>Heroes FAQ and Links
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>Heroes FAQ and Links
>SoV Links
>Links and Resources
>He isn't sniping greens
Sakura is a must right
I feel like having an anti mage dagger with actually competent atk spd and res is essential for AA and other modes
>speed is everyth-
I'm glad Corrin wasn't shitting up the banner.
the absolute state of corrin fags
>low rates
>have a chance of getting SAKURA'D and JAKOB'D
Colorless was a mistake
One day I'll get my 4th Lyn.
Nowi and Sakura arent green.
Let me know how you do when the banner drops user. I bet you don't get him.
I would if there were any greens to snipe. The green void is about as terrible as the colorless hell
Which direction will Lyn#4 face? Surely the artist is running out of flattering angles.
>anons rolling for Sakura tonight will instead be spooked by Elise
I agree comrade
I just want a cute Sakura please don't spook me Jakob and the other Jakob and the other Sakura
>roll for Jakob
>get spooked by Jakob
Post your heartache
>Camilla, Lachesis, Shigure were the 5*s
>only pulled green unless none available
I missed the datamine, why is Jakob good?
She already cucked me while rolling for Innes, fuck off imouto
cutest imouto
The most flattering angle is to not see that thot's face at all
Green is not a void, it is full of Bartres.
I wish.
Just add their husband
Oppai characters like this one need a lot of paizuri art, and they need more of it now
Get off me you bitch
>want Nowi so I can marry her off to Narcian
>know I’ll never get her or Henry
Why is everything painful bros
Colorless, ranged Sheena.
So these new characters are trash right?
He's mediocre. A colorless armor was the one thing this meta was missing but absolutely did not need.
Christmas Lyn incoming
>Rudolph's Antlers
>16 MT
>Target suffers 10 damage after combat
>Darting Blow
>Threaten Speed
Why does this fucker show up so much and not Barst?
Many are lost in his great moustache every day, never to be seen again.
>not banned
they are softening
She will be looking down at you this time as dominatrix Lyn.
Sheena-tier defensive stats with no color disadvantage outside Raventomes.
That happened to me when I rolled for Brave Ike.
In retrospect now that I've calmed down about it, it was probably for the best though. I am pretty sure I overrated Brave Ike and underrated regular Ike.
I would rather fury fodder atleast
I almost got fucked too but Shigure on my last orbs saved me.
Despite being ranged, jacob and henry's penalty to bst is very low compared to ranged penalties for the other classes, meaning better stats. Jacob has a pretty good tanky stat distribution as well as pretty high attack.
Why wasn't Elise the witch instead?
Only if you're a grandpa or waifufag.
>calling Lyn a thot
You're a cunt
>people will snipe for him
>5* Sheena
>post yfw
>dom Lyn
I'd love that
I'd love any titty monster that doms in general
What's the point of rolling for Jakob if I don't have spare Takumis
>one is valuable reposition fodder
>one is worthless shit
gee dude, why do you think that is?
>I would if there were any greens to snipe. The green void is about as terrible as the colorless hell
The whole reason greens are best to snipe 5*'s is because they're rare
yes we have 4 lucinas
so stop calling lyn lightning its clear who that titles belongs too thanks for clearing it up
I would have rolled for you even if you were shit
>sheena teir
>sub 37
You rolled full circles didn't you.
Just keep rolling colourless till you get one of course.
>what's the matter? scared of your little sister's TIGHT ASS? mom and dad wont be home...
Why does it matter, i failed getting sigurd. Also the chain challenges kill me. Auto battle on TT is fine, but that's 20 or orbs.
Damn. All I wanted was Azura. I guess her son is next best?
I made him with BoL3 and BoL seal
He's not really since Henry is absolutely better if you need a ranged armor and Sheena is a better mixed tank with DC.
Xander is ISIS' Lightning
>40 atk on Cocks
Nowi either needs swift sparrow or darting blow.
>not Chinese New Lyn as a Red Mage wielding fireworks
just put my girl in more Chinese dresses Nintendo, maybe chopsticks in her hair as well.
>implying i get a green orb at all
i bet they give me five blue orbs in free roll
>What I find the worst part is that Olivia apparently "cures" Henry after like 3 shallow conversations, jesus fucking christ only teenagers could find that at all believable. Not that I look for realism in my anime games, but still.
Yeah, it's pretty retarded. Most supports in Awakening weren't believable but it honestly feels like people like that one because Henry shows most emotion. Nevermind it being in the most forced way possible.
>don't worry goyim Fury 2 is fine
Yes please please please
Who /wouldratherrollforAyra/ here
What special to give +HP/-Spd Deirdre?
I already got cucked by her on Hector's banner, I would be so fucking livid if she denies me Henry.
>snipe green
This meme is a lie. I never got a 5* exclusive green until I rolled Minerva off banner in CYL. Green is absolute hell.
Ricken: Hey, Henry?
Henry: What?
Ricken: Remember a while ago, when you told me that you served under Gangrel? It made me wonder... Have you fought against anyone you knew?
Henry: Yeah, sure! You've cut down a few of my former comrades. You interested in who they were? Lemme see if I can recall... Well, there's Vasto. I liked him! Always ready with a joke or quip.
Ricken: That guy?! He tried to stop us when we headed east that one time.
Henry: He was really excited about that posting—it was his first major command. Ha! He used to talk about his mother all the time. "Best knitter in Plegia," he'd say!
Ricken: Oh. That's...nice.
Henry: Then there was Mustafa. He always gave me a bag of peaches whenever I visited. He said I reminded him of his son and that I should consider myself part of his family.
Ricken: ......
Henry: Oh! And Campari used to make little birdhouses for homeless—
Ricken: Actually, Henry? I don't think I want to know about your comrades after all.
Henry: Aw! I thought you were interested.
Ricken: I was, but now everyone seems more...normal than I expected. They're not maniacs or monsters. They're just like us, except they're dead.
Henry: Yep. Dead as driftwood, they are. And it was you Shepherds who killed 'em! Their friends and families are probably still crying their eyes out.
Ricken: .......
Henry: What's wrong?
Ricken: Henry, it's my job to kill Plegian soldiers... So I have to believe they deserve to die. But now you've reminded me that they aren't faceless blobs with axes. They have friends, and families, and... H-how am I going to fight them if I know that? What if I hesitate?
I'm glad that Sakura and Nowi don't have CYL BST just because of waifufags like Ayra. Sigurd didn't really need the CYL BST either. But now Henry and Jakob have boosted BST or is it ok because they're armors? What do you guys think?
I don't roll for jews.
>cucked by Eldigan
No thanks
I've always wondered why Henry was an albino. Didn't he grow up in the wilderness?
>cucks you for Hector
>not a thot
>reposition fodder
Lucky faggot
Replace those Barsts with Gunters and that's literally me
>roll for Eldigan
>get Ayra in 15
Some may call me lucky but fuck off I wanted Eldigan
Do not lewd my daughteru please
only if there's green and colorless.
focused on greens before I rolled Axura, and then tried to roll every colorless for Olivia, only rolling blues when I have no choice or if to complete my circle/next pity rate.
probably just iceberg
Getting cucked by the third best red cav isn't so bad. I have more fun using him than his butt buddy Sigurd.
Daily reminder that you too can have a nice and comfy thread.
Eldigen has already cucked me twice i wont let it happen a third time
Dark Magic is a hell of a drug
The weird thing about Henry is that so many of his supports are great until S rank, in which they go full retard. I mean more than usual for Awakening.
He's kind of cute with Lissa though.
If you don't care about which one (Jakob or Sakura), then colorless is actually 5.7%
I rolled for Deirdre and got her. I have no regrets.
Reminder that Ares will powercreep all the red sword Cavs anyways with his Demonic Mystletainn.
but I want her tits on muh duck :(
I gave him Desperation and Brash Assault and he's my favourite blue mage now.