How bad was Caesar?

how bad was Caesar?

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literally did nothing wrong

Willy was a pretty bad Caeser.

Not much. He was Dictator For Life for a mere 13 days

Caesar wanted to basically become the "King of Rome", not in title of course

>teaching your children to hate caesar instead of admiring him

America really does need to be made great again.

So, is Quebec the US equivalent of Gaul?

Trump would have dissolve the Senate using the US army to be equally bad.

congress has a 8% approval rating or something
he would be seen as a hero

Caesar-Moderatly left wing populist fighting for the people against the abuse of the rich. Genius, godlike speech giver and writer, benevolent, never killed anyone who deserved it. Pardoned all domestic enemies.
Trump-Far right populist fighting against government . Retard, constantly repeating bufoon. I am optimistic for Trump, but to compare him to Caesar is autistic

The morning after election night should just be designated national "tweeting made up quotations from children who are apparently scared of political candidates that no children actually care about" day.

Too bad Trump isn't King Radical

as was caesar

You take that back right this instant

>Far right
he's a new york liberal
the only reason he's even seen as remotely right is that the democrat party sprinted to the left to try to match sweden

post the pasta /gsg/ lad.

Also wrong, the only reason he's considered far-right is because he touched the issue of immigration. You could be Bernie Sanders-tier left and call for immigration restrictions and be thought of as far-right in the current climate.

cesar chavez would be considered a far-right political icon right now
chew on that for a moment

Listen upp here old pal .... *sighs* twas an aeon ago it seems ... ehhh... the first wiggler rally in Luton... AHHH RELIEVE!!!! ... Me and my pals built our own old tree house *wally rises of memory* whatever we did we Always came back home from school to do a Little wally wiggling in the ol treehouse... Ahhh.... waggler they called me ... *nothing personell kiddo* but I just kept on waggling, day in and day out. I waggled for Charles, I waggled for Margaret Thatcher. I even at one Point waggled the willy to Ho Chi Minh.... Ahhhh... the memories of the hazy wiggle waggling summer of 1986.... I still remember the wiggle wally race we had in Surrey.... We would gather... Me, this bloke from Newcastle and some guy named Ian the clam... waggling our Willies in record speed..... AHHH RELIVE ..... CUM!!!!!!!!!!

I know right its trash how someone teaches their kid that Caesar was terrible. Dude helped out the poor a lot, and was loved by them. Took very good care of his troops. Was only killed by some rich faggots cause they saw him as a threat to their own power. The public was very upset by his death. The murders had to run away because they were hated in Rome.

Caesar (pronounced like ki-sar in Latin) did a lot for Rome. After Marius and Sulla's civil war, he created the First Triumvirate. This stabilized Rome. Fast forward, Caesar is prosecuted by the Senate, so he marches on Rome. Senate and Pompey flee, civil war takes place, Caesar wins, comes back home, dictator for life, murdered. Civil war again. Caesar was a man of prowess, audacity, and cunning.

didn't caesar institute the first documented welfare policies by giving grain to poor or something?

also cheers from your sister general

You know, there was a local Republican running for the School Board on the platform of Make America Smart Again. Fairly sure she won, but not entirely.

Not sure, but I think grain was given to citizens of Rome in games before Caesar, I know for sure Augustus did that. On Augustus he got a lot of support at the start because he had the name Caesar which was popular among the army and lower class. Augustus would continue the programs his adopted farther started as they did a lot of good and were popular. Both drew support from the lower class of Rome and tried to pay attention to their needs.

>far right
what are you smoking

I wonder where he thinks people like ted cruz would be if trump is far-right

>You could be Bernie Sanders-tier left and call for immigration restrictions and be thought of as far-right in the current climate.
No, Obama has deported more illegals than any other president (literally millions), and immigration to America is already really restricted. It's because Trump makes fun of immigrants.

>guy says that he will deport all muslims and register them because they are all terrorists.
>not far right.
come on now.

>No, Obama has deported more illegals than any other president (literally millions)
>if we redefine what numbers means, we win!

>guy says that he will deport all muslims
He literally never said that.

that's literally his only "right" policy barring abortion.

He's a liberal, hell he wants to take down obamacare just to instate a different form of socialized medicine. He supports LGBT way more than ANY republican would dare.

I would rather look at what trump does on a issue by issue basis tbph.
American Right and european right are completely different.


Caesar was a fucking hero so trump has a lot to live up to.

>Pardon domestic enemies leave them with some semblence of dignity intact even after a betrayal
>Conquer foreign enemies and demand subordination
>Listens and hires his people to listen to common-people's complaints and tries to address them within reason
>pisses off old-boys clubs full of rich out of touch faggots

If trump even manages to do one or two of those things he will be a hero as well. I would like to see hillary convicted then trump pardon her, would be alpha as fuck

>Murrica is all about democracy
>Some guy kills that in Rome.
No surprise Julius Caesar is seen as a bad guy.

he didn't kill democracy, he liberated it.

>left wing
I want you to end yourself.

>Dictator For Life.
Sure negro.

>Murrica is all about democracy
Uh, no.

which is better than a facade of democracy

What is: A republic?

What sort of indoctrination teachs child about how much of a dick Caesar was?

This is basically how we were taught it in American public edumikation. Maybe the 8yo just saw some movie that said otherwise, as that's a bit young to have been taught much of anything on the subject around here.

Although a lot of Religious Right Americans tend to blame Caesar for killing Jesus - though this tends to be the same group that insists the Earth is flat, while navigating to their church groups on their cell phones.

>>Although a lot of Religious Right Americans tend to blame Caesar for killing Jesus
I have literally never heard this and I was raised catholic

>though this tends to be the same group that insists the Earth is flat,
lol us smart atheists, huh?

Which Caesar? Julius? Tiberius? Nero? Augustus? Edward Sallow?

Most people see Trump as the first coming of Edward Sallow desu. Mike Pence as the Malpais Legate? Sign me the fuck up.

Not him but my family did it, they were Protestant.

Funnily enough, I have gone on to love Rome and it's history.

>I have literally never heard this and I was raised catholic
Probably because we teach all mankind is to blame for killing Jesus along with acknowledging "Caesar" as a particular person's name is the same as "Pesident" in the same way. And no one thinks Taft and Carter are the same guy responsible for the same things

Ave Caesar!

>implying Caesar was a title before Julius Caesar

please conquer them


He gave a lot of food to the poor and hungry of Rome, solidified a new governmental system after ending a Civil War, reduced debts, ended the rule of corrupt aristocracy and local military authorities, gave land and welfare to veterans, reformed the tax code, rebuilt ruined cities, initiated massive public works programs, extended Latin/Roman rights outside of Italy, and established a new calendar. At the time of his death he was planning the construction of massive temples, theaters, and libraries. That being said, he was also an egomaniac who tried to establish himself in the religious canon, had no qualms about slaughtering hundreds of thousands to millions of Gauls, and vested large amounts of state power in himself.

Don't forget he was old and wanted to destroy Parthia to fulfill an impossible "Alexander like" eastern destiny

>guy says that he will deport all muslims

Capite censi (and all the Romans I guess) had subsidied Grains since way before Marius. Getting hold of dat grain in the Sicily or Egypt was of major importance for the Senators, because the Capite censi had a tendency to chimp out spectaculary when they didn't have it.

Is that a Total War reference I'm not getting?

>the democrat party sprinted to the left
The Dem establishment is in the exact same spot they were 25 years ago.

>my 8-yr-old
saw a pretty amusing article on vice a while back about this


>using the left-right spectrum on political figures pre-French Revolution

>gave everything he owned on death to the people
>brought Rome to the Golden age
>reforms that saved the poor
>I saved all these people that they might betray me
>et tu user

>I have literally never heard this and I was raised catholic
That would probably be *because* you were raised Catholic, where you get an actual religious education, as opposed to the non-denominational "Christian Christians", and various Baptist-by-descent folk around here, where "Science/Democrats bad, Republicans/Capitalism good", is the totality of their "religious knowledge".

They are far, far to the right of where they were 25 years ago.

Save maybe Sanders.

So not only is she a bulldyke who was dissapointed she couldn't indoctrinate the kid she adopted into being a political lesbian like herself, now she's also one of those fuckwits who think Rome died with the Senate because of "muh Republicanism".
Fucking Rome had it right with patria potestas.



He's already managed the last one more than anyone else has in the last 60 years.

Am I incorrect for being under the impression that Caesar was good by "Roman standards"???

Or was he just another degen?

He was practically deified, and the title of Caesar is still a sign of nobility to this day, from the Russian Tsar to German Kaisers.

All nations like to draw parallels to the glory of Julius' Rome.

But as a person, was he a good man? If its too broad of a question I can just do my own research, just being lazy right now


"Good man" is very subjective, but shows some of his biggest social efforts. But you would have to look into him to determine if he is a good man by your standards.

Personally, I find him very admirable, and a good example of a wonderful dictatorship run by a wonderful person, even if he had some glaring flaws.

>A citizen of the republic loving the republic killer

They don't teach ancient history to 8 year olds here. That women just made some shit up

"No more useful inquiry can be proposed than that which seeks to determine the nature and the scope of human knowledge. ... This investigation should be undertaken once at least in his life by anyone who has the slightest regard for truth, since in pursuing it the true instruments of knowledge and the whole method of inquiry come to light. But nothing seems to me more futile than the conduct of those who boldly dispute about the secrets of nature ... without yet having ever asked even whether human reason is adequate to the solution of these problems. "
- my 3 year-old

>not raising your children to despise republics

Huh, that's weird. My 4 year old kid talks about uniting the German peoples under one flag all the time.

What have you been feeding your kid?

But he crashed the republican party with populism.

tell him to start stockpiling equipment fo building liquor factories
t. liquioria pro.

I genuinely hope you are saying as a citizen coz you don't know how much it sucks being under authoritarian rule. I would very much want to live under a true republic

Your 4 year old has aspergers.

I (thankfully) don't live in a republic famalam.

So? Constitutional monarchy?

He could live in any of the remaining executive or absolute monarchies.

Where the hell do you live?

Definitely not a republic

Saudi Arabia? Monaco? The Vatican? WHERE!?

There's not a lotta nations left with widespread internet access that aren't republics of one form or another, lest you count those few with a symbolic monarchy on the side.

Considering islam is a right wing theocratic ideology it makes him more leftist than anything.

>right wingers cant hate each other
>left wingers cant hate each other

You tell me where you live first senpai

>Comparing based Ceaser to Trump

nigga, what?

>far right

While I admire your statement on Ceaser, thinking that Trump is some far right wing nutjob is a meme.

Do some actual research, and analyse both sides of the argument before making a conclusion.


Trump is extreme reactionary, to the point he is often contradictory, but seems to be cozying up with establishment republicans in terms of staff and policy rather quickly.

M8, he's since gone back on that statement. He will let in Muslims into the country, provided that they share America's ""values"" as it were, and not hold any ties to fundamentalist/ jihadist interpretations of the faith.

And considering that Islam is pretty much the right to Christianity's left, I'd say he's more conservative/ neo-con/ classic liberal as opposed to a full blown fascist.

It says republic on the flag.

>is extreme reactionary
That's a big fat "no" from me, Jim. Until he starts talking about repealing universal suffrage and shit like this, he's not a reactionary.

That's just him being reactionary and then trying to tone it down.

Contradictory, sure. Reactionary- to an extent. He's not Hitler or Mussolini. And even though I'm not his biggest fan, he's not imperialist, rather, he's isolationist.

And considering that he does, in fact, flip flop on his policies, makes him being a """far right winger""" moot, as he's not against all forms of immigration (having gone back on statements regarding illegal immigrants and Muslims).

He's no Ted Cruz. I'd say he's more of an orange Ronald Reagan.