nth for hot q cc trannies
nth for someone else's cute pups
Also hoga
If i see any bondlets here, I'm going to get really mad!
heres the real new thread with no tranny posting
daily reminder that slayer is the redditors skill
>genociding creatures is what reddit loves
t. bondie slayeredditor questlet runecraftlet
pic related (its you)
What should I be doing at 65ish on my combat stats? Sand Crabs? DMZ? I heard something about the Monkey Guards too
if you're not maxed by now just kys
Definitely DMZ, great place to train.
new thread 20 below bump limit, not even on page 10. Why?
>this is why you faggots play as a girl
It makes me sick to the core.
thats old, sayob needs fresh cum
>why are people who say "rs07g" shitposting
truly a difficult question
Post yourself spooning with an actual /osg/ user :#
look up the stats, just a really weird account.
Did you find him in a cc?
How did you meet up?
Which one are you
Google Images - "cuddling"
Reverse google search does nothing and it looks like someone took the picture it's blurry
I want to meet osg anons :(
Meetup when?
im embarrassed to even come here, this is a fucking mess
It makes me sad just thinking about how great this general once was.
>someone talks to me
>tells me to add them to friends
>yeah okay haha
>ignore them as soon as they log out
>change my name
When was that?
I've been here since the start
It's always been tranny posting and namefagging
b a s e d kissa-ukko or sauna
every thread until you like it
why are 4ners so fucking weird
käyn osg ssä
en asioi transujen kanssa
Why is xp per rune crafted so fucking low? Is it time that runecrafting is polled?
what happened to ece emery cool videos
Its time for a runecrafting minigame
vittu kuka oot, enkö oo puhunu sun kaa joskus discordis
kävin joskus mumblessa
en oo käyny discordissa
käyn vaan osgssä
puhun aika paljon
saan vihaa
There's ZMI which makes it much more bearable, then there's no reason to complain doing Zeahspan.
leave this thread u disgusting turkish roaches
Miksi täällä on niin monta suomalaista
Taking bets on how soon I go back to my main
Mä taijan tietää kuka sä oot
Ootko kypärä
twitch tv/tallgirl101
Is she /our girl/
i was a bondie before, now play on my cumhelm
Thinking about making an ironman
Regular account is boring
I am afraid I will get hate from osg though.
osg is a really hateful place for no particular reason, do what you think is fun and what will make you more proud of your achievements
janny really deleted all the finnish posts
I guess you could say they're Finnished.
basic, not cam whoring
good taste
i get the feeling she is probably a freak in the sheets
probably likes being spanked etc.
they keep coming further north
lmao i killed that guy once and he called me a nigger
the jewish gathering did not occur like it usually does at ge today. who else got vobia on ignore list
>im just on here to chat lol
what's wrong with based Vobia?
turbo roastie, only makes annoying comments in roggy cc, and those comments only defend roasties
>everything spag says ever
the afk logout timer needs to be extended
this gargoyle boss sucks...