Losing my mind edition
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Previous thread.
You had one job, self.
Linux can't play superior Warframe.
Yes. Commit.
I want Ivara to sit on my face.
>anything over level 20ish is just going to get tickled.
don't talk smack on the godly might of the amprex
I want Nezha's cock to sit on my face
I want Saryn to fart on mine
how did I link two posts and still fuck it up, christ
intended for:
are you supposed to do something to get the blueprints from the current death start event thing?
just did 10 runs without a single blueprint
So this is the Patrician build for Euphona prime? buckshit is fucking insane but that fall off is a pain tho.
No, that's shit. You use euphona for the regular shots, secondary fire is unusable with the falloff. So get rid of blast and the 100% status meme and just slap the 90% elementals on.
Do mods affect passives? Like if I have high duration on Limbo does that mean my passive rolling into the plane will last longer?
Probably the aura of failure from the OP.
>Being this much of a shitter
No wonder why TQ used to get triggered so hard when retards like you exist in the game.
>corrosive and blast
Looks like you had viral though
This is literally all you need, don't know what your riven is doing but its getting out of whack
hello anyone? I really need to know
I already leveled it to 30 mate
Charged Throw Attacks
Impact b 42.0 Puncture b 336.0 Slash b 42.0 Toxin b 220.0
The elemental part is not worth mentioning because the 100% status build uses dual stat poison anyway , the thing is not getting slash procced and that's why Cerata-->Glaive/P for self hurting
anyone knows what's getting vaulted next and when?
Level 150 enemies are irrelevant. Modding for the regular fire is better against level 100 enemies.
Corrosive and blast for corrupted and infested (since the riven adds heat), Gas and magnetic for space jews and Viral + radiation for griniggers.
The riven just boost the damage even more, you have a total of 20864 damage per shot, I have a total of 58190 damage per shot.
Saryn, Nikana, Spira, I do believe.
Cerata's self damage is pure Toxin unless you mod in more elements.
>Getting debunked with proofs
>Still trying this hard
You're such a special kind of retard my child.
My crit chance and crit damage is useless for the shotgun mode , but agree that slug is only good for jerking off over the high damage per shot ,
she's clothed and a qt you dingus
Thanks for the info I'll pick up the Cerata
In other news does anyone know what color for energy I should put Gara's? Sometimes the lighting fucks up on earth and the whiteish color I had that worked before became a giant wall of cant see shit.
Holy shit you doubleniggers why nobody told me about using armaments on Tprime?
I think he meant slut for unhealthy chocolate-based snacks
IPS+Toxin , and that only matters for Chroma shield damage not for Ember
is it worth the trouble to farm the imperator vandal?
>defending amprex after the beam weapon nerfs from 3 years ago
>tranny shill
hmm maybe because cetus fucking sucks ass and no one can be bothered to farm those meme mods
is that actually better than the 120% slash
it's a hell of a lot cheaper at least
>not attempting to do it the moment you see Vigilante Armaments stating it's for primary weapons and not any specific weapon type
Can someone explain how does that mod works?
I was fooling around with the bounty missions and got it but never though it would be useful.
Cerata's self damage is ONLY toxin, no IPS at all, because only the AoE hits you, which is pure Toxin. Warframes don't take finisher damage, so the same worry you have about slash procs is equally relevant with Cerata's toxin procs. Cerata self damage has the benefit of not knocking you down like though.
Zephyr revamp when
because you're supposed to be intelligent enough to fucking figure it out for yourself
yes, it's better than a shitty IPS mod
>random female is a tranny because I'm a beta male who gets triggered by popular females
Oh. Dunno mang, I'd just keep it on viral/rad regardless of faction so I don't need to switch builds and all that jazz.
One day I'll get the receiver :')
is amprex at least fun for shitting on hordes of low-level enemies
i wanna build one, throw on sinister reach, and zap a whole room at once
60% multishot for less than 2/3rds the price of 90% multishot, plus you can stack both of them together
>mfw putting fifth forma on pyrana and it just keeps getting bettter
just rush it mate
the point of 100% status tprime is the fact that slash procs are absurdly OP against armor
armaments is maybe better in a corrosive projection 4-stack but it'll be a lot worse against the "level 145 corrupted heavy gunner" meme
HALP! What does that bonus? the mod doesn't explain shit and I slapped that on my Soma prime and all I see are orange crits.
What do I do while waiting for the next try at mastery test?
wonder what is she playing
>frost prime cant google
Her glass abilities are pain in the ass
I've tried pure white and pure black ( smoke ) how much transparency you get on the shards / glass wall depends on the lighting level on it
In one case its hard to see through the glass when in light but easy if it is in the dark , with the other its the exact opposite
Colors like green and pink are annoying at all times
>full status
use the wiki before asking for stupid amount of spoonfeed.
only 5% chance if you only have one mod so you won't notice it super often
if the shot it procs on isn't a crit it does nothing
if it's a yellow crit it upgrades to orange crit
if it's an orange crit it upgrades to red
I love vigilante armaments, I put it on all my primarys and suddenly they are better than secondarys, like how it should be.
"enhance critical hits" means bump it up one level, so turn yellow crits to orange, orange to red or red to red+1. with one mod it's a 5% chance to get +100% crit damage.
Do we have proof that Quite is a tranny OR a woman?
I've asked this a couple times already but nobody seems to bring up proof of either.
warframe for the switch
I'm in no rush. I have like 30 days of affinity booster from Twitch drops.
all those v
Just a reminder to never fucking use Relentless Combination.
Genuine goodwill here. Don't be stupid. Don't use Relentless.
>red to red+1
one of her videos had camera footage of a girl's hands throwing ponyfucker toys into the toilet
delete this
>5% chance to enhance crits
dammit DE why can't you do something useful like enhance my erection or someth-
>some goy buys it off me for 500 plat
the "prof " is circumstantial or not conclusive , in the end people are just tired of youtube celeb bullshit , I have met a bunch of trannies and it seems likely but who knows ( the real questions is who cares)
crits don't stop at red, they just stay red as they go further beyond
guys I'm 3 hours in and I bought the nidus frame with my starter platinum
did I fuck up?
What is the Vigilante Armaments for secondaries?
Does /wfg/ think Warframe is a good game? Or is it just fun for you? I really love warframe, but I wouldn't consider it a top notch game.
the color stops changing after red, but the damage multiplier still goes higher. a red crit is basically over 300% crit chance. over 400% is still red, but deals more damage.
instead of maim i have Pathogen rounds for more Corrosive.
100% status, corrosive blast.
literally fucking search set mods on google you fucking retard
>starter plat
>buying nidus
does not comput
You fucked up so bad you're in the clouds.
>I really love warframe, but I wouldn't consider it a top notch game.
I feel similarly, I wouldn't say I love it, but it has a lot of promising aspects. I recognize the skinner box it's built around, but it's got me hooked on it. It's a game I like to talk about with other people, but can't in good conscience recommend to anyone who isn't already in it.
>Armaments is multishot
>Pact is damage
>Can't tell the difference
>Calling others retard
Please tell me you're baiting and this is not evidence of your retardation.
the only people who claim she is trans and care about that shit are the salty types who bitch about every girl in games, post weird porn of the DE chicks and then wonder why they've never had a girlfriend. To everyone else it doesn't fucking matter.
then you're either looking for lethal torrent, or there is no third multishot mod for pistols, asshole.
playstation plus booster pack
really? should I have bought another frame?
oh wow, pc doesn't have a booster pck?
a little bit higher slash proc damage, or a bunch more slightly weaker slash procs?
more multishot is more pellets is more procs, it's way better than the 120 slash mod
people normally say to spend starter plat on shit like extra slots and catalysts/reactors
if you're gonna buy a warframe Nidus is a good option i guess because he isn't available until far later in the game and is also a pain in the ass to farm for
nidus is a fine frame, but you can get every frame in the game for free, including him (though it's a bit of a wait for him, so if you like it, then enjoy). extra slots for weapons and more frames is a more prudent expenditure of starter plat, with orokin catalysts and reactors only slightly less prudent.
>The FREE PS+ Starter Pack includes:
• 100 Platinum + 50,000 Credits to start stocking up on equipment immediately
• Glaive + Glaive Obsidian Skin – Dating back to the time of the first Tenno, the Glaive is a uniquely deadly weapon
• 3-Day Affinity Booster – Ranks up equipment at a faster rate for 3 days
• 3-Day Credit Booster – Gather Credits faster for 3 days
it doesn't just increase slash proc damage user it also increases the chance that each proc IS a slash proc instead of a useless radiation/impact/puncture proc
She's a fucking tranny, and one of these days I'll expose the filthy lying degenerate
Will people pay plat for a Trinity to run missions with them? Asking for a friend.
No cause this game is easy
motherfuck i'd make YOU pay me to be my healslut