>Buy 300$ shoes
>Take a loan to buy a brand new car
ITT we post things that poor people do
I get my Bruno Magli's at Nordstrom rack for $199. Can't beat Italian handmade loafers. Paid cash for my used Mercedes.
My brother wants to buy a new car soon and told me he was going to get a loan for it
He was disgusted when i told him to just drive a shitbox for a while, save up and buy it ouright like i did with mine
Do you take them to conditioned or anything
Buying new cars outright is literally retarded, with how low interest rates are you would be stupid to not buy a car on finance. Never buy a depreciating asset, stay poor.
I have some of their tassle loafers, broke in real nice
>Never buy a depreciating asset, stay poor.
so going into debt on a depreciating asset is better?
eat out
buy drinks while out
coffee/cig/drug habit
dating a normie
getting loans
With 2 percent interest rate loans, if your money is making at least 2% income in an account it pays for itself
this is why I never started drugs.
they take away from profits, already making it not worth it.
If you want to leverage that money for investing at a higher percentage than the loan itself, I can see the point. But it still has risks like if you lose your job.
Just be yourself user.
>tfw buy $300 work boots
>they last for years (2+ on mine now with lots of life left) and are ultra comfy while I'm standing all day at work. Morons I've worked with buy and then burn through $60-$80 boots every 6-8 months
>tfw drink 2 cups of coffee per day
>tfw enjoy the shit out of it
>tfw buy a fuckhuge bag of it at costco for like $12 that lasts me for months
All this stuff is within reason, goys. Theres a difference between buying a beer with dinner and being a complete retard with your money
What's up with all those fa threads on biz recently? There's absolutely nothing wrong in buying expensive shoes. You are just illustrate and do not know value of anything.
>Get a loan for a down payment on a 2006 Lexus with 240,000 miles on it
>Buying 400% mark up convenience store snacks with food stamps
>Putting $$$ down on lottery everyday
Convenience marts. Everytime I walk in one to pay for fuel, I am blown away by all the useless calories lurking on every shelf and fridge. Add to that it is all grossly overpriced.
>Had food poisoning earlier this week
>vomiting all night
>dehydrated, need muh electrolytes
>5am, no proper stores open
>shakily drive to nearest gas station
>Hajib behind the counter is being accosted by a meth-head succubus
>variety store across the street opens and has a line of bmx riding men in their late twenties
>Everyone is loading up on cigs, candy, soda
>Facking crackheads
>This was Monday 5am, gotta party Sunday night woo
>stay poor
So if it becomes the same price anyway how does that equate to me "staying poor"
>everyone in this thread takes themselves THIS fucking seriously
Get over yourselves faggots. You know what else poor people do really well? FOCUS ON OTHERS, RATHER THAN THEMSELVES, WHICH IS WHAT YOU ARE ALL DOING.
unless you start to grow or make your own drugs than it will cost you peanuts and you will learn something valuable too
>not buying 500$ shoes that will last you 20 years instead of buying cheap shit which will fall apart after 1 season
Yet you fall for the crypto meme
is it a meme when you make a profit?
500$ over 20 years is 25$ a year, about what a cheap pair of shoes costs.
I just stocked up on this specific pair I like when they were buy one get on half off so I'm set for the next 10 years probably
Yet you look and feel like a poorfag in them
>Take a loan to buy a brand new car
not to be a dick but when you've got credit to buy a new car I'd say you've graduated to middle class.
poor people don't get new car loans. Middle class is anything from new car to timeshare in Tahiti.
Shoes aren't a good thing to stock up on. I did this before and the shoes fell apart from the glue drying out.
Do you guys not realize that auto loan rates are so low that it's advantageous to finance a car if you need one?
If your loan rate is 2% and you can make 7% or more in the stock market, you would have up be a crypto trading autist to not take what is essentially free money
not to mention we're on a business board and a new car is 100% deductible for business use.
free car.
biz can't into biz.
I've had cheap chinese knock-off brands that lasted more that the originals and were fraction of a price. There's a point after which you just pay for the brand rather than quality.
i paid 200$ for lowa boots in 2013 and i wear them all the time and theyre like new. am I stupid?
Take a loan for overpriced designer furniture in a rental condo. Big thing here in Germany...
how much did the fedora cost?
Heard this today
> don't eat food for lunch or breakfast
> spend money instead on drinks while out
Id rather have 500k in the bank making me 7% a year (very conservative rate) than buying something that will lose me money. Finance is always the way to go as long as the rate is lower than that.
Have you ever worn $300 shoes?
I'll wait.
>wasting time on Veeky Forums
Going through 5 pairs of $60 boots over the course of three years breaks even with you - while the money they haven't sunk into the next few years of boots can be put to other uses.
Because you can use it to invest while you pay for the loan.
Because of opportunity cost you retard, read a fucking book.
>in the bank
>making 7%
You guys completely missed the point. He's referring to nig nogs spending $300 on "Jays" and bitches spending $12 a day on coffee
>have friends
>jerk off with their right hand
Even good boots get trashed within a year in certain lines of work. It is exposure to mud and water that destroys leather. It can make financial sense to have a good pair of boots for dry days, and a shitty pair of boots for the days when they are going to get wet.
It's better if you take advantage of the leverage to invest that money in something with a higher expected ROI.
I am actually a smoker, i spend around 45 Euros a month useless i know, but it's wery hard to stop.
Fuck you I'm left handed, how am I supposed to find that rare Super Buu porn if I'm using my good hand to masturbate
I do all these, they're fucking great
>take out more than one credit card
>actually use said cc
>buy lotto tickets
>plan what they'll do when they're fuck-you-rich but make no plans to get there beyond 'win the lotto'
>get brand name groceries
>eat trendy food even when it's expensive and out of season
>pay to work out (or have a gym membership they never use)
>buy stuff they don't need
>get a house/condo/apartment/car that they can't afford to keep up appearances
>same but with clothes, phones, watches, etc
>buy books, DVDs, CDs, etc. new
>play vidya
>on consoles
>upgrade computer even though it's a Facebook machine
>buy shitcoins
>shill on Veeky Forums
how do you get a loan for a car and not use that money on a car?
>>take out more than one credit card
>>actually use said cc
Good luck getting a loan when you find an opportunity with that non-existent credit, Tyrone.
Actual rich person here. Most of the shit in this thread is irrelevant, and the rest of it is a hindrance to success.
>>plan what they'll do when they're fuck-you-rich
Discontent is the first step towards action. Dreaming leads to discontent.
>pay to work out (or have a gym membership they never use)
Physical exercise is paramount to success in anything in life, it super charges your nuts, and you nuts will drag you to where you want to go.
>buy stuff they don't need
What's the point of getting rich? I don't need my 90in TV, but it's fucking awesome.
>buy books, DVDs, CDs, etc. new
>buy books
Jesus fucking Christ man...
>play vidya
If you have to work 18 hours a day, 7 days a week, you're doing it wrong, and there's literally no point unless you're madly in love with what you're doing.
>on consoles
>caring about consoles vs pc
>thinks he's smart and should give advice.
>upgrade computer even though it's a Facebook machine
That's probably why they want to upgrade it.
This board is full of fucking tards.
>how do you get a loan for a car and not use that money on a car?
You invest the money you _would have_ bought the car with.
>not eating out
>not buying drinks
you must truly live a miserable life
Shit that keeps you paycheck to paycheck:
>Starbucks multiple times a day
>lunch out at a restaurant every day
>new car every 3 years
>not using tax-advantaged savings
>generally spending money on shit that doesn't improve your long term quality of life
Shit that literally puts you in the poor house:
>payday loans
>bad credit
>buying shit on credit, with bad credit
>not being smart about adjustable rate loans
>tax evasion
>flaunting wealth
>keeping up with the Joneses
I'm still waiting faggots.
Banks don't just hand you a check for an auto loan, dipshit.
Also, did you bother to take the 15 seconds to do the math to see how retarded that is?
Earning a whopping 7% on, what, 30k is a grand total of $2,100/yr, then subtract the 2% interest on the loan and you're left with $1,500.
Oh yeah, and your monthly payment of $443 is also stacking up, leaving you with -$3,804 at the end of the year. Because surprise, banks expect their money back, and it isn't just some indefinite chunk of money you get as long as you're paying back the interest.
So great job, you "made" $1,500 by netting a loss of $3804.
That's if everything goes perfectly and you magically get 7%, which you won't.
> Banks don't just hand you a check for an auto loan, dipshit.
They will if you ask nicely.
You still get credit if you only have one cc, and I don't believe anyone on Veeky Forums is actually rich.
You don't need a gym to work out. You don't even technically need equipment, but it helps - and can be found at the thrift shop.
Poorfags buying shit they don't need is what keeps them poor. Buying shit you don't need is for AFTER you pay the bills, invest a decent amount, and still have money.
Note that I said NEW. Thrift shopping saves you shittons of money. Go browse a small charity thrift shop. $2 for that DVD you paid $25 for new. $0.50 for your wife's trashy romance novels that cost $11 new.
Vidya is a waste and I mentioned consoles specifically because they're just overpriced and underpowered computers - again, they're for AFTER you make it.
If they're not PC gaming, and they're really just using a computer for e-mails and Facebook, then no, upgrades aren't needed - you can do that on a fucking toaster.
The board IS full of tards, and you're one of them, you lying faggot.
>knowing how to cook and buying booze at the liquor store to drink at home and save money is miserable
>he's never hosted a party
Investing in crypto currency.
Its like the blind leading the blind.
You are forgetting about compounding and the increased liquidity.
This is the correct way to do it. Done over a lifetime in all areas(not just auto loans), the person who does this will come out ahead by a mile.
>tfw fell for new the car meme
At least I learned and can amend for my mistakes
I made 90% of my life savings with crypto
>tfw drink and smoke
>tfw buying cheap whisky from Lidl and smoking 1 cigarette a week
Smoking is cheap if you grow your own tobacco.
The only cost is your health
>7% a year (very conservative rate)
Please show me to the provider of these ludicrous gains
I provide such a sceme goyi- I mean good customer! By the arbitrage of international reply coupons for postage stamps I can triple your investment in little over half a year, with very low risk! Simply provide me with your life savings and I will make 7% a year look very conservative indeed!
t. Charles Ponzi
Lending BTC to margin traders yields 15-20% p.a.
buy actively managed funds
like fucking trash
>$1000 phone
sounds safe
explain yourself
After fees/commission/whatever, 7/10 actively managed funds are outperformed by index funds. So, if you have to do research on what to get, you might as well just do your homework and buy your own stocks straight up.
Many prepaid cards offer FDIC insured 5% savings accounts. The only problem is you have to invest time to maintain them to avoid getting jewed by fees.
"It's free with the plan"
ya im worried about not getting paid back
Exchanges typically cancel margin orders before a default.
Be nocoiners
>deductibe before taxes = tax credit
I shiggy diggy don't.
Decent shoes are a good purchase. You can get good shoes for $300 that last long. Now paying for designer shit on the other hand...
>500k in the bank making me 7% a year (very conservative rate)
i bought a $300 pair of Timberland boots when i was 18. i got the soles replaced when i was 30. now a few years later, they leak a little if it is really wet, but the stitching is all fine, some of the inner lining has worn through, but they are still wearable if it had to.
Yes, like cigerattes and redbull. Like I said, they're morons.
Just buy whole beans by the kilo and use an efficient brewing method.
It's a negligible habit even if you drink 5 cups a day.
I bet you drink that whiskey alone.
All you fags slamming the spending money on drinks out thing are the same people the girls never used to fuck in school I guarantee it.
Do I spunk my money up the wall on going out? YES but being 21 I dont really see the problem at the moment if you're going to save £30 here and their on a night out and stay in wanking to anime instead of socializing you can keep your "7%" lol fk that.
Poorfags talk a lot about money and salary.
I remember kids would camp out for those retarded $300 Jordan's/other sneakers, but then sell them online for $200 more it was actually pretty smart.
>worked in warehouse offices
>literally running around all day
>get brand steels, 60% mech keyboard
>never had to replace them in 7 years
>laugh as office throw out fucked keyboards and order chink shoes every month
Buy what you need to get your job done efficiently.
Pretty much everyone can save a fortune if they stop and think for a moment about what they really need to get though a month, then you can think about luxuries.
this is what they do once they get a little extra money.
>tfw a modest 30k in savings and I still don't think a TV is within my budget
I'll continue to watch on my 24" computer monitor.
>7% or more in the stock market
WHO the fuck is just casually doing this fuckhead?
reassess your life. If your monitor is literally fine for you, cool man, keep it moving. Otherwise, TV's are dirt cheap. I spent 500 bucks and got a 4k 55 inch tv and it's beautiful. I watch alot of TV and movies when I'm not working and it's been a great investment. The best I can say for anyone in this thread is to not be a miser - you can't take that shit with you when you die. My son's got a nice 529 college account waiting for him and a little extra. My roth is maxed along with my wife's plus some crypto holdings. If I literally have to sit down and agonize over a few hundred bucks then I may as well end my life senpai.
buy other people alcohol
buy consumer electronics like beats / iphone
buy music / tv shows
have savings accounts or CDs
get tax rebates
get car loans
carry a balance on a credit card
$500 = $1300
after 10 years of 10% compound interest
>get car loans
are cheap, often only 2% or 3%
It's smarter to invest your savings in an index fund and take the car loan
a tv is only useful if you've bought into the normie lifestyle and need to watch stuff with your wife and kids
>Just buy whole beans by the kilo and use an efficient brewing method.
It's a negligible habit even if you drink 5 cups a day.
You don't even have to do that. At the rate that Starbucks and similar franchises sell coffee, you still save hundreds of $ / year by just buying a pound of coffee beans every few weeks and brewing at home and taking the coffee with you in a thermos.
I buy a special roast that is roasted in the port of my city and it costs 12.50€ per 500g (which is quite expensive), but I get around 10l of coffee out of this - which is 0,625€ per 500ml of coffee and not only tastes way better than Starbucks but is far cheaper. Of course you can always go cheaper, but even beans go bad at some point and if you want the best taste, fresh roasted is a must.
tl;dr: Even "luxury" coffee is cheaper if you make it at home and take it with you. NEVER buy coffee from a franchise.
>complain about poor people on an anonymous taiwanese blockchain discussion board