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>Official News
Weapon recoil overhaul
Patch Y2S3.1 deployed on all platforms on Tuesday, September 19th.
Blood Orchid mid-season reinforcements are coming
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/r6g/ - Rainbow Six General
Stop playing terrorist hunt.
>buy Buck's set because it looks sweet
>start playing Buck again
>get reminded about his high recoil
>at least the weapon skin is okay lolno, it doesn't cover the skeleton key
recoil buff for the C8 fucking never ever
Also the UMP45 Halloween skin looks nice and you can equip it on Castle too
>Blitz with 93r never
Why even live?
I'd be satisfied if his pistol had a reflex like Ela, honestly
Thats actually a good idea
the term is newfags got it?
>Using any other skin than CA for Buck's gun
93r might be saved for Italian ops
wish Glock would let ubi use their pistols
why dont they?
Fack ubijew your regular multi is just as shit with randos
cause ubi is retarded
they have license issues with the company and glock is not going to happen in siege ever unless something changes or they rename the guns to like G18, But they do have the fmg-9 which has glock parts in it.
>glock parts
It's literally a glock in a case
cock in a box operator when?
Does Twitch have any skin where her nails are painted and visible?
Are you asking for a friend?
pretty sure her elite skin does, i wish it didn't though
Yeah, kinda. Also friend asks the same question about Valk
>bring to down to 1v1
>try picking up hostage
>complete pick up, but it doesn't actually pick him up
>can't shoot
>can't vault
>the fucker is OUTSIDE and I can't do ANYTHING
>explecting newbros to know about oldchum terms for newbuddies
I first went to this site early 2014 there is no way anyone here is more new than me.
>it's another match where someone toggles the walls and hides it poorly
Where are people even getting them? I thought battleye fixed this crap last year.
sell me this game
Blitz is a responsible father.
>it's another "all the action is on the objective and ela's on the other side of the map" episode
>retarded teamkillers 3 matches in a row
I want to get off this wild ride
Didn't mean to reply
>play Cav
>leave obj, head to other side of the map and begin patrol routes
>the entire enemy team enters through one window into objective room
It’s my own fault. That said I’ve gotten the best results when I stay somewhat in the middle of the map or a floor above/bellow.
>tfw ace enemy team because your team is too dumb to appreciate your interrogations and can’t utilize the information
>get picked off early after downing two people cus they traveled in a pack of 3
>the other roamed ignores me telling him the other team is reviving and therefore vulnerable
I’m a shitter.
>matched with a team intentionally playing badly
>next match
>matched with a team that's just bad
>matched with a dude who goes 0-0-7
>sorry for doing bad guys just not my games
>he's bronze in a plat match
I love this MM.
I fucking hate ubisoft I keep on point my shield in the right direction but apparently it's not in the right direction or apparently I didn't get my shield up in time and they can shoot right through or it even though they hit my shield while peeking through a door that's a headshot
>decide that i'll stop playing after getting an alpha pack
>it's already 4 am, 50% drop chance and still no drop
What barrel do you guys use on kapkan's smg?
Stop using shields
user, you have to win to roll.
No. I enjoy shields and when they work they work good, it's ubi's fault that they have any issues at all in the first place.
Also I bought the golden blitz skin so I'm stuck with him
I won like 20 times tosay already, dude
what is the purpose of 3 armor operators when headshots are oneshots regardless?
>what is the purpose of 3 armor operators
You have to pick someone after ash and hibana are instalocked
>pull off ace
>shadowplay recording corrupted
is ela still OP after the update?
>not recording with glorious Radeon ReLive(TM)
your own fault fampai
the secret is to use the holo on the c8
if you use an acog you are just asking for trouble
The real secret is to use the other gun and suddenly have more fun ;)
>using dmrs
nice try retard
I use twitches dmr with suppressor for fun
>ela runs out and drop shots
>instantly does a backflip on her way down nulling my placement on her head and headshots me
I have way more fun using the CAMRS, it adds a little bit of challenge and I don't feel like I'm gimping myself
Of course. And she will probably always be.
I like using them on maps where I can sit outside and shoot into the building
Basically I play the DMR operators like glaz
they were a lot of fun on favela
Using DMRs in the ultimate form of gimping user. In this game you have way more chances to just spray with C8 and get a lucky headshot. Put a 1x sight on it if acog is too much recoil for you. And muzzle brrake obviously
The vert recoil of the c8 doesn't seem anywhere near as bad as the horizontal.
ela is the defender's ash, got some meme nerf once and will probably never will catch another and still remain OP.
>first round win a 1v3 clutch
Aww yeah this is going to be a good game
>5th guy leaves and never comes back
Why is this shit allowed? Why is there no penalty for leavers?
Holo and Flash Hider. Tightens up the horizontal, and with the holo, the vertical isn't so hard to deal with.
I still like the FAL with Iron Sights for big memes.
I guess you sold it very well.
Who's the best rainbow six youtuber?
what's the best anti-aliasing setting?
post silly killcams
MSAA removes like 20 fps
>tfw wallbanging someone when opening up a sight line
best feel
I dont understand how this happened, but its nice to see ubisofts track record of buggy patches still follows through
damn I didn't realize it was that crazy
MSAAx8 makes me drop 140 fps
>tilted and playing like shit all day
>keep playing anyway.
Why do I hate myself
>4v5 nearly every game recently
>down to copper league even when I do alright
I don't know what I hate more, Ubisoft for letting this shit happen, me for not being able to beat copper and bronze shitters, or the community for being so shit and just leaving all the time.
Saw that happen to blitz earlier after he flashed.
Also killed a dude because his entire lower torso was sticking outside a wall. One step forward two patches back.
get friends to play with
You need to fight your way out of copper. It's a war of attrition and the only real stopgap rank is probably gold since it's plats on loss streaks and silvers on win streaks.
When I first started playing I placed copper too because everyone just left turning it into a 2v5 every fucking match, but I just ran around playing call of duty until I escaped.
>Kapkan update
>Trap still called the EDD Mk 1
>See peoples head flying back when I shoot
>They turn flick headshot me instead
Some of these I'll chalk up to my aim, but some of them are just retarded when I literally see it happen at close distance
>i am the Ash
>i am the one being killed by Jäger
no it's not
why nerf the recoil
it's totally inconsequential
if the gun shoots fast and it shoots roughly where the dot is it's overpowered
how have they not figured this out yet
dude they couldn't even figure out to make casual have its own mmr for over a year
youre expecting way too much from them
for fucks sakes I came from /pdg/ and /tfg/ I just want someone to not just mash their face into a keyboard when it comes to balancing
I want to play a fun game for once in my fucking life
i mean i have fun with the game even with its issues
ela is annoying but she isn't game breaking
>canine hat
muh knee grow
Never seen so much cancer in one screenshot
Hell yeah, I really want to get blood orchid uniform to match it but I don't wanna spend that much when I still have ops to unlock
Oh shit I didn't even think about that. I might actually have to start playing kapkan more than I do (once every 12 matches or so) I got a kill with him first match after patch though lol
He's incredibly fun this patch, you should give him more of a shot
All though I wanna get the alpine uniform so I can have an excuse to buy the clone helmet for Mute.
>the current state of Ash's hitbox
So when the fuck is the next operator coming out? They've still got 3 to go this season, and not a PEEP about the next one I've seen.
>expecting info on season 4 when the mid reinforcement patch just came out
Chill out
Wait, it's only 3 operators per season? I thought it 6? With season 2 being Operation Health.