>Heroes FAQ and Links
>SoV Links
>Links and Resources
>Heroes FAQ and Links
>SoV Links
>Links and Resources
Other urls found in this thread:
As I understand, it's gonna be like FEH.
look what the cat dragged in
You're going to spill your load of hot, sticky orbs all into Nono tomorrow, aren't you user?
her map is NEVER EVER returning
Daughteru in Heroes when. Put her in the Christmas banner
>"Oy vey, I'm a wandering merchant. Will you let me sleep in your house tonight? I'll make it worth your while~"
What do?
Just spent them all, got an Ayra for my troubles.
Reminder tonight is a bait banner don't be baited.
I want Nowi amd Sakura
>SoV Links
Fixed the broken link because OP is a shitposter.
>OP links vandalized
So it's gonna be like this, huh.
no because im not going to get her
not enough money for orbs and there's many other priorities such as my pet's health
Who else can't wait to blow their load for Nowi?
only so I can feign sleep and behead her once she tries to steal my money
Huh. Well that was unexpected.
Reminder for everyone to roll for Henry, Sakura and Nowi tonight
Can't wait for morgan with blue hair
Why is Dancer Inigo apparently so good? He's the only dancer I got off the banner, and it looks like every set for him requires Gronnblade+, but I don't want to sacrifice any 5* units in Skill inheritance.
non vandalized thread
Ask her specifically what she means. Failure to do so gives her the power to do nothing at all or something silly.
Imagine being this autistic
No one plays Echoes anymore, who fucking cares?
You doing anything for Halloween Raul?
I wouldn't say an 8, but rather 7.
Kill yourself Drill
fuck off, you're fucking worse than the people you hate
delete this
look at my gamespot review for the billionth time
i swear it was bad
Fuck off spic.
Morgan best daughter!
Also, Daily Cloud!
fuck off drill stop shitposting every single thread
Rank the 3DS games
>You can choose one limited-time thing (banner, maps, whatever) to return and stay permanently
>It can't be Hero Fest or CYL
You did choose to bring back the Camilla map back, right user?
Nice thread guys
SoV>Fates:C>Awakening>>>>>>>rest of Fates
>Reddit units game
So the next FE is going to be based on Tellius and Jugdral?
Echoes > Awakening > Fates
Well yeah, that was the only good thing to come out of Warriors.
Now what?
why did she change her hair?
Echoes > Fates > Awakening
Awakening > Conquest = Echoes > Revelations = Birthright
Awakening summer banner so that I can +10 my shirtless husband.
If I can hold back from blowing them all into Olivia at the last minute, then they're getting pumped into Nowi instead.
>luck hates team arena faggot
Where's my Thracian sauce?
Does Camus want Luna or Bonfire?
Remove marriage, patting, and 'dating' from awakening/fates, and they suddenly become some of the worst games ever
Like, seriously, when I tried to play fates I noticed how everyone had the same fucking face, just different hairstyle, neptunia levels of laziness, which makes me wonder if the weak brain is attracted to such simplicity just like monotonous sounds
Conquest > Echoes > Fates > Awakening
Anyone here use Valbar's GF? I have a +def -spd one sitting on my box and I'm planning on making him a BLyn counter with Bowbreaker.
Conquest>Birthrout=Echoes (gameplayfag, sorry)>Awakening>Revelation
I'm pickle Hisame
Treehouse turned me into a pickle
Seems they got someone who doesn't hate Japanese games to review it for once
>the same fucking face
Something that has haunted the FE franchise since the beginning of times.
Bully Jamke
>conquest top
Pick only one.
>reddit cute
Cloud is a traitor!
>le "conquest has shit gameplay xD" opinion
>old ones were better meme again
franchise was dead until they added* that stuff
*improved in what was in older games
I'd like him way more if he wasn't an armor or was wearing armor. The way he is now triggers my autism too much.
I hope your pet gets better user.
Nice, it's a butthurt redditor too.
It has a fast charge
>she brings up an old hag last minute
Never fall for the jew. Only a thot could have been worse!
What are the best IVs for Male Robin?
While it is your opinion, you might want to back that up what makes echoes, awakening, revelation and birthright better in terms of gameplay.
Mikoto better be a free Tempest reward
Can't wait to get proven right when she shows up with black hair
I have a tradition of watching a few horror movies and black metal documentaries on halloween
>/feg/ pussy
>fae best banner armor roll
>sonya fag
>bad spd red
>actual jakob failure
>fe4 gay
>sex lol
>arvis sure, nowi better
>bait banners literally
>celica limited instead henry, different wife
>luck hates team arena faggot
>taste tobin
>miss saying raul
Holy fuck this cloud is a goldmine
So does anyone know how to unlock voice galleries? Searches on google have only brought up a few GameFAQs threads with inconclusive results.
Conquest >>>>>> Birthright >> Awakening/Revelation/Echoes
Well yeah but doesn't 31 Def, 37 with Fortify Cav make Bonfire the better option?
Conquest > Awakening > Echoes > Birthright > Revelation
>Only time I ever went into colorless hell was for Brave Lyn
>Got two within 60 orbs
>Want to go after Jakob but know that I'm going to get royally fucked by RNG
I'm also scared there will be a halloween part 2 banner.
Having certain amount of support conversations I think.
I like how you didn't make a fuss about Birthright being over Echoes but complained about Conquest being in the first place. Simply amazing, user.
real thread
It's literally just Redditors and /v/edditors (same thing, really) who worship Echoes because Ghast told them to.
So who actually hasn't fapped all weekend in anticipation for Nowi?
Cleaning out my barracks to make room for [spoilers] all the stahls and severas I'll get instead of [/spoilers] Nowi. What should I do with my spare bride lyn?
How many? Rowan has almost 30 in my game but he hasn't unlocked it yet.
You did get her, right user?
>your pet
Just eat it la'
I am sexually attracted to Reinhardt
send home
tell IS you don't want their new lightning
So Nowi is a slow flier who is better than Arvis, Jakob is a failure, and Celica fags got BTFO by Henry taking her place on the banner
Seems about right.
out of all my days on vg this thread is the most confusing
do you all literally just play heroes and post about girls?
It's just a guess, but I'd say it has to do something with Lyn's support conversations.
But don't take my words on it, I'm not too sure yet.
>raul just keeps getting blown the fuck out