>>LIVE EVENTS Gauntlet
Nightfall: The Arms Dealer - Torrent & Zero Hour
Flashpoint: Io
Xur: Io - Giant's Scar. Actium War Rig, Knucklehead Radar, Eye of Another World, DARCI
Trials: LOL?!?!
>>LIVE EVENTS Gauntlet
Nightfall: The Arms Dealer - Torrent & Zero Hour
Flashpoint: Io
Xur: Io - Giant's Scar. Actium War Rig, Knucklehead Radar, Eye of Another World, DARCI
Trials: LOL?!?!
Other urls found in this thread:
nth for Titans a best
Angry Joe was right
Then either your connection is shit or the enemies is.
TFW nessus is just a slight recolor of the black garden tileset.
yeah, it was a disappointment.
I like the other environments in D2 though.
A Hatchet?
Most of D2 is recycled/leftover D1 assets.
BASEDGOAT, Oryx when?
IS this weapon the scout rifle? I see the majority of people in pvp using this
Yes, its the icon for a generic Scout Rifle. Exotics get their own icon for the killfeed.
>this is what console peasants consider "competitive" pvp
That doesn't make sense, if dyke #2 is the one that was on the quest according to the game, why did dyke #1 get a mini-tool and you didn't?
how does light level work? do I need to keep the higher leveled gear equiped for it to count? I got a 277 grenade launcher thats 11 levels higher then what Im using but I hate grenade launchers
>Waterfalls on Nessus
>No caves behind the waterfalls
The game auto-detects your highest power gear per slot when determining what level your engrams/drops will be. You don't need to keep it equipped if you don't want to.
>can't play hide-'n-seek in the waterfalls like when we were younger
I never asked for this
There is a waterfall cave in EDZ
would you queue with her?
she could guide my game
They changed the way the shooting works between versions. Recoil is used less on PC because it literally doesn't make sense to have it when someone can use a macro to hold their crosshair still while they shoot.
thats great, thank you
Ashy negress.
Would consider if you didn't give her that shitty haircut.
Is it worth doing the rat king's crew stuff?
Is Hitchensin in this thread or someone who can snag his ear? Trying to get into the overflow.
Only for completionism. Rat King fucking sucks.
>Spent several hours completing milestones
>Spent another hour or two grinding heroic public events
>Only gained 2 light level
>forced to play at least 9 pvp matches a week to get the weekly powerful
literally destroying my enjoyement of the game
Capture the objective needs to be removed.
>40 point lead
>enemy team gets all 3 points for 10 seconds
>3 kills
>lead lost
>Having trouble with the MIDA quest
What? It's a shooting gallery user. There's literally no threatening enemies the whole time.
Only because it's easy to do. You get a neat-looking sidearm, but all sidearms are garbage.
I wish we could change ghost's voice to female at any time. Having a quippy female ghost being so into you would be cute.
t. brainlet
female titan awoken are on par with female troll warriors in wow
fuckit, just shove failsafe into a ghost shell, that'd be ok.
Destiny 3 needs to let me pick my Ghost voice, with Failsafe as an exclusive for Destiny 2 Veterans and Dinklebot for Destiny 1 Veterans.
Destiny pvp takes TONS of skill and has a very high aim ceiling
*kills your entire team with an auto-lock on sword with infinite ammo if you right click*
top tier?
Dinklebot will never EVER return.
so only second to female orc warrior?
Right Click takes more ammo.
Swords are still bullshit though, I agree.
sword is unironically stronger than half of the subclasses ultimates and console players consider this a competitive shooter
The only way to somehow even the field and make Destiny competitive is by having a PvP mode with pre-set loadouts.
Swords regain 1 ammo if your right click and only take 1 ammo to right click.
Post Titans
Taniks is homeless.
i don't think anyone considers this a competetive shooter
I'm a little confused about them desu.
I thought "Oh, shotguns are cool, I'll just use this! The sword wont be infinitely better than it or anything."
Boy was I wrong. Sword gets more ammo, sword gets better situational awareness, sword gets auto lock, sword gets guaranteed 1 hit kill as long as you actually hit them.
I honestly don't understand why shotguns even exist as power weapons. They didn't buff them like, at all, to make up for them taking power ammo now.
Wait what? Is that PvP only? I honestly never tried right clicking the few games I bothered fishing for sword ammo (Still fucking retarded that I have to load my sword).
Hey, they got Peter Dinklage back!
triplecuck and ditto do
nice dude...
def beat me by like 2k.
How many hours you have played?
Also, how many worthless 305 tractor cannons do you have? i have 7 kek.
edit: i have 0 because i did the only thing a rational person does with a tractor cannon, immediately dismantle it and then contemplate suicide. im over 500 hours played, complete all milestones every week and STILL dont have 2 of the exotic warlock armors, one of which is the only one i gif\ve a fuck about, the karnstien armlets (spelling might be wrong, but who knows? not me, because i dont have one to look at topkek....but i have 9 sunbracers....totally worth 20 some days of my life).
Don't tell bungie that :^)
>Wait what? Is that PvP only?
No, in fact it works better in PvE. Right click hits 3 times and swords can gain 1 ammo when you hit 3 times.
>someone can use a macro to hold their crosshair still while they shoot
that's not how recoil works in any game you fucking retard, have you even played an fps on pc before?
How tough is Nightfall for a shitter who never played Destiny before? Only up to 265 power
took me a week (maybe more) to go from 304-305
This current nightfall is piss easy. Moreso for striker titans.
>Dinklebot will never EVER return.
>my mouse doesnt register on parts of my mousepad
is this a mouse problem or a mousepad problem
That face when the funnest thing to do in the game is go to the farm and pretend youre the king of the warlocks because everyone at the farm looks like shit usually.
>tfw you blow all your tokens and don't get any worthwhile legendary
There goes my last hope at a last hope
i just deleted 3 of those, are they rare?
Post WebMs
>female titans
>tfw 277 and don't want to grind endlessly for the small chance of gaining 1 power level
Time Wasted says 137 hours but xbox says 197. I think the only reason I have more kills is because I almost never play anything other than Nightstalker.
Curious, how many PvE activities does Destiny Tracker say you've cleared?
Deleted 3 of what?
last hope obv
im new to destiny community...
where can i find this info?
So everyone enjoying PvP?
About as rare as any other specific legendary. They're just meta in pvp
You know, I actually kind of feel sad once you realize what Destiny boils down to. In an ARPG, the numbers you see on your items make other numbers go up. Damage, mobility, pace of clearance. Guns with high numbers in Borderlands make you feel like a god of destruction.
But in Destiny, you literally play JUST to see a number go up. You don't feel any more resilient. You don't feel any more powerful. You grind and grind until you see 265 go up to 266 and then go up to 267. Are you any more powerful than a guy at 200? Nope.
It's like im playing the world's most beautiful mobile game.
The holding control points one makes me want to kill myself
I'd enjoy it a lot more if I had some control of what mode I joined.
Also if sword didn't exist
>Recoil is used less on PC because it literally doesn't make sense to have it when someone can use a macro to hold their crosshair still while they shoot.
Except they literally said there's no recoil on PC because PC users would have trouble controlling recoil with a mouse. Bungie just straight up said you fuckers are too incompetent to control recoil.
I agree completely but I hope the Live Team really turn it around.
[source needed]
>A gun that gives you invis after every kill.
Holy shit kill yourself.
here ya go...
Ill just bare everything and take the brunt of being called a shitty player. but really i had no idea wtf i was doing (never played a single second of destiny 1).
it's good when team unga, bad when team bunga
as usual
252 on PC. I don't want to grind pub events for 13 more power levels.
I could watch this all day. PCfags, your port is beautiful and I hope you guys enjoy it. I mean, you're probably gonna drop it like a bad habit when a new indieshit game comes around but all the WebMs from PCfags have been amazing in terms of quality.
damn i guess i couldnt be bothered to box out the GT in the address bar TOPKEK
Dinklebot is way better than the gaybot we have now. Why did everyone hate dinklebot?
So the only current weeklies for pc are Nightfall, Crucible, and Flashpoint? I feel like im forgetting one
Sounds like the name of a pornogrind band.
>power levels
Light, but thats all there is to do unless you feel like running around caves for 13 light levels to get tokens to turn those in.
Would you carry her as she doesn't pull her own weight?
it was never gonna last either way, he would probably charge too much to keep being called back to voice for expansions and dlc
>Blocks out name on banner.
>FelonyVulvacide - Destinytracker in the tab name.
>Url profile/cbl/FelonyVulvacide
>because PC users would have trouble controlling recoil with a mouse
>when aim assist is universal on all console FPS games