ITT: "Villains" who did nothing wrong.
ITT: "Villains" who did nothing wrong
He was ultimately a force for good
Alija, aka. Balija is not my president.
>doing anything right
Nice try Patrick, don't you have an elementary school to car bomb?
his witch hunts were extremely damaging to first amendment rights, being a communist is not a crime yet many people lost their livelihood because they were blacklisted
and for all of that he did absolutely fuckall to find any real soviet agents
t. ass ravaged Pom
>being a communist is not a crime
it should be :^)
Being Jewish isn't a crime either, /pol/.
but unfortunately they ended up creating one of the most murderous regimes in history tho.
Jews didn't create the USA.
>White (presumably not anti-capitalist) Christians choose to have black babies.
>Somehow this is Jews and/or communism's fault.
Jesus was a Jew I guess.
I'm just posting shit from my /pol/ folder senpai. dont put too much thought into it.
>featured fugitive
can't have this tread without him
its a good thing we have a constitution to stop people like you from trampling on the freedoms of others
I don't even get this one. I've never seen anybody say anything bad about this guy here.
funny because every time commies get into power they trample the rights of others.
indeed, its a good thing we've got a constitution to prevent them from trampling on others rights too
i dont think commies care about constitutions.
He did plenty wrong. He didn't push for nuclear holocaust hard enough.
good thing you can read their minds
>le fake/misused sources chart
>le commie joo conspiracy
It's a weird race thing, a lot of federal forms don't have a latino/Hispanic option, so these guys default to white.
>It's another commie pretends to care about constitutional rights episode
>When you do things right, people won't be sure you have done anything at all.
Lenin is not a villian
Not a villian but... he did some bad shit
Absolutely a villain and isn't vilified in the slightest. Universities have abandoned Stalin but Lenin they grip onto with an iron fist.
what a crock of shit. He is brought up in every anticommie rant ever. Its just that he also did a ton of good (setting up the gov, implementing a lot of social programs like drastically increasing the literacy rate, developing infrastrucuter, getting everyone electricity) and was a super influencial figure in world history.
You can say the end result was unfortunate, but anyone who knows anything about that period in Russian history would agree that you cant just label him evil and move along.
>reestablished the government he destroyed
>helped to implement some of the same economic growth that had been happening under the czar before WW1 broke out
>set the stage for Stalin by turning the country into a totalitarian shithole like under the monarchy
You know this.
ayo dat gon be me one day biatch stuntin on all yall hoes
nigga used to be chad as fuck
His only mistake was not killing more.
Literally Muhammad wants to be hardcore but Arab League won't let him
> established a completely different gov
> economic growth under the czar? hahaha
> the 3rd point is obvious
Way to be ignorant. What good is history if you only read the version of what you want to believe happened?
My potatoes bring all the micks to the yard
And they're like "that famine was hard"
Damn right, that famine was hard
I could feed you, but you'll have to starve
Leading your countrymen in defending their homeland, rights, property and way of life is somehow villainous.
She lost
>being a communist is not a crime
It is treason, so yes.
How? The Mongols destroyed Muslim culture.