Fighting Games General /fgg/
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muh feminine dick
see me
no anime
>press 2 buttons at 20% hp to win instantly
Beerus reveal tomorrow.
Everything about super needs to go and stay go
wud succ
more like playlessblue from the looks of it lmao
>Not Black, Hit, and Roshi
I like beerus as a character as much as the next guy, but gameplay wise I doubt he'd be all that interesting.
Also apparently on tuesday there's going to be yet ANOTHER character reveal in nippon land
Post more best boober.
SF 5 5 V 5
Du and JWong are Asian
Problem X
>Best boober
>Not based bro turned hoe
Sasuga, luvcheez. Terrible taste as usual
Are Akiha's parents proud?
Are yours?
i need you akiha
Hey, it was hard fought. JDCR almost lost a whole match, guy.
im rooting for Goichi to win with Menat
or for Fuudo to finally get his first real win and then Mika becomes champion 2 years in a row which would drive everyone nuts
If only you knew how bad things really are
i would fuck this imouto
I'm not akiha...
>What the fuck why is the better player winning all the time this is bullshit this doesnt happen in my beloved Jive ANYONE CAN WIN
i donĀ“t get this design, he was supposedly to be a man, but there is hardly anything manly on this design.
Why watch a solved game with a nearly completely determined outcome?
the better players do win in jive
there is just more than 3
>bu-but jive
fuck off, that shit didnt happen in SFIV either because it actually had competition
In b4
Mai succs. Not even top 5 boober or best mai.
Get better than him and win the game
worst "girl"
>Le ebin male turned into generic anime slut
He got turned into a girl. There shouldn't be anything manly. Arguably the manliest thing about his design is that he's the most provocatively dressed female.
Knee would wipe the floor with JDCR, he just doesn't travel.
jdcr and saint have had knees number for the past year. qudans and noroma are the only people who have been beating them consistently.
That would be encouragement to play the game, not to watch it.
Yeah about that
Is it crossplay with PS4?
redpill me on how sfv can look this bad compared to tekken 7 when it's literally the same engine
/fgg/ will tell you ''KEKKEN XD'' looks worse, dont even bother with this shithole
can you be nostalgic for a game you never played or watched?
sf ex music makes me feel nostalgic for whatever reason
they have chosen different artstyle
>don't keep up with knee for a few months
>he's losing left and right
I don't want to live in this timeline anymore. Knee's actually fun to watch and not a robot like jdcr
>/fgg/ is one person
post 30 sec of you playing any fighting game, veddit scum
>le artstyle influences graphics meme
WSO confirms Q is a meme character
Falling for such an obvious bait should be punishable.
post cfn
wtf I love WSO now
kekken has 48-second load times with drops and it's not even 1080. There's your answer for tryharding in gwaphix textures
Why are people still making a USF4 tournament in this day and age?
Leave old solved games dead.
>punk getting washed in both marvel and sfv
based fucking Logan
If we left solved games SFV would have died in a week
They're old nobility so I don't think they have a problem with her fucking her brother.
SFV keeps evolving
In the Abigail stream, they said about how people wanted Oro and q and said called Q a meme character.
>solved games
oh yeah? then who's the best character?
That would require a hyperbolic time chamber, Tekken is 90% legacy skill plus 7's arcade run
and sfiv
why do people think punk is a marvel player
yall niggas are real fucking sad, none of you lil boys even play fighters, fucking weak ass lil dodging lil faggots
das rite fuck off
they wanted to cut costs. the actual models and animations in sfv are actually quite good. the lighting is nice as well.
the backgrounds and small details like clipping tend ruin it but they are doing better with characters and stages released after s1. sfv can and does look really good..most of the time.
I'll play you any day bitch ass nigga. post your CFN
>gender bender character
I have no fucking idea what game she's from, but color me interested. Gimme source.
can't solve a random number generator
zangief against someone playing the unsolved game
akuma otherwise
see me in melee
>sfiv trounament in 2017
>no edition select
it's garbage
I love to sniff Cammy's costumes, but she seems so boring. Why does Capcom do this to me?
tekken is much uglier I dont know why you tekken niggers are so retarded and blind.
someone call broski
i dont play shit games
i dont play weebs
Damn... this is true if you think about it
Your very premise that SF5 is the worse looking game seems to be wrong, so there you have your redpill.
Mai in BBCF.
(S)he's very unga, and quite good. You put in work with her and you will get results.
Jive waifus are the best.
hilarious how they could artificially extend the roster by letting you play as these characters like how guardian heroes lets you do battle mode with villagers and enemies
Wish I was in a lesbian threesome with Cammy and Menat.
Not like I needed confirmation about that.
>gorilla hands and feet
this desu
friendly reminder that ST had more entrants than gooby lmaoooooooooooooo
imagine them on your dick
wtf i love bing bong YUUUUOHHHHUUUH now
When BBX and DBFZ make it to EVO 2018 line up as the anime community representations while Goobers get left behind, it will be some huge feast on tears right there.
they really need to do a mode that allows you to play as the Dolls, shadaloo soldiers and even the kanzuki ninjas
What is this that makes Poison a beloved and popular character but her clone completely forgotten?
what is menat's best hole?
wtf I hate goobers now