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Last time on /ss13g/ - spessmen on a spess station:
>Admin ban requests!
>Dead thread!
>Robopeople when?
>What is Space Station 13?
>New player guide
>BYOND client
>Pomf Serbian, main Veeky Forumsstation server
>Test server
>Public server list
>How do I connect to the servers?
Hit the cogwheel in the upper right corner of the BYOND hub and pick "Open Location"
Downgrade your BYOND version to
>Veeky Forumsstation forum and logs + Discord circlejerk
>Map renders collection: updated sometimes
>Coderbus, here!
@rizon #coderbus @rizon #vgstation
>Cryo Autism
>Round Stats
>SS13 booru for all your SS13 images!
>How To Install BYOND: The Video Tutorial: The Movie
>OP Pastebin
OP is valid, get those toolboxes
t. dropped by mom when a baby
new thread time for sunglasses are contraband
any noteworthy Halloween gimmicks already?
6th for this game is ruining my 20s
this so much, I need to log off for good
>been playing 5 years
>I was 20 at the time
I once got legit lost in deff maint.
no admins on currently so
>Gary Soup [Common] (No id) says, "Ah shit nvm"
>Gary Soup [Common] (Chef) says, "I tried to light myself on fire but this isnt TG"
All admins get pinged on Discord if you ahelp while nobody's on
>walk into bar
>battle of lil slugger starts playing
How did we even get TGfugees?
I thought the bunker was up
>Terminal 9 [Common] (AI) states, "Probability of number of vampires is proportional to the amount of crewmembers that have existed since the start of the shift."
>Terminal 9 [Common] (AI) states, "At the beginning of the shift, there have been roughly : 12 crewmembers."
my fucking sides metaknowledge being spouted IC
I want my Veeky Forums station back
Reminder to check the updated hitlist
post list
Friendly reminder to keep shitting on g*ldsteel until he gets dedmined and permbanned
>get confused and mention possibility of Revs after a confirmed traitor
>AI says "it's impossible for their to be a revolution"
>drop the issue because I hate when people do that thing "WHADYA MEAN BY ROUND???" by drawing attention to the de-emulsifiers
>subverts the AI using admin powers for their own shits and giggles
>no consequence to it whatsoever
just give up
Who even made the him an admin? Pain?
I don't like goldsteel
Law 2 release the N2O
What's the best way to fuck up the station with just an emag?
What's the most fun thing to do with an emag?
shit method
Just turn the PA up
Emag the shard crate open :^)
>walk into fitness
>FUCK YOU starts playing
what's worse?
>When it's so deadpop literally nothing happens, you don't even have a job to do unless you start some Autism
>When every department has enough people inside so you don't know which job to pick
Lots of people is better because almost no one goes atmos, so you can just turn stmos into new cargonia
Besides the standard improving distro and waste, the only really rewarding thing is preparing a big amount of bomb mix if you get antag.
Things like automatic distro cooling/heating or preparing air tanks never has any actual impact on the round.
In Engineering you can at least see "oh my a Gigawatt". But Atmos Autism is just unrewarding
>not yotawatts
>not levitating with my rocket feet
I love the first one. Second one sucks.
Will Halloween day have poltergeists activated?
Or did we remove those from the Halloween toggle because no fun.
the latter
I'm sure badmins spawning in 100 zombie mobs will totally be a more unique and unpredictable experience.
>not glowing ones to make the experience even better
Is it possible to hit 1GW with no cargo orders?
With pure O2 in chamber + all tanks cooled to -266C + all three emitters I only got 200MW. I imagine I probably could've added on another handful of MW by turning on the TEG and Singulo but nowhere near 800MW.
I know it's possible if you really commit by building prisms, getting more emitters, stacking ordered rad collectors... but what about just what you can do with the stuff that's there?
It's worse than that
You can build r-ust without cargo
I'm talking about on Box which starts with no gyrotrons
A proper singulo can be emitting like 600mw cant it?
The the basic roundstart 6 collectors? How do you figure?
Singulo can't even really be boosted, nothing affects its rad output but size - not even distance - so you're stuck with what you can squeeze out of those collectors. Cool the tanks all the way and fill them up, sure, but it's probably only good for like what, 8MW? A MW and change per tank? I haven't built a singulo in so long since it's unnecessarily dangerous, so if someone knows the exact numbers on how much you can get out of an individual collector on the singulo that'd be handy.
>Is it possible to hit 1GW with no cargo orders?
Yes, easily.
>Plasma can be cooled to -273 with foam extinguishers, you could also bug it with black magic
>You can put all your collectors to use since they only need to be in view distance of the shard
>VERY easy to get spikes of 1 GW if you use disposals
>You can take the emitters from storage and singulo
How much does it cost to commission art of my static in the discord?
you can also just add more collectors to a singulo
Without visiting cargo that just takes power off of your SME
I wonder if you can get the output consistent enough to get the 1GW charge on the railgun with disposals, that seems the most promising.
I'll have to try foaming a plasma tank though, that's interesting
No, if you want anything consistent you need to use emitters
The best way to maximize power without visiting cargo is to use the TEG. You have all the tools to set it up right from the round start, and with some atmos fuckery you can get practically unlimited power.
>Maximize power
Maybe if you steal some very efficient design off someone or have a degree in Mathematics
The best way to get power out of the TEG is extremely slow and tedious, because it involves running a fuel line from atmos for unlimited heat and building your circulator gas chambers with tons of vents so that the line clears faster.
Not saying you're wrong but it's not subtle and would take all shift.
You didn't say it had to be for brainlets too ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>yes of course I study the code and do some equations for my autism engine in the atmos simulator
your dignity, so dirt cheap
A round of AutoTraitor has ended - 4 survivors, 19 ghosts.
>Get to try wizard for first time
>Get stuck in maints
>latejoin, do mechanic things
>finally get stuff set up
>tazed through the window, bucklecuffed to roller chair
>honestly thought he was being super shitcurity so I ahelp it
>he was an antag
oi vey
Honestly though it's always a good idea to ahelp it if you die weirdly. Admins would rather have a false alarm than some guy who does bannable shit and gets away with it because no one ahelped.
Lowpop traitor is the worst.
It always goes extended or lowpop murderbone with optional recalling
>ahelp every time you die because of someone else's fault
putting chefs sauce in cryo
who #devilish here
>examine cryo
>chef's sauce
You know that anyone can get chefs sauce right?
>examine cryo
never happens l0l
>look at liquid
>can identify the contents with perfect accuracy down to the 0.3337 units of vomit
Why is this a thing?
the best part of chef sauce is getting it as a non-chef and turning the station into a giant lynch mob that completely decimates the kitchen looking for you.
Theoretically, but it's very unlikely
>players ready: 19
"Hey I just got sucked out of an airlock, is this guy ZAS an antag?"
*heard by 0 non-afk admins*
user it takes literally no effort to get chefs sauce even as a nonantag.
You fire a cluster meteor from your Alien object!
>log in
>log out
Can you tell me about a SINGLE incident where this has happened?
god bless RNGesus
I've been trying to find large artifacts, and I've got a question. Can a large be hidden under a normal artifact? Like instead of showing the 0 depth etc wiki says, it'll appear after you dig the first one? Pls not be like this
Yes, in fact I've never found one not hidden under another artifact.
Fuck, explains how I broke two earlier while trying to find the "0 depth" thing. Thanks.
If you want to try TEG you should know that maximum flow capacity is 33%
I ask the same thing about bar drinks, everyone can with pinpoint accuracy see exactly what is in every glass without any equipment so no daterape spiking
>daterape spiking
To be honest if you tried this two things would happen: whoever you try to poison just walks away without a word, or:
>they take the drink
>they go to a testing machine or something
>a minute later ;BARMAN IS ANTAG
>we will never port bay's taste system because fags like yclat will scream about change
It's skeleton day! Why aren't you a skeleton today, Veeky Forums?
Megamaw ruined them for me
I miss Skellingtons from two/three years ago when they were common. There used to be some good skelefags but then we had a huge amount of Veeky Forums snowflake that came in and voted them off
skeletons are a stupid meme
>Makes cell chargers 750% faster, cells made from protolathes start empty, can make cell chargers with a soldering iron
So how has this change been working out so far? I haven't been able to play recently.
Because I don't play much anymore and when I do I never have any fun, and just end up playing a boring mining round and a round in med that will inevitably make me angry at all the retards who insist on playind Medbay when they refuse to learn or do their fucking jobs period.
Lots of asshurt from powergaymen, working as intended
Nobody cares except science and science can get fucked lol
Sounds good. Hope we get a default cell charger in all maps for the mommi nest, going forward.
I still wouldn't mind a rapid APC cell exchanger that can be loaded with upgraded cells after charging them, too.
This is what happens when you overplay a game, it's pretty normal
Have you tried playing AI?