I am not saying that Trump is the new aged Hitler, but does anyone else recognized the similarities in their speaking styles? From his gestures and posture to his rising tone of voice. Hitler was known all too well for his ability to get the crowd going and touch people’s hearts and emotions with his speaking. Is this not what Trump has done through his campaign? Its interesting to me the power that speaking to provoke emotion has on people, it may be one of the most underestimated skills of all time.
Hitler and Trump
Both Hitler and Trump were admirers of the Duce, it's pretty self-explanatory
I can't tell if your saying that they both admire Benito Mussolini or if your saying that they both are into Corpophilia
>I'm not saying Trump is literally Hitler but Trump is literally Hitler
Donald Trump reminds me of Berlusconi and both remind me of Mussolini.
>orators use similar styles.
He speaks on many of the same issues, the United States isn't quite in the state of post WWI Germany, but we aren't far?
Hitler came from nothing and fought tooth and nail for everything and survived all four years of the great war.
Drumpf inherited everything he has and dodged the draft.
Don't you dare compare them.
>but we aren't far?
I'd suggest you first learn about the problems of the Weimar Republic
Recent economic moves by the Obama Administration raise eerie parallels between the U.S. economy and the hyperinflation of the Weimar Republic. You really don’t think national socialism can be far behind? Hyperinflation has become an increasing calamity that could erupt in the United States should the latest moves by the Fed go astray, or if the U.S. dollar suddenly lose its status as the world's leading reserve currency.Last Wednesday the Federal Reserve announced it's plan to pump another $1 trillion dollars into the U.S. economy through the purchase of long-term government debt, a move the central bank has not done in 50 years—effectively creating $1 trillion out of thin air.
Trump sucks as an orator.
>look imma do x, imma great at x, imma have done x a lot, ask y about it, theyll tell you.
Dont you dare compare the fucking two.
You anons suck enough dick? Hitler was not that amazing, he exploited a vulnerable society.
>to his rising tone of voice
How the fuck else is he going to be heard when everyone else is cheering?
This is literally fine-combing everything to find similarities to Hitler.
>Hitler made convincing arguments
So you haven't actually read Mein Kampf, have you?
You need alot of charisma to be the leader of a country user, all of these Trump is the second coming of Hitler is fucking braindead and idiotic.
Is the president suspending constitutional rights?
Is the president replacing his cabinet ever second day?
Is the Congress spit between multiple smaller parties that can't decide a damn thing?
Is the population fearing a communist takeover by an actual present communist threat?
Did the capitol just burn down?
>or if the U.S. dollar suddenly lose its status as the world's leading reserve currency
kek, why would it? your comparison is shallow and moralistic.
i hope murica ends like germany after the WWII
Hitlers speeches pretty much just flowed.
Trumpkins basically is a halting wreck like someone who thinks greentexting is an actual method of public speaking.
This is not hard to see, holy shit.
>Is the president suspending constitutional rights?
The GOP has already said that they will make the repealing of Obamacare a priority, and while the right to health isn't on the constitution and the Supreme Court has determined that the option of having private health care should be available to all citizens, the United States has in fact rectified a series of international agreements (Universal Declaration of Human Rights, International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities) where the right of health is implicit, albeit such a right is subjected to the definitions followed by each government.
On the other hand, we also have observed in Trump's rhetoric throughout his run for the Republican candidacy and the election that he designs himself as a "strong man", who will deport millions of people currently living in the U.S., bar Muslims from entering the country, shut down mosques and set up a national database to track Muslims.
US presidents have shown a willingness and ability to write Congress out of the equation. A President Trump who determined to act without Congress would have recent precedent to draw on—most notoriously, the unitary executive theory relied on by the Bush administration. The unitary executive theory rejects the idea of checks and balances, claiming unchecked power for the president, even the power to set aside criminal laws.
The problems with the Weimar Republic are not really comparable to contemporary America. Also, comparing the suspension of rights in early Nazi Germany is not the same as America not providing universal health care for its citizens. It may be a more accurate representation if Trump was able to somehow dissolve congress completely, and then began stripping rights from a specific group of people.
All of your comparisons are superficial and seem more like fearmongering than analysis
>Did the capitol just burn down?
nice headcanon