This is wonderful, I don't want bad players looking at my posts. You aren't worthy. Ideally this thread will become a haven for gifted individuals like myself to discuss the finer points of competitive gameplay. Out with the bad air, in with the good.
Apparently he had been cheating with those colorbots lel
Jeremiah Barnes
D.VA gets an Umaru skin when?
Lincoln Jones
That tracer aim is incredible. Hope I can be this good one day.
Jordan Murphy
Hiding is not working, what did I do wrong? Someone tell me how to step by step delete this fuckfaace from my owg, I am too retarded to do so myself.
Gabriel Scott
it can't come SOON ENOUGH
Evan Nguyen
David Fisher
I'd like Blizzard to give a special Gremlin D.Va skin that's objectively worse in every way. Gives baby D.Va the hitbox of Torbjorn. Double the size of the mech's crit box.
Lucas Russell
Press the Filter instead. Refresh after you paste the MD5 hashes
Nathan Perez
This game is a complete joke and will continue being a complete joke until resurrect is removed from the game
Juan Flores
that's a smart aim aimbot, probably overjoint 2.0 pretty obvious desu, and it's undetected
Henry Walker
My favorite flicks are the ones where I know the opportunity is coming and my whole arm gets fucking spring tensioned until the moment arrives and the muscle memory is unleashed as an act of borderline sexual violence. 140 damage beamed into your forehead at the speed of light
Jaxson Parker
what did I miss in the last thread, has e*umbre been a bigger fag than usual?
Oliver James
I want to make T.Racer cum
Austin Wright
>overjoint 2.0 Nigga got DMCA by Blizzard.
Parker Nelson
Your post history ceased after the Summer patch which killed public and private color aimbots. I wonder why?
Samuel Barnes
As fast as you can? LOL
Caleb Smith
How could a patch kill color aimbots without removing borders and health bars?
Grayson Green
Go to namefilter Put in /^60f*\.webm$/
Robert Evans
I get different menu. Fuck it, I'll just hide everything about this faggot.
Gabriel Cooper
I posted a brand new webm last thread, what do you mean? I've also been posting pharah webms since the game's launch, am I a rocket aimbotter?
Robert Reyes
Overwatch detects mouse events and returns a black screen when you play. No more borders and health bars for the cheat
Matthew Evans
you seem pretty proficient in aimbots, enumbre maybe you should just tell us what's the name of that private aimbot you're using and how much you paid for it
Kevin Garcia
How long have you been playing FPS?
Aiden Rivera
download 4chanx
Charles Cruz
Fuck it just start reporting all of this niggers posts for avatarfagging or some shit
Nathan Phillips
ArmBot, acquired by playing lots of FPS and having a good nervous system.
One of my first memories in life is playing Doom 2 with my dad, I must have been four or five then. 15+ years, considering
Parker Torres
Probably a lot. I think that in one thread he told that he's an aerospace engineer.
Alexander Torres
>It's a "someone else deal with WM, my hero isn't supposed to/shouldn't have to" matchup
Kayden Campbell
This one will nuke all of his webms
Lucas Wood
Why do you shoot like that? You purposely look away and flick and shoot, look away, flick and shoot. Seems weird and counter-intuitive to just aiming to the head
Angel Lee
Imagine being so addicted to discord drama that when somebody begins to post footage of the game you get upset and throw a tantrum
Blake Martinez
we are not idiots your hand movements are not matching your flicks and the fact that you are cherrypicking 'em instead of giving us an actual full game, when people saw you doing extremely poor in streamers games tells a lot about your so impressive "flick" skills
Cooper Gray
As fast as and as many times as I can
Christopher Gutierrez
Go watch cheaters in CSGO and I mean trashcan kids that just got their aimbot. They try to look flashy as possible
Cooper Morgan
>rng the webm
Christopher Price
>cant track until you finally have hp bar showing sad
Nicholas Cook
Wait are you saying enumbre is cheating?
Jaxon Hernandez
Flicking at high enough speed is what triggers the aimbot.
Parker Scott
more like holding aimkey when you start doing that
Jonathan Powell
For the bulk of my time playing FPS I had a small mousepad and generally bad setup, and a necessity was to play on high sens and flick every shot (tracking with little mousepad space doesn't work.)
I eventually got a real setup but the habit of flicking most of my shots stayed with me, and I like it a lot. Hitting a good flick is so much more satisfying than tracking.
I used to stream whole days' games, see I can fire up the stream right now and play some quickplay if you want an example of a full game, but I'd get banned for advertising my stream
Ryan Morgan
who the hell is Enumbra?, i left for 2 days and now theres some pro-meme streamer fella trying to shove his "professional gameplay" up to our ass
better put my shield to protect this thread from tryharding players
Carter Brown
Just report him for avatarfagging.
Nicholas Long
Rest in peace, good Bastion
Zachary Barnes
See now he's changing his name to avoid namefilter /^enumbra\$/
Jose Johnson
If it somehow detects that, couldn't it just ban you strainght away? Also how it does separate them from legit mouse events? There are legit software that manipulate mouse movement, and they never caused any problem.
Jeremiah Ortiz
>b-but I guess this was the easiest and least embarrassing out for you. Another good option would've been to claim that your dog trampled on your computer so you can't play the game right now. :^)
Grayson Edwards
There's false positives which is why it doesn't ban. Banning is also pointless as the cheat doesn't work. Kids are getting scammed either way
Brody Kelly
What do you think it's like, knowing you might not have much time left when there's dragons to slay and a world to save?
Jordan Nelson
>63 posts >19 users
Carson Garcia
I'm confused, is the flicking webm guy just an aimbot user?
Zachary Bell
>when people saw you doing extremely poor in streamers games
Well it's not like my whole existence is one giant highlight reel, sometimes I get hooked or ulted or just die like anybody else
I've also dumpstered some streamers pretty hard though. Guy getting brained in this webm is a smurf of Carpe, who is the current #1 global player SR-wise and was at the time too. I checked his stream after this game and he was reviewing the vod making outraged Korean noises about my shots.
Eli Young
If you google him you'll see that he's an aimbotter that can barely climb to 4k and is constantly throwing matches because hes shit
Gavin Sanders
>"WE DON'T NEED A 3RD DPS" We don't need a little bitch, but you're still here.
Blake Nelson
Enumbre is the resident good player who bronzes resent for being better than them. Every general has one.
Anthony Ross
maybe I'm just overreacting things and can help anones
*applies MD5 filtering from OP*
holy shit fampai, I was banned for derrailing a thread for one post and this guy just destroyed a thread with samefagging
Xavier Carter
>people not having encountered shitnumbre before
Jonathan Young
>resident good player Go to bed enumbre, you're essentially masturbating in front a crowd
Elijah Rogers
Does anyone know where Enumbre is from?
Justin Barnes
Dominic Taylor
The absolute top players play in 6 stacks at 4am to stomp players 1000 SR below them
Joshua Gutierrez
>aimbot fighting your hand movements so you don't miss
Jaxon Fisher
>t-trust me!1! >here's c-carpe!!1! yeah nah m8. fuck off
Jason Davis
I want to suck Enumbres big, skilled dick
Carter Brown
Carpe is very good though. He isn't the Dafran-style tracer who will charge across the map like a retard and 1clip you with crazy aim, but he sets clever traps. He deserves to be #1 IMO.
Sebastian Garcia
Enumbre, what country are you from?
Gabriel Ross
NA East player with 20 ping, so you can guess it easy enough
Ethan Russell
>hand goes right >screen goes left i mean, can we just submit this to blizzard for a season ban? It's self-incriminating as all hell
Juan Ward
there's mixtape links you can send see
Anthony Morris
Hand? Where do you see a hand?
Landon Cox
I'm pretty sure he's an amerifat
Henry Stewart
>Aimbot >shitty handcam >posts at 4 am talking about how good he is >samefags so he doesn't seem like he's alone in this California or Mass
Justin Hughes
t. Enumbre
Grayson Reed
Why is it that in every game east coast has the most massive tryhards?
Thomas Howard
The name implies latino
Jacob Mitchell
Here's my oldest webm, from shortly after the game's launch. Overwatch was so much better then. It was the closest thing to a DPS meta.
Nathan Bell
Must be California as his name hints on Latino heritage