolete.
That's far easier than trying to get supermajorities everywhere.
Nonamerican here. Can't you coerce them by threatening to cut their federal subsidies if they won't fall in line?
its kind of amazing to hear him talk because of just how much of a milquetoast middle america hick he sounds, he's like the announcer in an old warner bros. cartoon
infact he was a haberdasher in Missouri
Truman a cute, A CUTE.
Yes and no. Legally, no, you cannot do that and since this would be an amendment I imagine that SCOTUS would quickly intervene. HOWEVER, there is precedent for the federal government doing exactly that for laws that either could not constitutionally pass in the legislative branch or was continually refused but could be constitutionally passed by states, e.g. car insurance, seatbelts, smoking ordinances, etc.
really though I most admire him for his decision to reject Macarthur's plan to escalate the korean war, and kept the war narrow in scope instead of pushing for unconditional surrender as had been American policy in the past. That decision was deeply unpopular with the American public but he stuck to it, and his decision not to normalize the use of nuclear weapons in war prevented ww3.
Also, that only works when you have one or two outliers. Destroying the electoral college and replacing it with the popular vote would marginalize the majority of states. There's not a state in the union willing to give up their bargaining chips.
One century ago Woodrow Wilson was re-elected president of the USA
On Tuesday Donald Trump was elected president of the united states
How do you folks feel about the contrast?
Poor guy also lived in relative poverty after leaving office. No pay was given to presidents after their term(s) back then.
Especially with that Newsweek magazine.
The whole point of the electoral college is to prevent popular vote from running the country through mob war.
Attempting to force through popular vote would be so unpopular everyone involved would never be reelected except in the biggest blue cities in the US.
Does any country even use popular vote? I always assumed it was a pretty retarded way to handle a voting.
I agree. She didn't explain how things like kicking out immigrants (higher prices for goods) and protectionist barriers to trade can hurt ordinary people, especially Trump's alleged trade war with China and support of 50% import tarrifs.
Nor did she explain to union households why voting for an anti-unionist is bad.
Kek is strong with this one.
that was the original purpose of the electoral college, but it no longer serves that purpose since states tie the hands of their delegates.
>running against a party that has a newfound reputation for screwing up the economy
>Obama has actually managed to do a reasonable job improving incomes for the middle class
>spend your campaign talking about social justice shit and not basic economics
The social issues actually backfired on them this time.
Obama's economy only worked in major metro areas. Where you can replace lost jobs with service sector jobs.
If you live anywhere else, you were suffering still.
New business start ups under obama have gone from all over teh country, to just california and a few dots on the east coast.
>since states tie the hands of their delegates
There are only 11 states that do so.
The point was to avoid demagoguery and populism by voting for state representatives that selected electors to deliberate, nominate, and elect, because you don't want uneducated plebs electing the president.
The old system was you voted for someone that represented your interests. That guy selected a smart, educated and wise person to go to the college, and once there, those people would decide on a president, and the runner up was vice president.
This changed to direct vote for candidates and winner-takes all, because states realized that gave them more sway and basically undermines the point of the electoral college, and now rednecks have a disproportionately high voting power compared to educated people, and you're voting for candidates. Pundits have kind of replaced the role of the elector.
The electoral college pretty much has the opposite effect as intended if you read the Federalist Papers. The electoral college has already been gutted from it's original purpose, and what remains is a contradictory tool for electioneering.
Difference is, Dewey was the better man. He should have won.