/feg/ - Fire Emblem General

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>about 1 hour ago
>roll on Performance Arts banner to break my 3.50% pity rate before it expires
>spend 28 orbs
>continue the trend of getting yet another male green limited unit with decent-looking IVs
Is +ATK -HP good for Inigo? He's kind of like my +ATK -HP Spring Chrom and +DEF -SPD Sexy Xander that I pulled in previous banners.

I hope I didn't jinx my chances of Witch Nowi getting good IVs.

raul did nothing wrong

ITT: /feg/ Challenge maps
We choose 5 of the most unique teams to put up for others to fight
Post your team and what map you want your fight to be on

Askr Halloween when?

He will still be able to check and kill both Rein and Blyn so you're fine just give him raven, TA3, and bowbreaker.

When do we get more gaybait like PA Inigo and Summer Fred?


Hey guys



my wife on the left

we have newfags lurking just for datamine info btw

they want to be the first to post it on their FE community outside of here :^)

Is Sakura /feg/'s official girl?

How do you salvage her.

I have an Atk+/Def- 5* and tons of 4/3 stars.

Please she was one of my favorite units in FE13 I just want her to be viable.


post gays

joke's on them i am a famous poster on /r/fireemblemheroes and none of you can stop me from mining for that sweet sweet karma :^)

+attack is trash for her, +def actually would be better to make her a mix pseudo tank

When this alt comes out.

meh, whatever

Dumb Magvelfag

Plowing Nowi's tight loli dragon-witchpussy!

>they post /feg/ posts
>attract even more retards every time
feh was a mistake



t. all the "dataminers" on reddit

As of Nekomata, yes. Nothing screams best girl like "Fuck mages"

update happening

Where my fellow autists at?

I can’t screencap all /feg/ threads


-HP is -4, so it hurts his survivability to both BLyn and Rein. Consider DD or Deflect Magic/Missile seal to patch up his survivability.

Me too. Bumping this thread!


I dont understand you should go into greater detail on what you would do to her.

bending over to take my dick





my wife

God damn at this rate I'll have to save art every weekend, I always end up with so much shit to save

>there's dragon pussy on the table, but it's the cosplay kitty pussy that calls me the loudest
I guess I'm going to fall into colorless hell.

Myrmidon girls are for murdering!

Why is this so lewd?

-ATT +RES with Fortresse Def 3.
33 on both defenses

No she is mine

>ever since launch, the Askr's haven't been upgraded in any way
Do we really have to wait for one year anniversary for anything to happen with them?

Should i be rolling for any these characters?

I kinda burned out, pretty much gonna do the bare minimum to keep top 1k

One more hour!

I love her so much.

Go to bed Alm


when banners release, whales like to post fake stories about getting units easily or "luckshitting" when in reality they spent real life money on orbs to get units and then felt bad so they had to lie about it.

dont fall for their tricks.

be alert, be vigilant.

I must've gotten really lucky with my Eliwood growths. I remember reading people say he was one of the worst characters some time ago. Now he's my highest Str character next to Dart who is maxed at 30 already. Hector got fucked and is sitting at 20 Str at level 11.

What time did we get the Jugdral update before the reset?


Alm is over Celica, that Kiran guy though? Now that's mouthwatering.

like father like daughter

Karin will choke this point!
Thracia AI is so funnily expoitable.

That's weird, Lex

nah I have legitimately luckshat at least 3 times, Summer Corrin in 9 orbs was probably the best one

>tfw biggest regret is not rolling for her

She's so pretty and good. Playing SoV made me like her more.



I thought people hated her and especially hated fates.

Soren's boytoy!


>not being an actual luckshitter
If I had the money to whale I'd find ways to build interest on that money instead. And then with that spare money I'd buy more copies of my wife if she were to be added

>tfw no 40% bonus unit
At least I have Elty

anyone know how to fix the error that happens while downloading, at 89%? Trying to reinstall after a break but I'm getting this error every time

This team on any Awakening map.

I start by sitting her on my lap, facing away, and I slide my hands under her easily accessible bra and fondle her swollen, puffy gumdrop-pink nipples

it's just carrot you sicko

Wood isn't that bad. Lyn is way shittier


Is it worth to 5* Mr flames?

He looks so cool and his voice is awesome but I already have a +spd/-hp 5* Tharja and a +atk/-def 5* Sanaki.


Reinhardt: 「Thunderstruck」
Delthea: 「Hello, Goodbye」
Nowi: 「Imagine」
Tharja: 「Gypsy Queen」

>currently near top of 5k with 92k
>still at least six stamina potions away from securing 1-1k
Goddammit. I bet the reason the scores are so inflated is people wanting all the orbs for Sigurd and dancers. Hopefully more stop after 100k.

Colorless is not that bad actually, I found it that's just a meme when I actually tried going for Olivia.
Red is the really heaven/hell, I got 2 Elincias and a Eldigan going for Ayra on the TT banner, but that could've been 2 Seliphs and a Leo.

>Claims to hate gays
>Is actually gay
What did Jacques mean by this?

He's a little redundant with Sanaki unfortunately. Good Tempest Trials unit though.

How likely is Jugdral part 2 this month?

Keep it up might as well jerk off to kill time.

he is helping him achieve perfect belka

Quick question, when you merge two 5* units does it also pass on inherited skills the sacrificed unit has?


Fuck off Drill

>tfw rolled Deirdre with my last five orbs



: 「Reddit」

>Just like how many /fgo/ anons failed to get Tamamo, now many /feg/ anons will fail to get Neko-Sakura.


Why is Hinoka so cute?


yes, but you can also preview this on the merge screen to doublecheck

Cum and Dump Alfonse!

>last thread with the dude that had Ayra, Deirdre, and P!Olivia fully merged
>"I swear I only spent $80"
>"dude if I was a whale this Reinhardt would also be +10"
I was fucking dying

Hey, stud.

She's unfortunately one of those horse girls.