What causes people to act against their own self-interest?
What causes people to act against their own self-interest?
The desire to act in the interest of something bigger than them.
Haven't you been paying attention?
I'm orgasming over the filibusters trump will have to face.
How white will his hair be when he's done with this?
Did you ever consider that the need of the many may, in fact, be in the self-interest of the few?
>existing after 2013
I don't think you can. If of your own will you're sacrificing something for someone else you're only doing so to the end that it satisfies you to do so.
Stockholm syndrome, every uncle tom has it
Trump will just send Pence in with some Trumpstaffel thugs and beat the shit out of any senator who filibusters.
Nonsense, humans are selfish creatures and this has been demonstrated time and time again
I am glad to see that you completely failed to grasp the point.
>What causes people to act against their own self-interest?
You know what.
>implying the senate can't be tied up with Supreme Court choices.
Being nice has gotten the left nowhere. We will, and should make the Orange turnip pay.
Lol, as if. He barely won the election.
Most of his voters will die in 4 years anyway.
Differing definitions of what is in their own best interest.
People have been contentedly submitting to power against their own interests since the development of agriculture.
imo it's a maladaptive feature of human social empathy. Kind of like when you see a dog humping a pillow. The proper instinct is there but the target is all messed up.
Humans are taught that the world they were raised in with all its shit is normal and the best you can expect, so they adapt. They perceive authorities like kings to be part of their in group and thus feel compelled to make sacrifices for his well being. This is normal. If it wasn't parents would all abandon their children since it's way more work than it is benefit from a rationally selfish point of view. But instinct compels us to tolerate work inequality for the betterment of our tribe. This instinct can be exploited by the cunning and dishonest.
White self-interests inevitably benefit the minority populations in their country.
I like to think it's a talent of mine
Was the point that by acting in the interest of many, which is in the interest of the individual, he is being selfish?
I hope these traitors are happy being bootlickers for their white slavemasters. Being a PoC and voting for the orange fascist clown is one of the stupidest things you can do.
>He barely won the election
>306 - 232
your butthurt is incredible, you're probably one of the dumbasses who thought the election would be a landslide for hillary
>Muh ooman naycher
Both candidates were white you stupid black fuck.
Simmer down user, we're all friends here
>using black as an insult.
You wonder why you're called racist /pol/
This is rare a case where saying "stupid black fuck" is more obviously racist than "stupid nigger"
You think that word means a thing to us, fuck off black shit your kind is the most racist vile garbage on earth.
I mean look at you rather than look for rational reasons as to why blacks would vote for Trump like a typical racist pile of shit nigger you go HURR WHITE PEOPLE EVIL DURR.
You worded it awkwardly so I will try to clarify. The world is not always a zero-sum game and while many situations are win-lose, many more are potentially win-win situations where mutual cooperation would be the better action and the needs of the many is in the self-interest of the individual. Where humans fail in this regards is that they can't see the forest for the trees or the trees for the forest and often fuck it up to the point where the situation becomes lose-lose because they go against their actual self-interest by attempting to act "selfishly". Essentially, real-life becomes a prisoner's dilemma because everyone presupposes that their selfish need is their self-interest.
Contrary to popular belief, humans are not and never will be rational actors. The needs of the many can be, but is not always, the self-interest of an individual rather than the needs of the few.
Woah woah woah there, we're getting off track
uncle toms don't even realize that they will be the first ones on the chopping block, basically useful idiots for white supremacists
I didn't say shit to you, the person you were arguing with was someone else.
I'm glad to know that you hate everyone based on the color of their skin though, /pol/ would love to have you back.
Btw my girlfriend is white so I can't hate white people
Sure are a lot of Hillary voters in this thread. I thought Veeky Forums being a lefty hugbox was just a meme but I guess it wasn't...
I cant stand you niggers, you are the most evil people on earth yet act like you give a single fuck about human life this level of hypocracy is truely revolting to the soul.
> the "I have black friends" argument, but in reverse
Top kek
My bad then
weird guy up in your own cloud of thought lol
lol you guys are in a dif world
We really don't.
What do you expect blacks are mindless tribalistic animals they believe anything that gives them an US VS THEM outlook of reality fucking crazy apes.
Protip, Trump doesn't give a shit about racial/ethnic issues. He's just here to go easy with taxes on big businesses and pretend like he knows something about politics.
1. Ignorance: Chance is the best strategy and produces erratic results.
Global Solution: Mass education and effective, honest, news media to maximize access to dependably correct information.
2. Deception: You trust me when I tell you, 'We have two doors to choose from. Whatever is behind the door we chose becomes the sole property of the chooser and cannot be shared. Choose Door 2 and get rich. Choose Door 1 and get nothing.'
I'm lying. The reverse is true and I stand to benefit more from the net loss of your friendship and the gain of wealth behind Door 1.
Global Solution: See 1, and a swift functional justice system governed by the rule of law applied equally to all.
3.Psychosis: Structural errors in the decision maker may lead to sub-optimal results.
Global Solution: A robust general healthcare provision for all preventative care and psychological evaluation.
4.Threat: A sub-species of 2. The life or well-being of oneself or their loved ones can be valued at a trans-finite value that makes conventional evaluation of finite rewards and goods functionally impossible.
Global Solution: See 2 and 3.
If anything it looks like he rode a wave of outsider support to fast track himself into being an insider. What he says appeals to the little people. But his policy proposals and staff seem mostly in line with the party line.
You're just mad because he's acting against YOUR interest, which is of course to live in a world where beta cucks like you momentarily postpone their evolutionary extinction by through parasitic systems of wealth redistribution.
He's actually an accelerationalist.
Glad you got the irony.
>he unironically supports Trump.
You can always go on a black hate thread on /pol/ mate.
Yeah, but clueless racism is just as bad potentially. Unless he tries bringing back stop and frisk(which he'd go to jail for) I doubt the left will be galvanized enough to pose a United front to him.
But I voted Trump specifically because he was awful. Hillary was bad, but would have been more of the same. I want to bring the system crashing down.
Fuck off, Samson.
How exactly is a black person voting for Trump acting against his own self-interest? Do black people not want a great America is that what you are insinuating?
He's actually acting in his own self interests. Anyone that thinks Trump has ideas beyond those he sees in a mirror is a fool
woah man u smart !
What an incredible argument.
Ya did good America.
You and the UK has shown some signs that the white man isn't gonna disappear from this world without a fight.
If the door of history shall decide to close upon us, we will slam it so hard that the entire world will stand before us in stupefaction.
Woman and resources.
very simple.
Trump is going to be the brexit that puts the final nail in the Racist coffin.
Fuck the banks Trump 2020
Stockholm syndrome
>he thinks trump will be elected in 2020.
>What causes people to act against their own self-interest?
When this fat blob out of all people in this terrible world says that he is gonna vote for Trump:
I sexually identify as an attack helicopter
We will slam it so hard that the whole of civilization collapses*
It's a paraphrase of a Goebbel's quote.
>If the day should ever come when we must go, if some day we are compelled to leave the scene of history, we will slam the door so hard that the universe will shake and mankind will stand back in stupefaction.
The corporation hates trump, The media hates trump.
But on November 8th We set election records for turnouts.
So hell Yes, Trump 2020
This didn't happen 25 years ago
What causes people to not vote libertarian?
Trump is/was and is the 3rd party candidate.
>What causes people to not vote libertarian?
an IQ higher than 50
IQ of deplorables?
72% of America is White, they got called racist, deplorable............
>hating trump means you voted for Hillary
>election records
This election had low turnout. Watch 2020, when the boomers die.
>using more periods than necessary
Triggers me more than anything else
>What causes people to not vote libertarian?
Gary Johnson managed to steal enough votes away from Clinton to give Trump PA.
She should have never touched what she touched.
>things will change significantly
lol meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
The closest state he needed to win to get 270 was 1.3% in favor of him.
This is with a higher turnout than 2012.
bahaha that pic
>losing to a orange guy that was doing clotheslines in the WWE and selling steaks until that business went bust
>even when media and every other "behind the scenes" fag was backing your campaign and you spent half a billion dollars more than him
Is she the worst career politician in the history of mankind or is this just how retarded your average woman is?
>Jimmy Carter in 1980 is the only first term incumbent party candidate in the past 120 years to lose and it took a devastating combination of recession, inflation, and public frustration over the seemingly endless Iran hostage crisis to bring him down.
What about H.W. Bush?
>most evil
>act like you give a single fuck about human life
>whines about hypocrisy, yet advocates for genocide, under the justification that """"Blacks aren't human"""", despite all evidence to the contrary.
I mean I knew stormfag were dumb, but holy shit dude.
pick one.
Considering there were women who supported Trump or voted third party, I'd say she's just a shit politician.
Nascient emotion and self hatred.
Nice to see Herr Gobbles approves of the Samson Option. :)
She picked a shit strategy, one because she was stupid, two because she's establishment, and did not see the anti-establishment vote even when Sanders was around. She basically tried to be an establishment republican and she was banking that anti-Trumpism would turn out what she saw as the far left, rather than anti-establishment vote, and tried to appeal to republicans, who ended up backing Trump in the end. She was gearing up for an establishment campaign and the anti-establishment blindsided her, especially the rural folks who normally don't vote.
It doesn't help that republicans saw her coming for decades and have been constantly digging up dirt, then there's the whole wikileaks and Comey things which coincided with big drops. Clinton won the popular vote, and if she had flipped one point in her favor in those battleground states, she would have won 300+ electoral votes. A very small percentage point difference made a huge difference in electoral votes this time around. Also Trump agrees the electoral college system is bad for democracy.
Trump winning was worth it just to see all the smug lefties going on about MUH RIGHT SIDE OF HISTORY get shit on
He was in the process of winning Wisconsin,Michigan and Arizona when Clinton gave up.
Well for starters the libertarian party chose fucking Johnson.
Way to waste a perfect opportunity libertarians.
Shit like the OP and the posts in this thread lead me to suspect Trump will get reelected in 4 years.
Because it's obvious dems and libs haven't learned anything from this loss.
I was hoping the opposite would happen so I could spend all day shitting on /pol/. I was really looking forward to it actually and feel robbed of my opportunity to shitpost.
It's like meme Christmas was cancelled.
>I was hoping the opposite would happen so I could spend all day shitting on /pol/. I was really looking forward to it actually and feel robbed of my opportunity to shitpost.
This, so much. Now it will be four years of smugness on the part of fucking /pol/.
Here's the hilarious thing, if the DNC had chosen literally anyone but Hillary, they would've fucking steamrolled Trump.
But NOOOOOO, they had to go with the most hated Democrat since forever.
The real world salt from the mainstream media is worth more than a hundred /pol/ "habbenings".
/leftypol/ raus
I wouldn't care at all if it wasn't for climate change. Non americans like myself will have to deal with the consequences of how retarded half of america is.
>I know what's good for you better than you do
Why do people pretend they know what you actually want?