/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #2281

>Recent News:
SSR Yuel & SR Karteira
Burger spoofers banned (wave 2)
Special Halloween Event missions added - 10/20 - 10/30
SR Rita & SR Will 5* Uncap
Vortex Dragon 4* Uncap
Yuel event at the end of the month
Arcarum News (Summons' Call and Aura TL - pastebin.com/PwBd5VSz)

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome.

>Schedule for October:
30/9 - 9/10 - Violet Violence
10/10 - 24/10 - Sakura and the Mysterious Sky Journey
25/10 - 30/10 - Rise of the Beasts (Rerun)

>Schedule for November:
31/10 - 8/11 - New Story Event (Yuel)
9/11 - 16/11 - Water GW (Fire NM boss is Sethlans)

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Giga Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.
>Crew Pastebin

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Yip Yip!

why's she always doing that stupid thing with her hands

she is a nigger




It's okay. Even Nakamura himself unstarred Romeo for Uno.

can i still be considered f2p if i only brought start dash ticket?

Breed Yuel!

If you gave Cygames money, you're not F2P.

ty for believing in me user

why are water support summon so bad?

i have no friends because i'm a noob with no good summons

Yes, player who buy only start dash/suptix are still f2p

>No zoey
>Next best option is Rita
Wheres the cheapest place I can get the BD?

you're semi f2p now


Why is Juliet's husbando /ourguy/?

Look at her hand
Look at her ears and tail
Summon up the absolute maximum intellect in your peanut seanig brain
and you might
figure it out


yuichi nakamura

he bullies vira

because he is a cuck, like /gbfg/


>being this delusional

Of course, people whale for murg and +900 but they're still f2p


Footjob by Yuel!

help me out here


I buy every scam gatcha, costume and supticket and I'm still f2p.

Looks like pic related

Reminder that only pathetic retards don't hate Vira.

>summer Diantha
>summer Narumeia
>summer Izmir
>water Yuel
>5* Uno and Quatre


So pretty much the entire fanbase of this game?

>Grea (mediocre)
>Esser 5* (Sucks shit)
i want to reduce my agni

you need to go back

Just wait for the zodiac

Irrelevant as always

You forgot what we had to suffer through for this glorious moment.


Danua is pretty good.


>forgetting the shitty retard cow that only has nukes

Water magna is still shit though.

do I even need to spell it

Malice grids will fix that!

But would you really want to have an actual retard in your team?

So, how many people will stop playing when Chrome finally shuts down app store like they planned? This would include everything from Viramate to the game's app.

Right now, post your rolls.

>water keeps getting new shit
>sibyl still not nerfed
is this the darkest timeline?

She's cute. C U T E

I need 3 drops
Already at th9
Should I turn on shop droprate buffs?

Would just switch to Nox desu

It regularly drops 3 even without th.

>water got Anne last month
>along with amazing SR
>now they got another new SSR

if you're still playing Shadowverse after RoB, TotG, and WD you have no one to blame but yourself

inb4 1

>tfw not even part of the 77,741人
...I'll be good one day, bros.



you know they won't count for the fight right woofus

>ever since summer 2016, you've gotten a SSR for 7 consecutive months
metalman,naru, chat, romeo, izmir, arulu, katapillar, then got vane, 2 summer SSR and now yuel
also had 4 *5 before anyone else and got altair and silva *5 only few months apart
also has murgles, the best weapon in the game and both gw *5 are broken
varuna deals as much damage as backwater titan, while staying at full health and has the ability to negate all damage and stay healthy

why are you guys all acting like every person has a varuna

>80 rolls saved up
>water yuel coming up
>sheep coming up
Please bully me so I don't waste all my rolls for clay golems

>using the app
You do realize you can just go to the website, right? The game is all done in html5 and javascript and hosted separate from google. The app store shutting down would do nothing.

thumbnail looks like a loli

they didn't get baalfest


forgot Anne and getting a water shiva too, fuck water

I remember when we were raping lightlords but then we got too cheeky and got kicked in the nuts real hard.

What about the Viramate users?

>those armpits
>that upskirt shot

Oh my.

i dumped too much money onto both games to back out now

fox god hand gesture. I think is a reference to babymetal

>Still no DAO news

Told you so.

Owen is a SSR cosplaying as a SR as well.

Anyone with half a brain knows how to install apps from outside the appstore. I haven't tried myself, but I assume chromium runs the game fine as well.

>he forgot when varuna got fucked so hard even NKMR was crying "why did you nerf varuna?"

I don't know why do people shit on Anne so much.

>undisspellable self def buffs
>takes 500-1000 damage from ubaha hl at the start of the battle without the fully stacked self buff
>can keep your s. Izmir and naru h
>more than average damage as long as you keep ouging


too bad water still has a severe lack of ticketable attackers (that can actually go toe to toe with the best attackers in other elements)

>2016 was the year of wind
>2017 was the year of water
what's 2018 gonna be like?

I'm happy for Yuelfags, Yuel is cute and her VA voices one of my favorite characters indifferent franchise but I'm still sad I got denied my dark totally-not-lucifer

>Game updated
Someone datamine to check to see if they uploaded new sprites and stuff for the event


the year of light

Foxtail handjobs woo woo!



If we are going by zodiacs and the year of insert this element it should be dirt

>I haven't tried myself, but I assume chromium runs the game fine as well.
Yes it does. All Chrome derivatives do. Point is, Viramate will no longer be available since the app store will be gone. You'll have to depend on apks or shifty downloads.

is big + medium attack up better than massive attack up?

Y-year of the zeph?

Wind is saved!

>chance to boost da rate

Wind Prom sticks?

is this as good as it looks


It'll change to massive attack at 101