Fighting Games General /fgg/
Get ready for Ed buffs in AE, better start learning that matchup
fuck u capcucks
daigo is so washed up holy shit
Literally made for impregnating.
A shit
>try to find out if SFV is worth buying
>only stuff I can find are capcops who say the game has no flaws, or people who say the game is terrible and everything is wrong with it
any good games on steam sale?
Let me tell y'all niggas a little motherfuckin' story real quick. Once upon a time, there was this group of DUSTY ASS motherfuckers create a little group for themselves. They call themselves /fgg/. The motherfuckers made a motherfucking general: Fighting Games General. You know... that ugly ass nigga Broski with his bitch ass -I should fuck that nigga up when I see him. Dandruff ass hair. Redblade: that nigga ugly as FUCK, big ass nose. Chariot gay ass, puttin' his dick on other niggas nipples and shit, whatnot. Cheez big ass, big ass nigga with some small ass neurons, blob. Altaccz crusty ass. My nigga Doug UGLY AS. FUCK. Let's have a moment of silence for that nigga real quick -FUCK SILENCE, fuck that. My nigga Ghodere, dirty fatass, that nigga boxers STANK. My nigga Brick. Fuck... fuck Brick, nigga, fuck him. Wavy: ooooh young BITCH ass, I should, I, fuck, I hate all these niggas. And you know, that little short gay light-skinned nigga Zeta and that fatass nigga hws. Let me just BRAAAAP
Post your main and your color
Let's see your taste
ur slippin kiddo
it's not worth buying right now because Arcade Edition is coming out early next year
Play Weiss
play Cummy
I thought owners of SFV get the Arcade edition for free? Also what's going to make it worth buying with the AE?
I'm really enjoying zeku at my gold shitter level, bruhs. Just letting you know.
I do!
Can someone help me optimize this reset combo?
Give me tips, I'm learning old form before i start weaving in young form into my playstyle.
no, she's boring
>teemo automatically wins a stone even if he gets 4th place
called it lmao, I figured wong and fchamp would get top 4 at least
I played her until I got sick of V, and I've played her in most SF games.
But she's too boring and V made it even worse, I can't stand playing her anymore, rip.
you get all the characters for $40 instead of having to buy the base game + s1 + s2.
it's not worth buying even for $40. If it goes on a netcode beta try it there, the game is dogshit and you will be disappointed. There's no point in buying the game now, most locals are dead anyway from it.
>full crowd getting loud and hype during mvci
uuummmmmm lol?
I thought mvci was dead and unhype?
my mans no one is going to get hit by that bushin flip
black people are loud like that
you tell me
hey kappa. post your reddit account for epic upvotes
you get season 1 and 2 characters plus a bunch of costumes if you buy the Arcade Edition, old owners only get everything else (balance changes, new game modes, second v-triggers, etc.) so it's not worth it to buy it now
where are the GG and BB tournaments then? Why don't they get even close to the same number of views?
Probably not, but stranger things work.
I think it'd be better if you walked just enough distance for the overhead instead of dashing. Does it reach at max distance? Just in case they block and you get your negative ass handled..
FGC hates anime games
JWong or FChamp?
arc revo was a week ago
And nobody watched it or cared.
lmao thats about as likely to work as the fucking void mixup
It's quite surprising, you can hear that shit from the SF5 stream.
this nukige was pretty good
explain this arccucks
this. SFV isn't a perfect game but its hate stems from a bunch of mongoloids who play actual kusoge who are eternally super butthurt nobody wants to play their little pet kusoge they have spent 1000 hours on but is actually a steaming pile of dogshit
LMAO i love life
Toushinsai is a fucking FT1 joke. It's about prestige and having fun, something that the FGC and /fgg/ can't comprehend
I did for 500 hours. Now it's time for best mommy Chun.
Lord, that's some anatomy
lmfao so that's how it's going to work? Soul stone is already good and this is hilarious because he can let a fraud like alioune get in for free wins instead of someone good like teemo
ummmmmmmmmmmmm dabk? Explain this? This is your people, what's going on?
team tournaments look so fun
Damn, the mind stone is pretty cool.
what does blazblue have to do with fighting games
isn't that a dating sim???
>le redneck bike beats super nova
Sony should bundle SFV:AE with PS4s
>Champ and Justin devolved into REALITY STONErs.
Not playing any fgs right now, but when I'm a full fledged rwoober I'll come shitpost with you guys
>Pick your opponent's team + stone
This stone is literally a free win
Considering how poorly MvCi sold and how small the player base is, was Capcom really wrong keeping the budget tight?
The Marvel games have never been popular outside the US and fighting games are already a niche market.
i don't have a reddit account
I'm an airdasher player who is looking to try out SFV, how easy/hard will it be to get into? I figured it would probably be easy since SF combos are really short compared to anime combos, and I have confidence in my neutral game
Also, who would you recommend to start with? Is there anyone that an anime player would feel more at home with?
Who could possibly think that is a good idea? Is it multi use?
>Mind Stone is complete shit in game
>So they make it the best stone outside of game
Just like the Power Stone lmao
I love how they aren't taking this competition hyper seriously. Trying to make it a CPT 2.0 would've been lame as fuck.
Maybe the game sold poorly because the budget was tight and the game doesn't look anywhere near as good as it plays. It's a logical fallacy to use poor sales to justify low budget/effort.
>make them pick ryu+frankwest+mind stone
Lel, stay with air-dashers, you can't comprehend the depth of SF
Dont post my wife...
>implying Arthur is a bottom tier character
>Giving the Mind Stone to one of the only characters who really benefits from it with frequent installs
>Chooses 2 good characters and a stone good for them
you ment Chris/Frank/Time
daigo is my favourite smash player
Which Stone does Richard Nguyen have now and what does it so?
since he posted linne I'm pretty sure his brain is adequate
Dudes, if Lord Meio has arrieved to earth in 2047 and it is supposed that SF and Strider share the same universe
Why any SF character came to help Hiryu?
I mean Third Strike took place in the early 2000's, is not that far apart from Third Strike's lore
>DBFZ characters are so shallow that their 30 second trailers have literally 8 seconds of gameplay
Can someone link a trainer for SF5 so I can get some FM from survival please. I would appreciate it so much.
>grand finals of the league
>forces opponent to pick Ryu/Chris Mind Stone
Did they think this through
>abigail delivers the tournament winning throw
will this put him on the radar
>use the mind stone outside of the game to force the opponent to use mind stone in-game
I'm sure the poor visuals didn't help but ugly games sell, look at PUBG. It looks like ass and sold better than anything else in the past few years.
all 3 chris mains just got an erection
>frank west
>chris redfield
Soul. Let's him invalidate a loss.
maybe you should head back over to reddit to give some people more of your precious upboats and so you can fellate sf
>opponent uses Soul Stone
you have to use the stones before your set starts i think