Lewd Edition
>>LIVE EVENTS Gauntlet
Nightfall: The Arms Dealer - Torrent & Zero Hour
Flashpoint: Io
Xur: Io - Giant's Scar. Actium War Rig, Knucklehead Radar, Eye of Another World, DARCI
Trials: LOL?!?!
Lewd Edition
>>LIVE EVENTS Gauntlet
Nightfall: The Arms Dealer - Torrent & Zero Hour
Flashpoint: Io
Xur: Io - Giant's Scar. Actium War Rig, Knucklehead Radar, Eye of Another World, DARCI
Trials: LOL?!?!
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Serious question, is this game worth buying? Seems like everyone is buying for the hype...
I'm a former WoW nerd who hasn't played for about 3 years. Will I enjoy Destiny 2?
Post teams
>no noticeable difference in body model with armor on between male and female
>females look like trannies
>people still make females
Explain this
All memes aside, It's not worth buying. Spend your money on something worth your time.
>tfw no Holliday gf
>Get Cayde's treasure maps and open his stashes
>Get one blue, one nothing, and two exotic engrams
Is it a special thing or did I get extremely lucky?
Anyone down for Nightfall on PC?
>no in-game support for erp
This game will die quick
Sounds like you made the mistake of not joining Cute Girls [MALE]
>got some celery and some torn up paper
Fuck you.
I'm also a former wow nerd. I'm having fun but honestly...it's diablo 3 launch all over again.
Wait for the first expansion or at least a sale, it isn't worth 60 dollarydoos right now
If that make it any better for you I only got Hardlight and what I believe to be my fifth Warlock Korean MMO armor.
Honestly, this.
I don't envy this lesser fate you've chosen but I actually want Hardlight, my friend though just got Sweet Business from his first exotic engram and I keep getting dupes so I'm mad jelly.
>blow all of your glimmer
best way to farm glimmer?
>Seems like everyone is buying for the hype
And you got this impression, how exactly?
>tfw blessed roll
That's all my luck used up for the week.
Event farming.
Do patrols or Lost Sectors in between events.
Pop a fireteam medallion if you want.
Titan armor were so much better in destiny 1, it's a shame what they did this time.
since review circlejerks are a thing now and /v/ hates everything I figured I'll ask here. Is this game any good?
>That nigger Ikora Rey stole my stuff before fucking off back to ZU ZU VA LA
Used up all your luck? For a blue? Is it like a really good fusion or something?
>Not vu-vu-zela
You had one job, user.
This one is pretty good, not gonna lie, but most shoulder pads i've seen look like car bumpers or made of plastic and the chests with fur are not my style.
My first Better Devils. Plus a Legendary Engram dropping at the same time too. also I'm a PC babby newfag so
Oh you poor thing.
new player here, i made it to 265, what do I do now?
>Enjoying hc bloom
Wait for reset or keep farming exotics.
Do all your milestones quickly before tuesday
milestones are repeatable? neat
i wish i knew destiny 2 is just the video game equivalent of bashing your head against a brick wall until it breaks
not even sure what to do at this point besides grind heroic events
please help
Weekly reset, just like muh real mmos
I honestly wish when you got an engram you could open it and then buy whatever you want of that quality, I hate rng loot
Make sure you have completed EVERYTHING in your milestones, then go outside your house and get some exercise until weekly reset
>Having recoil completely removed so your tender lady hands can actually keep up and let you hit things.
milestones where completed a long time ago
then everyone would get BiS items ASAP and quit, gotta keep people playing somehow..
guess where I was last night!
Up your own ass, where you decided to stay for a nap and posted from this morning?
should I get this if I want some sci fi adventure shooter exploring stuff or is it something else completely?
maybe you didn't hear about all the /fun/ we had
That's correct. It has some """social""" features, but mainly it's a modern bungie shooty shoot.
Are you the autist who kept begging for people to take him into a raid?
I preordered Destiny 2 on pc, but I haven't gotten the preorder gun yet.
When or where do I get it in the game?
When is faction rally gonna come back? This tuesday?
After you beat the main story and arrive in the city, you get it there
20 at the farm
get the first major expansion collection. its effectively unfinished, though not nearly as bad as D1. it won't give you the rewards for daily grind you're accustomed to.
>discovering the whole console meta is ruled by autoaim
gg nice try
Finish campaign, then you get it.
>Ask Hitchenson for the discord link twice
>Each time it's expired because he sends it to me when i'm either asleep or at work
Could someone on here send me the discord link?
nah, I'm pretty sure I was just a rando that was used to fill out the numbers though
I'm still not 100% sure about why things kept falling off the rails
If you don't know why the raid was failing, it was you.
how about you message him when hes actually online and playing you moron
>check my stats on destinytracker because the actual game doesn't show fucking stats to protect little babby 0.4 kd shitstains
>counts all my losses in 3v4 games as -100 elo
>counts all my games where enemy average is 200+ more than ours as -80
>doesn't count my wins in 50% of my recent games
>teamates are always 1100 shitters and I'm 1600
>losing ELO simply because it doesn't count my wins
this is great what a good game haha I love this transparent MMR I have and I can easily see how good I am :-DD
I'm enjoying the game so far, and whoever had the idea for the shotguns to go "KA-CHING" every so often is a cool guy
pls no bully too hard
git gud
Destiny is not and has never been a competitive game no matter what bungie and streamers say.
why are the talent choices so bad
who thought like 4 choices was good enough?
How do I check to see if he's online aside from adding him to my friends list on battle.net? I don't see anything on the bungie page and there doesn't seem to be a way to find his b-tag on there either. Clicking on the battle.net button doesn't actually do anything.
Is the Foe Tracer any good? Just got one out of my Luminous Engram
>none of my team shots have come out good yet because chat always cucks me
one day
>finally find an instance with people for public events
>middle of the event
>error code baboon
1-4 : level up my titan
5-9 : level up my huntard
0 : draw porn.
>who thought like 4 choices was good enough?
You have only two choices, user.
>last perdition feels like a halo br
finally a good gun
Same just happened to me.
I hope they fix the "bugged" matchmaking for the instance soon enough, grinding pubes event is a fucking pain, I don't want to do Titan all day erryday.
>game running smooth, 60 fps
>alt+tab out to read the general while zoning
>alt+tab back in
>stutters and slows to a crawl
It ain't so bad, I don't really see anything in Destiny worth drawing porn of and I suck anyways.
Luke Smith. He's a faggot who ruins everything
well grenade/glide/rift/attunement
that's 4
still fuck all choices
Why is the base warlock jump the best? Just feels so right, good control, decent altitude and distance.
You mean the least shit
It pales in comparison to literally any other jump from the other two classes
i have a fetish for cyborg/androids so i have an interest
It really is
Can milestones get you all the way to 300-305?
Right now I'm at the quest to do 3 crucible milestones. I've done 2. Tomorrow they will reset so I will just need to do one of them, right? Quest progress isn't going to reset, right?
Is there any point in doing Nightfall more than once a week? Does it drop 365+ loot normally?
Wait till you try Lincoln Green
Which one? You should get all of them done within the next 24 hours, just grind it out, none of them require you to get wins
well lets have a quick rundown
>baths went fine for the most part
needed 2 attempts at it I think
>dogs went fine
needed 2 attempts at that because someone got caught. On the second attempt we 1 phased it. I was a crystal holder
>gauntlet had some hurdles :^)
this is where we learned the theme of the rest of the night would be Kill. Your. Fucking. Psion.
I was a runner. I don't know what the problems outside were but my gates weren't being opened correctly so I exploded on the track frequently and there were psionic wipes almost every attempt. Then when we moved into the last phase someone didn't grab their orb so we had to start over.
this is where the wheels fell off. We spent more time doing this than the other 3 rooms combined I would say. There were some errors happening here and there in the throne room, tactical ones more so than technical ones, but nothing that should be causing the wipes we were having. No idea what was going on in the shadow room.
just happened to me again, I'm so pissed
Does "lightweight" increase sprint, or walk?
If walk does it make a mobility 10 faster?
sorry for some reason it didnt send my message
in the clan member section you can see on the right side who's playing, who's online and who's offline
It's an easy one, it just takes time, so I figured why bother playing 4-5 crucible matches when tomorrow I'll get a new batch and be able to do a faster one. Weekly reset is on Tuesday right, so no need to rush and do it today, I still have tomorrow?
Destiny 2 isn't meant to have a lasting population. It's a campaign shooter, not an mmo grind-fest.
>Cosole gets a bit of auto aim.
>PC gets a bit of auto aim and all their recoil removed because we don't want them to have to control recoil with their delicate lady wrists.
gg no re.
Thanks man I see it now.
Another question. Is it recommended to run through the "guided games" Nightfall before doing it for real? I need to complete the milestone. They reset on tuesdays right?
>console babs btfo "i-i-it's bungie's fault pc players have better aim!"