ITT silly pictures of historical figures
ITT silly pictures of historical figures
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Bukharin was a goof
I have only ever seen two people roll cigarettes like that. Bukharin and my mates da.
Filipino nationalist figures high on opium.
William Howard Taft, future US President, then governor of the Philippine Islands. On a water buffalo.
Didn't realize pigs could ride other animals.
Based Bukharin
Excellent thread
Wasn't Stalin known for sometimes being a bit goofy and playful?
hes a majestic walrus
Former Australian Prime Minister Bob Hawke
(Second from the left)
And again...
Here he is drinking 1.4 litres of beer in just 11 seconds, an Oxford record.
And a short clip of him drunkenly excusing anyone who ditched work to celebrate our first America's Cup win.
Maybe Bukharin IS your friend's dad?
Do you think he ever fucked a Filipina?
That was the early Stalin.
He looks like the nth lonely 40-60something American Sex Tourist here so yeah.
Stalin was known to be a goofy asshole before becoming a dictator, upon which he took on a more sober and paternalistic persona
Oh yeah. He liked playing with kids, drinking a bit and having a good time with friends, joking around, etc.
But the keyword here is: sometimes.
And like the others pointed out, as he aged, that became less so. Especially as he got near the end of his life, he became much more bitter, paranoid, and secluded.
>dat fupa
Apple pie
What is he 2?
those floyd mayweather antics
Willy and Nicky
>Wasn't Stalin known for sometimes being a bit goofy and playful?
At this time, the aging leader rarely called Politburo meetings. Instead, much of the high-level work of government took place at dinners hosted by Stalin. These sessions, which Beria, Malenkov, Khrushchev, Kaganovich, Kliment Voroshilov, Vyacheslav Molotov, and Nikolai Bulganin, who comprised Stalin's inner circle, attended, began with showings of cowboy movies favored by Stalin.[93] Stolen from the West, they lacked subtitles.[93] The dictator had the meal served at around 1 a.m., and insisted that his subordinates stay with him and drink until dawn. On one occasion, Stalin had Khrushchev, then aged almost sixty, dance a traditional Ukrainian dance. Khrushchev did so, later stating, "When Stalin says dance, a wise man dances."[93] Khrushchev attempted to nap at lunch so that he would not fall asleep in Stalin's presence; he noted in his memoirs, "Things went badly for those who dozed off at Stalin's table."
course he was
>Stalin reads his report to the Party Congress. Suddenly someone sneezes. "Who sneezed?" Silence. "First row! On your feet! Shoot them!" They are shot, and he asks again, "Who sneezed, Comrades?" No answer. "Second row! On your feet! Shoot them!" They are shot too. "Well, who sneezed?" At last a sobbing cry resounds in the Congress Hall, "It was me! Me!" Stalin says, "Bless you, Comrade!"
What a fuckin madman, not for killing all those people but for shit like this
I mean it really must be genetic?
it's like straight out of gabagool
that is pretty adorable.
De Gaulle said Stalin had the best sens of humor
He was over-the-top on purpose
Got a tonne of tsar nick
>"Things went badly for those who dozed off at Stalin's table."
This sounds like he either gulag'd them or drew all over them with permanent marker and had someone take photographs.
Tsar Nicks natural state is sexy aloofness
This makes me sad when I'm thinking how he ended
He seemed like a fun loving guy, even if he was a bit tyrannical towards his people I don't think he deserved the savage death he had.
Looks pretty comfy, to be honest.
He was very affable, of course.
In 1939 during border negotiations with Finns he just walked around cracking jokes and pleasantries. Then he would make harsh ultimatums, sometimes knowing full well they might not be met.
Then in 1940 when the Winter War was concluded he congratulated Finland when attending the peace negotiations.
I love how they switched uniforms.
Trying to be hip with the 80s fashion
Apparently at Yalta, Churchill was all like
>why don't we just take 100 of the top Nazi leaders into a forest somewhere, shoot them, and be done with it
And then Stalin was all like
>why not the top 100,000
And FDR freaked out and left the room, until somebody managed to convince him it was a joke.
>even if he was a bit tyrannical towards his people
As I recall (at least based on what my mother said about Russia and schooling there), it was less that *he* was tyrannical, but more that his ministers were a bunch of dicks. What she (and my grandmother) always told me, was that *he* was well liked by the general population, but they also believed the revolution was necessary to oppose the awfulness that was what his ministers were doing.
tl;dr My Russian mother and granny said everyone liked him, but fucking hated his tyrannical administration and ministers, who were cunts.
Well in the book "The Rising Sun" by John Toland there is a similar story. Difference was it was Stalin and FDR making jokes and Churchill running out. It was the meeting between the big three in Persia, just before D-Day. Joseph Stalin made a joke that they had to kill 50,000(or 100,000 I don't remember which one) at least in the invasion. Churchill was shock and horrified by this. FDR than said there should be compromise and that only 49,999 Germans should be kill(99,999 if the number was 100,000). Churchill did not get the joke and walked out of the room.
I feel like this would be perfect with an "abandon thread" caption.
You can be handsome but still evil
Has this ever been confirmed to be real?
Me on the second right.
Bummer they had to end him.
Few in history are just evil. People simply don't work like that.
Threads like this just prove that those names we read about were complex people with likes, dislikes, favorite activities, friends, family. They were human. They lived.
And its surreal to see snapshots of their lives, candid glimpses into the people they really were underneath the circumstances and the titles. Knowing the ending of those stories can be sad once you start finding things you can relate to.
t. an overly sentimental Veeky Forums fag
That was just his style.
The man being held by the soldier had just slapped Tojo on the head in this picture.
I think he'd draw all over your face take photos then gulag you and edit you out of the photos
what if the sneezer was in the second or first row
i assume it was a women filming yes
in which case based
There was this one crazy kid in high school who loved WW 1 and 2 related stuff (even collected items, weapons, cloths, etc) and I swear to you he had the same facial expressions like Mussolini.
He had a longer skull, though - but still: every time I see this gif I remember that dude.
fuck off kike
they shit the bed killing the nobility, basically confirmed the world's suspicions that reds were villains, all the way until the collapse in 1991
>it was all a prank bro
The sad truth is that he was literally fucking insane and retarded and that is probably the case of this picture, probably didn't realize his pants were up to his tits.
As in, literally. He suffered from severe Alzheimers throughout his presidency.
To get him to understand policy, they had to get the explanation of the policy made into a childrens cartoon and only after that would he sign off on it.
He would routinely, in meetings and even in public, mix up movies and real life, famously with the MX missile program, mixing it up with the movie Wargame. As in, he stood there, and literally just repeats to everyone the entire fucking plot of Wargame when he's supposed to be explaining the new missile program.
He would literally just fall asleep, on live TV when talking as well and drool all over himself like a retard. Famously doing this while meeting the fucking Pope.
In general he was just a giant fucking spaz as well. One of his top advisors said and I'm paraphrasing "It's a hard job watering the vast desert between Reagan ears"
In reality, the President in the Reagan era was his top advisor, a guy called Don Regan, and his wife Nancy Reagan, who btw, was getting policy ideas from a psychic who claimed to get them from communicating with the dead.
This is Ronald Reagan, the man the Republican Party holds up as the the greatest leader the world has ever seen.
The way you could tell Stalin's mood apparently was how he held and smoked his pipe. This is how Zhukov got away with talking shit about Stalin to his fucking face all the time. Because he knew perfectly how to read Stalin and knew when Stalin would take it as a joke or take it as a insult, which would likely be deadly.
>when Stalin drew deeply on his tobacco pipe, it was a sign of a good mood. Conversely, if Stalin failed to light his pipe once it was out of tobacco, it was a sign of an imminent outburst
>everyone who disagrees with me is Jewish
Take this with a grain of salt.
"The tyrant was okay, but his government was mean!" is an argument raised against every autocrat. While it's certainly possible that Nicholas II and Stalin and Bashar Al-Assad have better intentions than the actions of their agents suggest, they still allowed these agents to enact brutal violence on their populations.
>Ywn attend an all-night life-or-death drinking session with Stalin
>What? What?
During the Iran-Contra trials, he claimed he "Could not recall", 52 times, and pleaded the 5th four times.
At the time, I thought it was all a pathetic ruse and legal strategy... Little did we know.
Not seen this classic in awhile... Bit too soon though.
fucking based
All Italians love exaggerated body language, everyone knows that
he survived
Good fucking post
poor buffalo
>*teleports behind jew*