When will she ever learn edition
When will she ever learn edition
>tfw no qt petite gf
xth for my wife Syndra
I wanna cuddle Jinx and get new skins soon
>You'll never lick her armpits.
>ywn make Jinx ahegao
give me my patch notes /lolg/
where did you hide them?
What on earth is wrong with you people?
I'm new and I'm gonna try Rammus because I got a shard of a skin of his. What am I in for?
hi every1 im new!!!!!!! holds up paintbrush my name is Elliot but u can call me t3h V1rtu0so!!!!!!!! lol…as u can see im very artistic!!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet autistic ppl like me _… im 13 years old (im mature 4 my age tho!! get it 4 haha) i like 2 play Jhin w/ my boyfreind (im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite champion!!! bcuz he's SOOOO artistic!!!! he's artistic 2 of course but i want 2 meet more artistic ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol…neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here so give me lots of (You's)!!!!
xth for my gf(male) Swift!
Xth for playing beach volleyball with Caitlyn while Vi glares in jealousy
Neat juxtaposition actually
Many things but I'm trying to numb the pain of life
why is bullying poppy a new meme? the fuck did she do to any of you
>Its a Janna escape the enemy team with 1 hp episode
According to /lolg/ nothing is gayer than having lots of female adorers who you have rough kinky sex with on an almost daily basis while being an absolute god in the bedroom to the extent of women risking their lives to get laid with you.
If you cast a spell to break banshee as annie does it eat your passive stun?
>its a your support doesnt support the adc, the adc gets killed and you lose the game episode
>According to /lolg/
Don't base anything off here
>im a rebel
>killing stuff is so much fun haha i hate everything
>stop calling me edgy silly boys XD
>omg shoes
>rawr >:3
*takes 4 mental steps away*
*presses some buttons*
*collects quadra kill*
what did riot mean by this?
Best guy!
Jinx buffs when?
I've seen this post before.
Relentless Sexual Aggression Tier: Evelynn, Ahri, Vi, Nidalee, Leona Illaoi,Magma,Fire,Kayle
Teasing and Control Freak Tier: LeBlanc,
Definitely Dominant But Not Quite As Sexual Tier: Elise, Shyvana, Sejuani, Zyra
High Tier: Cassiopeia, Karma, Katarina, Vayne, Diana, Fiora,Miss Fortune
Mid Tier: Jinx, Caitlyn, Riven,Quinn, Sivir Air
Low Tier: Lux (some Elementalist forms are much higher), Ashe,Water,Nature,Akali
Submissive: Sona Soraka Janna
Have they gotten rid of the rune system yet? Been waiting for ages.
i agree
>enemy kha'zix has 3 items at 15 minutes
Not gonna lie to ya, that sounds pretty gay to me
I'm no hammer, just a yordle with a hero.
Next week
>ywn gank botlane and have lulu offer her purity for the life of kogmaw
why live
Agreed entirely
*builds Frozen Mallet*
i demand a rioter opinion
tomoka happend
fuck poppy and fuck popy posters
Hey, /asp/ TNAfag here, I heard there's someone named Riot who was needing tips for how to tape a tournament with no attendance to make it look like there's an audience?
is support Poppy a thing
just picked it
Quick! Claim your waifu before someone else does!
>being a fuccboi
>not gay
Thank fuck for that.
Why are /lolg/'s OPs so bad?
Mata and Hai think so.
So no
>ywn gank botlane and steal kog'maw away from lulu which'll make her sad and lonely again.
>lose 3rd ranked in a row
>come here and see someone posted my drawing
ok i feel a little better now
that face ruins it entirely
I've already claimed here eternally, others can try to claim here but I already won. Even if I was late to these types of post I've won and claimed here. My mere presence alone is proof of her claim. She is my wife.
>this still is not my life
cuttest freljord
>Enemy writes ez
>Report him
>Next day get a notification that he's been banned
Is there any better feeling? Like really I don't know anything better than this.
Swift claimed!
is riot really banning for ez?
i claim lulose
And Dark Lux is the best femdom waifu
No, this isn't overwatch
Of course they are. It's like telling someone that he sucks and should quit playing the game. If you'd say something like this to a football player after a game he'd punch you in the face.
>tfw so many waifus that aren't even barefoot
>break desk in frustration because i get feeder who always blame you for their death
>jg invades lvl 2 and dies
>its your fault mid for not following
>mid roams bot but you pinged the moment he left and you have a control ward on the river bush, and your an immobile midlane
>your fault your team shoved lane and died bot learn to roam
>roam toplane to pinch the over extended garen
>both top and jg are running at him but back off the seconed i get in range to flank
>die because garen is 7/0 and im only 2/0/3
>its my fault i went in despite they both massively pinged assist me when i was farming
And another 100lp dropped 2 days in a row, im done with ranked until new season starts jesus christ im fine with g2 for my first league season but fucking hell. I have a friend whos plat 3 and he sucks ass at this game. Literally has 0 map awareness and couldnt make a correct call if he had a LCS coach telling him what to say
xth for Cute Ashe
What are you gogin to have for dinnner /lolg/ ?
sorry for your games
Can you make an Ashe one ?, not the same but a cute one
Lendo, no...
>If you'd say something like this to a football player after a game he'd punch you in the face.
No he wouldn't you autistic goon
You have never played football in your life
>win a game where the enemy team ffed at 20 minutes
>we were doing well and were ahead, but it definitely seemed like the enemy team were able to still make plays and scale
>check replay
>enemy support and top laner rage spamming missing ping at each nearly all game
kek these autists couldn't tolerate being 20 minutes together and ffed a winnable game
>Real, existing, living, breathing women are into him
>Women as imagined by a 4channer and Niels are into him, but not anyone else really
Is Tristana a good adc?
hell no
hell yes
No but she's an amazing burst mage.
>Real, existing, living, breathing women are into him
[citation needed]
>You have never played football in your life
No. But I played Basketball and would punch someone straight in the face for being that cocky and disrespectful.
>responding to vladfag bait
just. fucking. stop.
>Women as imagined by a 4channer and Niels are into him, but not anyone else really
>but not anyone else really
you saying it doesn't make it true
>Real, existing, living, breathing women are into him
Women being into him doesn't make him straight
That's not how this works you autist
>mfw draven mains
She lost on every semi-final match in worlds
>break desk
stopped reading here, get your autism under control fuckboy
>People still respond to vladfag even though she just literally reposts the exact same thing every time with the obvious intention of derailing
At this point I'm not sure who deserves to be banned more
Who is this unreasonably lewd character I keep seeing?
That makes sense. I just played her in a few games because I was sick of having no good escapes in shitter-tier soloqueue. Worked pretty well but I could tell it wasn't meta because people were moaning.
>played placements
>plat 2 last season
>go 6-4 in solo, 6-4 in flex still spamming fiddlesticks like i've always done, not even bothering to alternate with amumu now and then
>landed in gold 1 solo queue, gold 4 flex queue
>zero ambition to make the inevitable climb to a platinum border
oh well. it was a good showing, r-right?
that's not even jinx reeee
She talks about Lego Legends and her husbando. If we're gonna start lynching waifufags, we should really start with Lulufags and anime posters.