Why was he so fucking edgy?
Why was he so fucking edgy?
Being sad does that to you
>Why was he so fucking edgy?
With me it is otherwise. There is violence everywhere, in almost each and every paragraph I write. I can say with Wittgenstein that "I destroy, I destroy, I destroy". There is so much sickness and decay on this planet that I cannot in all good conscience do otherwise: after all, the almost complete annihilation of the so-called "human race" is my task; theoretically at first, and once the theory is done moving on to the practical stage.
It was an effective way of getting his point across. Would you have preferred he deliver his point in honeyed terms that don't hurt your feelings?
Because nobody ever liked or loved him and that made him lonely and bitter.
cause hooker gave him syphilis
I hate this word. I hate this word so much. It basically encapsulates the totally caustic 21st attitude of "lol caring is for losers" yet somehow still manages to be totally meaningless.
Why is he always right?
He should try my mom's Christmas dinner.
>Why is he always right?
A healthy intuition. It led him out of the most unhealthy of dispositions, pessimism.
He read Stirner in his youth and it made him lose his fucking mind. He's still based though.
he's not, really, if you read him properly.
The most important thing for you to do is to read him IN GERMAN. There are so many terrible translations that make his prose seem "edgy", "autistic", and "nothin personnel, God", but that's poor translation. And yes, Kaufmann is utter trash.
really makes you think..
I wouldn't be so hard on the translations. There are indeed bad translations but even a decent one is enough to give you a knowledge his philosophy. And if you really like what you see then maybe it's time to learn German and read it like it was intended. Otherwise the English would suffice.
He was actually pretty conservative. Intensely disliked classical liberalism and socialism, preferred aristocracy to democracy, was pretty bummed about the Death of God.
he gets paid to be
I honestly would avoid first world women with current laws, but this is a little /r9k/ tier. Women usually try to be heartwarming with food, if they actually cook.
>aristocracy to democracy
Aristocracy in the sense that Nietzsche used it doesn't mean monarchism and he was by no means conservative.
He misunderstood Stirner, and thought that you must reject sentimentality.
>was pretty bummed about the Death of God
What you on about fella? He loathed Christianity and the slave morality it entailed.
> and thought that you must reject sentimentality.
That is the absolute opposite of what Nietzsche thought.
He didn't think the death of god was a good thing. His writing on it was mournful as it signified a void in western civilization.
However in that void there was also opportunity, a chance for the ubermensch to enter into the world. To create something better than what came before.
I remember someone quoting him where he said sentiment is the virture of prostitutes or something like that
he was pretty spooked in all honesty
Edginess is just a complete lack of self-awareness and self-criticism (basically stuff babies do), it doesn't have fuck to do with caring
This is what I mean when I say it's meaningless. It's just adapted by people to fit whatever they want to criticize without any consistency.
Nietzsche was a very sentimental man.
>Nietzsche was a very sentimental man.
Maybe I misunderstand then. But his stuff doesn't seem to be very bombastic and in favour of some kind of warrior ethos, which is what led me to believe he misunderstood stirner.
Make no mistake, it absolutely is. But the aristocratic warrior-poet spirit Nietzsche wants to cultivate is itself a kind of sentimentality.
>But the aristocratic warrior-poet spirit Nietzsche wants to cultivate is itself a kind of sentimentality.
You're right about that. Still it seems kind of wanky to me, there's one thing to idolise and love the intellectual-warrior image, it's another to lay it as the foundation of your philosophy.
I'd disagree that it's the foundation of his philosophy. If anything atheism and the will to power is the foundation of his philosophy. He just concludes that from his premises an ubermensch is the best way to be.
He was conservative in the sense that he loathed the modern world, especially democracy, and admired the aristocratic societies of ancient Greece and Rome.
He did. But so did the liberals of his time who absolutely worshipped the classics.
Trying to apply politics to Nietzsche is always just very bad practise.
war, dare I say it never will change.
but it will make you into a god.
>the liberals of his time who absolutely worshipped the classics
Hardly. Nietzsche's liberal contemporaries (like Mill) were men of the Enlightenment who sought to replace classical learning with scientific methodologies.
I really shouldn't have to state the obvious.
The enlightenment also worshipped the classics. Especially in regard to politics.
fuck the german language though
But Nietzsche was extremely self-aware. He was pretty thoroughly aware that his works were ultimately nothing and hated the fact he was a philosopher.
At its roots, edgy means something similar to avant-garde; as in you're pushing boundaries in a way that makes people uncomfortable. It's use as an insult comes from the tendency among certain people to attempt being edgy and more coming off as annoying and trying hard (I'd call it teenager syndrome). So when someone calls something edgy it would be better termed "trying to be edgy." That said, I agree with you, its usage has made it a meaningless term that largely boils down to "they're critical of stuff I like."
It's worth noting that by Nietzsche's own admission, he was a very different man than his writing would lead you to believe. He was mostly known for being quiet and polite.
Because he literally went insane during the end of his life 2 years after his most popular novel was published
This. The man is not edgy. He just seems that way because a bunch of wannabe edgy fucks go around spewing the "what does not kill me makes me stronger" tripe without any context.
Enlightenment thinkers, yes. Nineteenth-century liberals....not so much.
>Nietzsche was a very sentimental man.
I hope your proof isn't that picture with the horse, because that whole horse thing is a myth.
This. The man was fucking (and literally) crazy