/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #2282

Fox Galore edition

>Recent News:
SSR Yuel & SR Karteira
Burger spoofers banned (wave 2)
Special Halloween Event missions added - 10/20 - 10/30
SR Rita & SR Will 5* Uncap
Vortex Dragon 4* Uncap
Yuel event at the end of the month
Arcarum News (Summons' Call and Aura TL - pastebin.com/PwBd5VSz)

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome.

>Schedule for October:
30/9 - 9/10 - Violet Violence
10/10 - 24/10 - Sakura and the Mysterious Sky Journey
25/10 - 30/10 - Rise of the Beasts (Rerun)

>Schedule for November:
31/10 - 8/11 - New Story Event (Yuel)
9/11 - 16/11 - Water GW (Fire NM boss is Sethlans)

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Giga Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.
>Crew Pastebin

At least Karteira looks real cute
Needs a SSR



Sex with Nio!

>fire is the worst element but that doesnt bother me because its the waifu element and thats why im fine with doing zero damage - /gbfg/
>reeee fire is one of the best elements in the game and you wouldnt be able to do anything with us - /gbfg/

Yes, as debuffer and blindbot


>want karteira
>don't care for water yuel

At least fire still has the best waifus r-right?


You forgot previous thread

The only thing parabots do in the raid is use paralyze and nothing else

Still waiting for that JK done with 0 parabots, 0 fire lords carrying your asses.
>b-but i can mvp shit without para!!!!
While you're at it why dont you show me a baha hl with a wind mvp that also didnt have parabots.
Your entire element relies on someone else turning the boss off and you have the nerve to say anything about any other element

When the fuck is GW I want my Nio already

Previous thread:

Stop posting fearbot.


>unlocking T4 tomorrow
>will finally be able to join /gbfg/ baha HLs

how do you turn off the dumb halloween colors

I'm pretty sure this is falseflagging

By :stopmusic:
Dumb fucking newcunt

I've been leeching them since 101

DFC15332 Prom

Bring CR/Sage

And that's why you are hated, KMR.

>better shitpost and damage control even harder
Of course, its a dirtnigger posting.

Why would you want to stop it?

Please stop, no one thinks this is funny

>Still waiting for that JK done with 0 parabots, 0 fire lords carrying your asses.

You're right it isnt. Its pathetic
>I can do JK without a parabot disabling the boss for me!!

Post spook

sara is CUTE!

Post that one that she is getting her fangs removed

You're trying too hard user...

Eustace has para

A raid with nothing but used sluts in it.

>fringe case

let him be, they forgot about his birthday

Alexiel in his support summon is pure.

>just be rank 200, have completely maxed out EMP, +99 everything and have a fully maxed out whale grid and you can do this t1 entry boss in 2 FUCKING HOURS

how much further are you going to move that goalpost

What? That was with a stick grid

You think Alexiel got that hard and defensive by staying pure? Think again, dirtnigger, she's the most used of the lot. Even more used than JK.

whale grid

>implying she isn't getting railed every night by her stand

>whale grid
is this a trick?

Yugu sticks are super whale weapons, user.

How may steaks in a fire grid? 6 seems like too mich.

Anons next post is him saying he was only pretending to be retarded


4. Just make sure they don't burn. Keep turning them over to ensure they cook well.

Fuck off KMR

>still doesnt post a JK done by a non-ultrawhale minmax autist without a parabot and without fire nobles carrying them

>KMR releasing fox event and SSR after AL foxes boom
getting insecure?

Is water Yuel good?

Why are nonhumans so sexually attractive?

>furry cunt

As good as how much she makes your dick hard.

>needing fire in jk when their primal gets outraced by magna earth

Because humans are boring and you want to escape from that painfully mundane reality.

>Fire loses their only character that was good
>Water version is better in every way without needing a 5* grind
This game is shit

b-but he announced f-fox cd in s-summer!
its a p-pure coincidence that he decided to r-release it INSTANTLY after AL takes their spot in their main magazine!

No one has her yet...

>2 fire
>was parabotted
Still waiting on that 0 fire 0 parabot JK run


news doko

>rank 200 ultra autism minmaxer that spent $6000 on the game
you can even solo ubaha at that point

What is nobody going to prove fire is shit? Why do you keep posting JKs with fire lords and a parabot carrying your dirtnigger asses

Why are fearbots so much louder and more annoying than darkcucks?

>Pommern with a cute Erune

fire and water zoi when


I think I've been using buncles wrong this entire time.
Am I suppose to have one for the element I'm fighting or the element I'm using to prevent damage.

Still waiting for that 0 fire 0 parabot 0 charmbot 0 blindbot 0 primal 0 zoi 0 murg 0 chev sword 0 gisla JK run.

>try to kill me and my friends more times I can count
>"he is good now"

I won't accept that.


Even if they're now less relevant in HL, zoinigger still the king of stealing MVP in magna which is basically 90% of raids in GBF.
Fearbot on the other hand.

You forgot 0 dirt dirt mvp

>wind and earth are shit because they rely on enmity and cannot play without enmity
>fires main grid and whale weapon (crimson finger) all use enmity

He has no reason to oppose the crew now

someone convince me to farm auberons

>stealing MVP in magna
I mean just hitting ground zero will do that half the time

the first person in the raid will mvp it, doesn't matter if he is a zoinigger or not

>forgot to do Halloween quests
I thought today was the last day.

You really didn't miss much. They seem to have made trick stick not drop candy on slimes so it's whatever.

Before farming aubs you wanna farm another Fimbul you non auto capping smartass.

Ground Zero cap at 1.2 mill, a bit more if have skill damage cap up. Least HP magna is Yggdrasil who still has 8.6 million. Zoinigger with 0* claw grid can burst at least half of that if they do it during strike time.

>needing ST to steal MVP
Now we're just getting into "that's sad" territory

I'm still waiting for a picture of a f2p auberon grid capping

Where the hell is Olivia? Today was the day I'd finally roll again after months of drought.

That's even better, it's good for wanpans, and it doesn't fuck up your slimeblasting with extra clicks.

How many aub is needed?

He lost a bunch of crystals too. And trick stick is still completely free xp for all eternity in leech teams. Not a bad reward for such small work.

Have you perhaps thought it's not the grid but your character setup?


>implying you can MVP your early magna raid
As much as you guys said GBF is a dead game, there's still good amount of just starting players who's currently around rank 50 or lower and can barely scratch magna raid.

every mobage is dead during non primetime nip

stip moving the goalposts, zoinigger


how would I know?I don't have a single auberon

there is no olivia

Friendly reminder that if you deliberately enter Qilin or Huanglong raids despite not needing to due to already having what you need from them (Qilin sword, Qilin harp, Huanglong fist, etc), then you are worst than garbage.

That slot you just took up in the raid could have been taken from someone who is still farming those weapons or their respective summons.