"Eurocentrism" is a stupid term

it presupposes that "Europe" is some monolithic, singular force

from pretty much the 15th century (essentially the beginning of modernity) and up, the world was dominated by Europe in politics, science, law you name it...so of course alot of modern history is going to be focused on Europe

its like the retard in my class the complained why we weren't talking about why we weren't talking about some imaginary African scientists when discussing Isaac Newton and the Royal Society...

now it's pretty much a catch all term for "White influence" similar to how "decolonization" is a catch all term for "no white influence"

sorry for the "why we weren't talking" double typo

>from pretty much the 15th century (essentially the beginning of modernity) and up, the world was dominated by Europe in politics, science, law you name it...so of course alot of modern history is going to be focused on Europe

>I'm too dumb to learn about non-European history.

I thought you'd start off smart, like claiming that since most modern states have the duty to inoculate their citizens with their world view, and most states in the west have a classical liberal view, they would use the source of classical liberalism as a view back to where they began ideologically, then morph that into a discussion on how the major economic expansion happened during a period when people of euro descent had it easier to make money since due to improving medicine they could leverage the annual increase of demand from the population as rent, and therefore that's why the top .1 is usually Euro, but you didn't, you went /pol/tard, and now this thread will be shut down.

Perhaps it is useful to remind ourselves of some of the values which western culture supports

equality before a codified law and equal access to it, place and position open to all by merit and open competition (rather than nepotism and interest), monogamy, the right to chose and follow the religion of one's choice (or no religion at all) free speech and many less important tenets. These are all directly in opposition to Islamic culture

>muh clash of the cibilizations.

All of those aren't inherntly ""western"" ,
(Is Pooland west? Is Brazil? Is Lebanon?) Tunisia has the best rule of law in history, and is a muslim country. Simple ideas and broad strokes, while easy for your typical idiot to grasp, aren't true.

name one non-euro scientist that has the influence as Isaac Newton

I'll wait?

Different guy here, but I think that's a bad example.

I mean., name a European scientist that has the same influence as Isaac Newton.


Eurocentrism is a valid term that is misused. Of course it is possible to have a bias in favor of Europe or great men and that is something we need to watch out for. Though I more often see eurocentrism used to describe something that overwhelmingly involved Europe or the great man theory used to describe how individuals are often the subject of history than I do people showing clear bias in favor of europe or great men.


That's true,

also, I would like to add Euclid as a non-euro who heavily influenced science.

>Greek Socratic philosopher living in Alexandria

You are technically correct.

The best kind of correct.

greeks are non-euro now?

Leibniz was most likely a top 10 mind of all time, but his scientific influence was minimal (despite developing the better calculus than Newton)

Al Haytham, the guy who wrote the textbooks Newton used.
Funny , your type would call him ((European))

I would argue that those born in Alexandria are, yes.

Unless you feel that the property of being European is tied to state, versus geographical location.

Al Haytham was no where near as influential as Newton

The Principia is the most influential scientific book of all time, bar none...it ushered in modern science as we know it

Haytham frankly comes no where near close and no scientist would think he comes clsoe

you obviously have no idae what you are talking about

to say that Newton used Al-Haytham's work does not mean that Haytham was more influential than Newton to science

because he was no where near..

Newton is literally the greatest scientist of all time

That's not what eurocentrism is, fucking retard

what is it then you fucking retard?

Poland absolutely is western. European, Catholic and white.

>""muh skin color""

Damn this is dumb. Is Jamaica western?

If you say no, then I'm ignoring everything your Stormfag ass posts from now.

>physical location means you're part of the west
Are you retarded

>from pretty much the 15th century (essentially the beginning of modernity) and up, the world was dominated by Europe in politics, science, law you name it

I must have missed the part of history where Europe colonized the world nigh simultaneously instead of it being a gradual process over hundreds of years that affected certain areas sooner and greater than others eventually culminating in the world being dominated by the late 19th century.

Poland is European, Jamaicans are literally former slaves from Africa. Are you this dumb?

I really, really hope you're just being ironically stupid.

Non-stormfag detected.

Nice damage control.

>Funny , your type would call him ((European))

As opposed to German?