if she looked like that instead of like a literal nigger I might actually tolerate her
Angel Rivera
This event is so fucking boring I'm actually glad I have to study criminal trial law instead of playing it
Eli Lewis
I feel like it's not "boring" so much as a pain in the ass to decipher all the hoops you have to jump through after chapter 9.
John Powell
Clearing specific missions shouldn't have been a requirement to progress through the story. I got stuck for a while because the node the main story was behind was itself locked so I had no indicator on what to do next
Joseph Campbell
Post your mission progress. >78/100
Ian Nelson
>82/100 On natural AP now since I LB'ed the Martha CE. Should I put in on the Lancer support?
James Lee
This. One pop-up at the end of a story chapter shouldn't be the only indication of what you're supposed to do now. I've loved the mission mechanic and missed it since CCC, but it's not that we'll thought out this time.
Adam Rivera
Where did Osakabe end up on the meme list, a solid 4.0?
Owen Scott
98. I'm only missing Mecha Eli Bond
Elijah Cooper
which site has the meme list anyway?
Ayden Myers
62/100, I've used a couple Silvers but I started late and have no idea what I'm really doing. I don't even know what support slots to stick the CE's on
Camden Hernandez
54/100, but 4 of those are on locked missions.
Minimum of 5.0, still under consideration.
Benjamin Price
Yeah, it's a clusterfuck.
Evan Roberts
Kayden Nguyen
>5.0 So much for the long-waited Quick Merlin.
Hunter Cook
We're still waiting on the Quick Merlin. It's gonna need to be massive to make quick viable. Probably partywide +80% Quick Card Effectiveness on 3/2 uptime at minimum. Quick is just too weak. Also a Quick variant of Victor of the Moon/AE
Jayden Peterson
Jace Richardson
34/100 with 2 locked missions, I've only played the event for like a day
Wyatt Brooks
86 and i wish to complete it soon. I've got exams coming up.
Austin Flores
49/100 As much as i want to finish this, i need to study for major exams.
Grayson Campbell
I don't even know why people called her the Quick Merlin. The quick boost is only accessible during NP and you need to NP5 her for the 50%.
np level only affects hp recovery. Quick up is the overcharge effect.
Nicholas Ross
So, why should I pick MarkII over MechaLiz?
Nathaniel Williams
Have two of her at NP5, go NPNPx then pop two seals next turn and go NPNPq. Then you plugsuit in Merlin with Kintoki fishing CE and have him use Hero Creation 100 10/10/10 Billy with Knights Pride who then does NPQQ and cry because the enemy had a break bar making most of the damage you just did irrelevant
Ryder James
>np level only affects hp recovery. It's not hp recovery. Her NP increases max HP.
Oliver Wright
I wasn't aware of that. However, it is still a hassle cause you need to launch two or three NPs for it to overcharge to 500%.
Damn that's just pitiful.
Thomas Anderson
Is Mecha Liz actually good? She seems pretty good but it could just be the event boost making it look that way.
Jayden Smith
She is meh to decent. It would have been better if she had a Buster enhance skill.
Jayden Walker
The really bad thing is even if you get to np chain you actually want to place her np before the others' since you want the damage boost from quick up... From my experience with the neet, she is barely usable right now.
Ian Miller
That too. I don't what they were thinking when creating her skills and NP. Almost everything she is supposed to excel seems underwhelming at best.
Easton Perry
She's pretty strong in term of damage output, however she has rather low survivability.
Jaxson Richardson
>she is barely usable right now Once she loses her 100% DMG modifier Hime's usability is going to plummet. I just get the feeling that she was a afterthought tacked onto the end of EoR3 without much thought. Her Hime and Hikki characteristics are cliched, her design is a mess and her backstory leaves me thinking they were just looking for a historical/mythological figure who they could take and say "yeah, there's enough here to make NEET jokes, she'll do." Compared with Tamamo and Cleopatra she's a nonentity. She also clips through a lot of the enemies' models in her own event, it's a pretty lackluster show on both TM and DW's part.
I can't say that I actually hate her, but as it stands she's just a unit that happens to be my new 5* Assassin. I can't really find much to like.
Luke Ross
>neets shit But hey, she had more thought put into her then fucking Sakura
Nathan Taylor
They need an assassin spook.
Brody Bell
That's not something hard to do.
Bentley Nelson
I feel like Parvati was supposed to come out much earlier because her animations look really 2016ish when you compare them to servants from this year.
Brandon Sanders
>Hiroyama OC was the most ignored Servant of Ebin KEK.
William Rodriguez
We already have Kerry, Stheno and Yan ruining the class with useless NPs, pathetic NP gain and negligible damage. Also she's a Halloween-themed Servant set to be available all year round, it's just lazy. What self-respecting human being uses Halloween skins outside of October?
Alexander Morris
Kerry and Yan are popular characters unlike literalwhohime, I wouldn't call them spooks.
Brandon Wright
At least Jack isn't as lonely
Tyler Perry
None of them is a *5 and Yan Qing is ridiculously popular.
Brandon Jackson
What's the problem with Yan? Admittedly mine is NP2, but he seems decent. Pity about his awful overcharge that might as well not exist. If only he had Wu's overcharge
Liam Clark
He's a star-gen character with no critical damage modifier who doesn't have Jack's raw attack power. He just can't make the cut-off for being a "good" Assassin.
Aiden Anderson
Deadpan voice.
Anthony Nelson
Josiah Clark
MKII is a kuudere.
Christopher Harris
One hour left before the starter/bench/gk poll for VGL9 closes. Get you're last votes in.
>only shows up as an enemy >barely shows up at all >hideous design
No shit
Michael James
Kevin Hernandez
74/100 here. Dunno if I’ll be able to get all the Mechaeli ones.
Brody Young
Yan Qing was exactly like this as were Wu and Pent.
Henry Ramirez
Yan actually interacted with the player and didn't just summon his daddy to annoy you.
Adam Collins
All those have good designs though
Carson Bennett
James Hall
It doesn't help that just about everybody else from EoR3 hit popularity really fast (except old man who's got a really striking design anyway, and Douman who's just Kefka) Chiyome's problem is that we've got too many skimpy little girl assassins already and she doesn't bring anything new to the table compared to Jack, Wu or even Stheno outside of cool animations; she's not even good in gameplay; and her outfit is ridiculous (the 2nd is decent but they're using the first as her main) enough that even in Japan they keep making "give her a shirt" jokes
Jordan Mitchell
nipwank is a better singularity than >babylonia, prove me wrong.
protip: you can't
Brayden Adams
Connor Flores
>Chiyome >Wu >"good designs" They don't even have good art.
William Russell
>locked supports I lost 21,000 BP at the very least because of Musashi-wank.
Jose Fisher
I'm saying Chiyome has a shit design though. Wu is top tier lolicon bait.
Henry Phillips
The must use Mushashi at the front party during individual fights were pretty annoying after a while.
John Perry
Nipwank was plagiarized story, retard, down to mostly everything including Amakusa, Yagyu, Muramasa and Musashit. I'm sure if I suddenly write a Seven Samurai ripped off nip wank story and call it "Seven Servants", it'll be better than Camelot.
Carson Wilson
I wish she wouldn't have the dumb hat in her second ascension. She would actually look decent like that.
Asher Cooper
I liked the EoR 3 characters better but Babylonia's climax with Tiamat was still better.
Jeremiah Ramirez
Too bad Tiamat as a character is so forgettable
Isaiah Morris
Did you even read it? It was a shitty version of Makai Tensho which only caused nothing but drama in Japan. By far, the worst Ebin. Their trailer got taken down twice for the backslash and the gacha did poorly because of it. It singlehandedly ruined Musashi because she got associated to this. They seem to want to make her nip Artoria but the plagiarism shit completely flopped her gacha.
Elijah Cook
Is this the real thread?
Aiden Johnson
Like everyone in Shimosa?
Leo Peterson
Christian Taylor
>Ebin 1 >people reluctant to like it because it's after a grand finale, Emiya Alter design stirs shit, the worst position it could have >when is out, everyone in Japan loves it and finds it fun
What happened? Agartha and Shimosa had everything paved for them and they flopped.
Austin Lee
A mother goddess should actually look like one. Giving Tiamet the body of a Japanese schoolgirl was a mistake.
Ryan Perez
Is this real life?
Christian Baker
It was correctly written while Agartha was utterly shit and Shilosa a rip off.
Aiden Parker
Ebin 1 was written by a good writer while the other two were written by hacks.
Dylan Mitchell
Wheres Liz Thread?
Austin Kelly
>it's a fgog says the new chapter is shit episode You people can't even read it. You can't judge it based on summaries.
Julian Clark
If you say it like that, you're gonna trigger the anitsakurai fag
Brayden Hall
Last time I checked, your epic backlash consisted of around 150 really loud people (if it was that big there would have been more downvotes on that trailer) and one e-mail with a response that amounted to nothing Give me numbers or something so I can believe you
Gabriel Brooks
Moriarty alone could've carried EoR1, but the other characters were also handled well so it just turned out entertaining.
Ryan Gutierrez
Check the results linked, she didn't get enough votes this time. The cutoff mark was at 25 votes but she got 21. /alter/ is also making a team though and it looks like she'll be a medal player there.
Isaac Evans
>What happened? The CCC collab was too good story-wise. Since the good streak of Orders started with America and continued all the way up to Shinjuku and CCC, Agartha did irreversible damage by being mediocre.
Hudson Morgan
>thinking /fgog/ opinions matter when majority here are bunch of EOPs. I've learned to take everything with a grain of salt here.
Zachary Wright
Sakurai is the only TM writer who can combine yaoi bait, "deep" ""philosophical"" writing, bitchy banter and cute dogs into one package. Shinjuku was the chapter that he was born to write. Compared with a hack like Minase and a robot who writes whatever the higher ups tell him to like Higashide, Sakurai is naturally going to write the most interesting EoR chapter. Still Nasu blew everyone out of the water with the CCC singularity. It'll be better than Agartha, but I doubt that Salem will come even close to the best event in F/GO history.
>implying putting in tonnes of obscure kanji next to the most generic shounen shit imaginable is good writing
Parker Johnson
Why don't you read the archive and check how Musashi gacha did less than fucking Shez? They fuck it up, you need to admit it. That the trailer was taken down not once but twice, and the gacha underperformed along with all the shitty drama it attracted it's proof alone it wasn't well received.
They tried to push Musashi but they fucked it up badly.
Brody Baker
>when majority here are bunch of EOPs I thought that the majority of /fgog/ were people that don't live in Japan and USA, and that have English as their 2nd language.
Mason Jenkins
Mason Russell
Her gacha did less because this wasn't her first appearance and her order came out not long after a Merlin rateup.
Nicholas Flores
Except that CCC collab was flavor of the week which got forgotten once May ended while Shinjuku gets Lawson campaign and special Badepresto prize figs. You overexaggerate CCC collab popularity in Japan. It wasn't hated, but it was regarded as a flavor of the week.
Julian Young
You guys may try shit on Shimosa but it honestly was much more fun than shinjuku or Agartha. It did what it needed to do well and had the atmosphere to match.
Matthew Miller
too bad Moriarty was more popular than cuckiara
Brandon Diaz
She was a popular waifu and the best limited Saber, are you serious?
Ryder Lewis
>implying that would stop whales from whaling The CCC Part 1, Part 2 and the Ishtar/Quetz rate up immediately afterwards all made more than a million USD on their opening days. The reason that Musashi didn't make the same dosh is that people didn't enjoy her order or find her interesting.
What was the purpose of this post?
Logan Butler
Yeah totally looks like a japanese schoolgirl
Levi Peterson
I liked Shimosa better when it was called Makai Tensho.
Lucas Jones
You dudes seems to forget that Shinjuku had Seibah Alter and Reddit Alter with good alternative designs. Of course everyone will be crazy for that especially when it's reddit's biggest story appearance since France.