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Dead picks edition

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cats are good

>not dota 2 gen

when are we playing lads?

Is Germany really that beautiful?

cats are for fags and lonely women

Alberto Barbosa hero when


whose idea was that this horrific music would be suitable? holy shit what the fuck

Grow up. Quit wasting your time.

Blitz and Redeye look so tired of Nahaz talking.

a couple of minutes
people say that navi was all dendi or puppan, but in truth the spirit of navi is in artstyle
its normie music, im sure they love it on reddit

cats are cute and fluffy

Give up mr goldbergstein

this man walks into your game and says "me mid pudgee" what do you do?

1st for

grow up
get a wife and kid
let your wife cheat on you with tyrone
get divorced and pay child support
live a life of misery


Niggers steal.

>not listening to the soothing , yet haunting, tunes of David Bowie's "The Man Who Sold The World"
Step it up, cunt

Dont dox my cat pls

where's na dota?


what is this and why wouldnt i keep using livestreamer like I always have?

why does it seem like out of all the heroes in the game, sven gets cucked the most by sprout?

your cat is a whore

what a nice kitty

shes a big girl

Because of artour


also why are you wearing jeans when relaxing at home watching dota you stupid fag

Is this his major?

how about you become enough of a man that your wife doesnt commit adultery

>majority of the playerbase are thirdies
>pros are former neets and dropouts with few marketable skills to life off after they retire
>most teams barely make enough from sponsors/winnings to sustain themselves
>dotards are nerds with little interest for cars
>cosplay competition
>grow up
i'm sure mercedes' sales will skyrocket after this major

livestreamer is dead, streamlink is its successor

just draft damage cus your mid has utility, stay positive and know forced 50 will come around one day. getting butthurt aint the best approach

livestreamer development is dead. if twitch change their api then it will stop working.

I'm in a suit most of the week so jeans are relaxing to me

tell me about bane

why is he being played again

>the phillipinnes, china and russia are third world countries

is Crystal "Maiden" the most horrible title given to someone in dota land? this "Maiden" doesnt look like a maiden to me , hell Lina the Slayer is more of a maiden compared to this slut.

t. brainlet

Solo's a big guy

>implying its not going to be Secret - VP final

I'm pinoy and pretty much outside of manila, shit's pretty thirdie

cm is NOT a slut user slanderous images made by l*na apologists are NOT suitable proof

how is dark seer suddenly trash hero that nobody ever picks? what the fuck is happening to meta

This major isnnewbees comeback story
>down 1, come back to beat eg
>down 1, come back to beat vp
>beat their new rivals liquid in the final
>win the china bowl next TI
Single target lockdown is good again. It was bad for a long time.

he's a big guy

If you ban him from the draft, will it kill him?

>modern white western woman
>not being massive sluts

they WILL cheat on you.

delete this RIGHT NOW

When do the GOOD teams play?

I'd be fine with any of the three non-chink teams winning

they WILL cheat on YOU

3rd world, dunno what you're smoking
only its largest cities can be considered first world, as everywhere else is still full of 3rd world infrastructure and streetshitters
same as china but less advanced and rich, considered 2nd world in its few "developed" cities

>no egg-themed hero
um... dotards???

yes, and?

lmao neckbeard with yellow fever detected

after this game


Hey guys, when does EG play?



why is blitz always saying "one of the better" instead of "one of the best"? how is this correct? im cyka btw

Couldn't they use a different music instead of that default battle/gank track? Why is everything in this ''''''major'''''' so fucking lazy

waiting in the final. Shartour and pooinverse have been OUTSTANDING in this tournament.

it's correct
it's known as a hedge

like you're saying it's top 10% not the absolute best

enjoy your white trash woman.
tyrone needs someone to provide for his offspring after all.

not a real egg

only universe and pasha are good at dark seer

necro, veno and pugna shit on him

keep crying

>Good at anything
He's been washed up since 2016.

they are even using free no copyright music as their official tournament theme, what else did you expect

he's only been viable for the past year or so because of actual wizards playing the hero too well. you no longer get level 2 from double shelling the first wave and he doesn't offer too much damage for the amount of farm you put onto him early game. it's a team flavour sort of thing these days

Oh blitz had food poisoning no wonder he sounds like he's depressed lmao

Virtus Pro picks are so fucking meta its making me vomit

>Showing Clinkz as hero suggestion in draft

ugh just grow up dotards

patch notes today after major

let him do so, this guy has easily over 50% winrate
pudge mid is very viable at 2k mate

>thinking thirdies who play this game can afford Mercedes

What did they mean by this?



man nahaz is like a little child

When is Optic playing?

!!!why are they playing what my car with a worn out timing belt sounds like!!!

jesus, was greenland always that big?

Please tell me this is fake.

Going to be a big one!

you'd be surprised with what type of ""people"" american education can create

Shartour, you'll be just as bad in the next one.

I think sccc might unironically murder kaka if he gets broodmother'd out of a major in semis

>VP picks entire meta team
>Commentator: VP's picks are so smart!!

I hope newbee shits all over VP

I don't see them

feed me patch notes

There are faggots just like that posting in this very thread are you surprised they exist?

Greenland gets scaled ridiculously in every single map that it's in due to it being so far north that it gets stretched out when they make the map rectangular.
Greenland is actually about 1/4th the size of Australia

what the fuck is newbee doing

what the fuck is going on

G-guys.. I miss the old Majors...

>these lanes
NB is memeing out of control

nah, just a shitty map projection. This one is too, but I don't have my cartography material on my home pc