Americans in general earn about 10-100 times more than their counterparts do in most of the rest of the world. Why is this? Can we posdibly keep paying an american 100k a year for a job that an eastern european wil do for 2000$ a year or an indian will do for 200$ a year. When will this collapse?
Why are americans so overpaid?
Globalization will eventually level all wages.
You simple fool. Once you realize that we (Americans) are just cattle for our capitalist overlords then it will make sense to you. The big Jews in charge could care less if it costs $100 or $1000 to code a website, they care that they will get 30% of our wages as taxes and that almost all of us are in some form of debt, so even more of that cash will come back to them in the form of interest payments
Americans take fewer days off and work longer hours. Here I am on a Friday night replying to you. The struggle is real
A brainy service economy will do that
Your valuations are shit because with the exception of basic food everything in the US is also more expensive. A 300k home in the US is a 60k home in Europe.
All these below have replied with the correct responses
America is a strange simulation of capitalist enslavement that people from all walks of life are entrapped in top to bottom
Yeah, I live in America. Havent seen many 100k job around recently. Also, Americans spend everything they earn. There was even articles online about how a family making over 100k a year, can still be massively in debt and unable to pay it off. (Which makes no sense to me, but whatever)
Do you get free healthcare?
And why do you think they owe a qwajumdred shqwadrillion dollars?
Are you retarted?Europe is as expensive if not more than usa.
Americans have to pay for everything, the state provides nothing compared to other countries. All companies are privately run, they have no public services. Don't let these appealing figures fool you, most americans are in debt and live in a third world country
Who care if basic goods are as expensive as in USA when you have basically close to free healthcare, free education, free water/electricity/gas, free infrastructures...
>Third world: Dont have food to eat
>Second world: Have food, dont like it
>First world: Obesity rates skyrocketing.
Pick one.
>Americans in general earn about 10-100 times more than their counterparts do in most of the rest of the world. Why is this? Can we posdibly keep paying an american 100k a year for a job that an eastern european wil do for 2000$ a year or an indian will do for 200$ a year. When will this collapse?
Pole here.
That is already happening, at least for IT. I've got multiple friends in QA and they've tested pretty much every AAA title for the past couple of years. There are also lots of programmers and such that work remotely from their homes. As for other sectors lot's of companies move their production here. Every major company here is owned by someone or something from Western Europe.
>When will this collapse?
When the people from shitty countries are as productive as an American, but for the old low wage
So never
>free healthcare, free education
What about quality? There's a reason there are still private hospitals and schools
>free water/electricity/gas
Lol, no. No such thing.
>free infrastructures
You need to pay if you want to use major highways. Either in toll booths or you buy something like month pass for whole country.
>Free healthcare
>Free Education
The US public school system is regarded as the worst in the 1st world.
>Free water/electricity/gas
>Free Infrastructure
>free water/electricity/gas
literally every single one of those is multiple times expensive over here while earning multiple times less
That's why most Europeans drive 1-2L econobox cuckmobiles. They tax you to death for larger engines and gas is extremely expensive compared to US.
>not going to war for oil
no one to blame but yourselves europacifists
>he has to go to the desert to steal arabs' oil
>can't into renewable energy
lmaoing @ ur ass
>Bring the Arabs home instead of fighting them not in your Homeland
What did he mean by this?
How's that wind powered car working out for you?
I have 5 pajeets facing backwards and blowing.
They cost me 5 cents a day. It works well.
dead serious.
When the US military gets superceded by another country that will be able to throw its weight around.
$100k salary = ~$60k after taxes
A decent 3 bedroom mortgage/rent (suitable for a family) is $12k - $36k / yr depending on where you live. Average is $28k
There is NO reasonable public transportation here if you live outside the largest 5 or 6 cities in the country, which necessitates the purchase/upkeep/registration/insuring of 1 - 2 vehicles. It varies wildly depending on where you live and choices you can make, but the average cost of transportation for americans is $9k + $3k fuel per year.
Average food costs for a family of 4 living on a budget is $10k/year
This leaves $10k a year for everything else.
Discretionary spending accounts for ~7% of the average American's income.
Nobody gets 40% of their income taxed, you unemployed faggot
I get 39.7% of my income taxed, you joblet.
You should come to a deep blue state, where the 40% bracket STARTS way lower than $100k
Nice try fag
Yeah. Id rather have the us not throw its weight around and let the inferior die off or become prostitutes
In my industry, anyone who has the right skills should be earning 100k+. If they can't get that in their own country, they will find a way to America to get those salaries. I work with many permanent residents / green cards.
It's not so much that we are overpaid. Currently the products Americans create are the ones on the market. If you can coordinate a bunch of pajeets and bring a comparable product for cheaper, you can pay them less. Until then, products will be priced to support American salaries.
>big numbers are scary and I'm too retarded to view them in context
GDP to debt ratio is about 1:1. If you can create 100k of value in a year, and you have a home loan for 100k, you worried?
I don't see how another military is going to overtake us anytime soon. Everyone needs to catch up first. Then we'd get into an extended arms race, likely war. Then we'd have to lose and cuck out spending. 2100 maybe? Look at the equipment and spending of other countries.
>decent 3 bedroom
There ya go. You fucked up by having a bunch of dumbass kids you couldn't afford. Now you /need/ a 3 bedroom. Doesn't matter what the fucking average is, if the average are all living above their means.
>transportation for americans is $9k + $3k fuel per year
You fucked up again by buying a house far away from your job. Now you have to commute. Pay for that car instead of walking / biking from a nearby apartment.
>GDP to debt ratio is about 1:1. If you can create 100k of value in a year, and you have a home loan for 100k, you worried?
Then why is the debt still there, why aren't you paying it off?
This couldnt be less true. American houses cost drastically less than Western European houses, for about two to three times the space.
Cheap but I bet it smells fucking awful
I get 72% of my income taxed, that's Europe for you.
>inb4 autist looks up income tax on wikipedia
In my country you get taxed for social contributions before your paycheck even gets to you, and this is all a scam because there's no way public pensions will be a thing 30 years from now. Either mudslimes make the country burn or automation works so well the concept of money ceases to have sense. "Free" healthcare as well as other "free" public services also stop to be free if you earn too much. The bullshit goes all the way to making you pay more for the exact same meal at your company's restaurant.
Amerifats have to pay full price (and then some) for college, health care, etc. that other countries subsidize or provide for free.
Because allowing your cattle more freedome yields a higher return for the shepars you fag
Spend more time on nupol before you migrate here
This lul, 63% of my paycheck goes to this fucking shit. Then I needed the "free healthcare" to pay for my medicine which didnt even cost 1/10th of the money I pay for "free healthcare" per month and it was deemed too expensive and not necessary for my survival so I had to pay for it. This is fucking europe for you.
they're really tiny and skinny
once they die out of exhaustion new pajeets instantly jump on the car to replace them and keep blowing
you know how it is in them hokey countries, they gotta fight to survive
We are a shilling city on a hill and you are degenerated that show naked boobs on network Tv and say things like free sex is cool
Our engineering sucks user...
Fuck you i make 50k and its barely enough to live and i have no wife or kids
- 100k before taxes
- the resources big american companies have allow them to be much more productive than indians or eastern europeans
france and the UK go to every war started by/alongside the US. you should also read a history book sometime, retard
>60k home in Europe.
No. A 300k home in the US would easily be a million euros anywhere halfway decent. (excluding balkan states)
because if the corporations price gouge too much then no one will buy their shit
um... i get like 35%+5% (fed + state) at least..