Minecraft General - /mcg/ - Shitpost Edition

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We discuss Minecraft, modpacks, projects, building ideas, etc...
Share server stories and keep the screenshots coming, we want to see more builds!
If you develop mods or anything Minecraft related, keep us updated so we can give feedback.
Don't spam your server or discord here; use the list from the link below to advertise it.

[ ! ]For 1.10+ Use foamfix and Optifine with terrain animated turned off

► 2. NEWS

[30 jun 2017] Noodlor's Castle Collection is completed! Including a world-download.
> imgur.com/a/NeywO

[14 may 2017] GoG update is finished
> mods.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/228948-grimoire-of-gaia

[02 jan 2017] Asie has been working on asie.pl/foamfix/, which remedies 1.10+ RAM issues,
as well as a few others, github.com/FabricMC, [YouTube] Silent Charset update.


/mcg/ General text (use it to contribute news and info for the next thread!)
> public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/mcg-op

Modding Tools & documentation
> mcforge.readthedocs.io
Curse downloader
> github.com/TOLoneWolf/curseDownloader
Explaination of how do stuff for newfags

Server list (own a server? Please move to the new Serblist.com)
> serblist.com
> docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1w0Nywo6sZcexcYb46hTOfAwElaeUlPoCC4DKRFcMWYQ (Old)

Ideas & Inspiration
> mcnoodlor.imgur.com/
> elworrier.imgur.com/
> imgur.com/a/JPif9

Castlefag's map
> mega.nz/#!h3hi0TQR!areDzeQYr6RACXyDX-HE49BEIePIHze3liNoXg6Dhqg

Other urls found in this thread:


first for deditated wam

second for trainserb 3 when

i want to build something that doesnt look so shitty like everything else. any tip

>Ideas & Inspiration
>> mcnoodlor.imgur.com/
>> elworrier.imgur.com/
>> imgur.com/a/JPif9


Build large instead of small, built 3D instead of flat, pick out materials that have colors and textures that go together.

thanks to stair blocks and buildings so huddled together, these roofs are just criminally fun to run around like motherfucking assassin

If you were serious about it you could look into actual principles of architecture.
As for simple tips, try to:
>Add texture. (Detailing)
>Use colors and block textures that work together. (Color theory)
>Keep a sense of unity.
>Tall things look more grand.
>Boxes, squares, and hard edges have their place, but arches and curves are more pallettable.
>Landscape and background are important to consider.
>Lighting isn't just for mobs.

All I could think of right now.

smol birb has been made

Shit man. It's really coming together.

I think I'm gonna roll with this design
not much else to change about it except variable details

>try that Harder Ores mod
>after countless new worlds I finally managed to get harder versions of modded ores to spawn
>but vanilla ores keep spawning in their normal versions

>"today I will make my own modpack, i'll make it a small one"
>hours later, 108 mods loaded
>a week later the configs are on point - worldgen with no dupes, etc
>document my changes just in case I stumble upon an issue (pic related)
>time to actually play it
>don't feel like it anymore
Every. Single. Time.

what the fuck are you even doing?
I have 18 mods loaded and I don't even know where the fuck did I got that much

Oh shit, its spooky now.

Never messed with Harder Ores. I've using COFH Core for ore gen, and the way I have it set up is in sparse clusters. I have both Dense Ores and Poor Ores set up, so clusters really have a shitload of ore in them.

But, since clusters can be really frustrating, I have Poor Ores generating in a relatively normal distribution, so it's still possible to get metal even if you can't find a cluster.

>>document my changes just in case I stumble upon an issue (pic related)
Use git, boyo.

Im slowly running out of ideas. anyone here want to submit some pixel art or small pics i can put in my world?

Could you provide us with those configs? Seems like a nice mining experience to try.

Qt. Wat mod?

can I disable the fucking screenshot taken message without turning off whole hud?


If you download the zip from there, it contains all my ore gen configs. I'm using Metallurgy to provide most of my metals, so if you're using a different mod for copper, tin, etc., you'll need to tweak the configs. You'll also want to remove all the Metallurgy stuff if you're not using it.

The modpack also has my fork of Poor Ores. You'll probably want that fork, since the upstream version of Poor Ores doesn't handle metadata properly if you try to create poor ores from a mod like Thermal Foundation which has all its ores as metadata variants of the same block.

Just be aware that I'm not sure exactly how balanced my cluster rarity is, since I haven't gotten the chance to play a long game with the setup.

Suggestions for the ore distribution and the modpack as a whole are very welcome. Once (if) I get this MineFantasy stuff working and rewrite some of the guides, I plan on opening the server up for /mcg/.


I can into space.

Oh, I think I'm getting there. I guess everything was getting fucked over by Dense Ores, which really has no business being in a pack like this so after axing it it looks like the hard ores are generating as they should.
Now let me find a few more working ore veins before I settle down for good.

>Check the serblist
>Its all vanilla shit

Setting up a vanilla server is orders of magnitude easier and less expensive than making a modpack and running a modded server.

True but even then there are already pre made modpacks out there.

I see a lot of anons have that problem, so if you enjoy setting up packs so much why don't you become a pack maker for something that isn't FTB instead?

fuck rain at night in this game, I can't see shit in it, but damn it looks comfy like this

The shaders and low bright makes it really comfy, but could you post some pics without shaders and on day with normal brightness?

That's sexy.

>pics without shaders
I clench my asshole every time I have to turn those things on and off, why would you want THAT?

I can barely appreciate the decorations, the blocks you used and how you placed them. It's just so I can get better inspo from it since it's pretty nice but you can see jackshit most of the time with the shaders.

well here you go

Is this the only somewhat decent place on the internet to talk about this game? The official forums are dead and were terrible even when alive, reddit is just people circlejerking and posting the same rehashed content over and over, planetMC is trash. There are some smaller subreddits that are OK, but they're even deder than this general.

What a depressing state of affairs


>Is this the only somewhat decent place on the internet to talk about this game?


Thanks, if it doesn't bother you much could you post the other parts as well without shaders? It could help me much for when I decide to keep on with my Conquest projects. It's surprisingly nice how much detail you placed on everything.

one screenshot dump coming up

What, did you think the ded game memes were just memes?






Thanks user! I love all of this,
specially all the small details you've placed on everything.
This is why I don't like Shaders, all the work you place in decorating and building ends up as the underdog compared to the orange glow of the shader. while shaders look pretty, they are at the end of the day just makeup which your builds don't even need.


to each their own
I honestly didn't notice losing any details with shaders on because I literally have them always on when I build
it looks jarring to me now but maybe I just like to eat shit

>Do you remember how the climate and continent incidences work off the top of your head?
SORRY MAN, something came up. Hope you get around to reading this.

I've uploaded my climatecontrol.cfg to pastebin:

I'll go over some settings in the config that I can remember fiddling with in this post. If you don't already use Notepad++, I'd strongly recommend it. It's free and very, very useful. It makes poking around configs like this A LOT more convenient.

>I:"Biome Size"=3
Not a lot of room to really tweak this since it's exponential and only accepts integers, but 3 was the sweet spot for me. It looks like biomes' lengths and widths range from around 200-400 blocks (if you need help visualizing this distance, I personally use unmined for overviews of my world).

Don't forget to make this true if you plan on using BoP!

I think by default this is false. I remember beaches being too narrow (2 blocks of sand between a biome and the ocean) and I remember spending some time fixing it, but I don't remember if the narrow beach problem was with RTG+CC+BOP. Just something to keep in mind, I suppose.

>(lines 90-107)
Climate Control internally names biomes as "Cool," "Warm," etc and then does stuff with those names. For example, you can set rules so that Hot biomes NEVER spawn right next to a Cool biome.

The Climate Incidence section basically says how often you want those types of biomes. If you look in the pastebin at my config, I set Cool to 3, Hot to 1, Snowy to 1, and Warm to 2, so Cool biomes appear 3x as often as Hot and Snowy biomes and 1.5x as often as Warm biomes.

It's important to note that I also changed the classification of a lot of biomes (you can see climate classifications of biomes at the bottom of the config), but basically the effect I wanted was a world where deserts and snowy areas were a bit rarer.





I think it's too notorious on both of these:
The one with shaders looks prettier, but as a wallpaper since you can barely see the details and colors it has. Meanwhile the one without shader is easier to appreciate everything that's in scene. Even if the one without shader was at night it would still be easier to see the build rather than focus on the orange glow.

uchuu kitaaaa?

this is pretty much all of it

forgot the bridge

Do you have any tips to build like that?

Does anyone still play vanilla MC on 2b or other servers?

I'm not an architect, I just build stuff I think looks alright
try to think how would you have to build stuff if the game didn't magically keep it in the air for no reason
try to think how would real people actually navigate and live in a place like that
try to always have at least a bit of foresight, it saves you hours of redoing shit
try to go extra fucking mile with everything, it pays off

I'm going to give my town a sever system like in oblivion and 1st Witcher
people will never appreciate it unless I do autistic step by step screenshot tour of it but I'm going to build it anyway and I will have to think about how to lay it out

What texture pack do you use?

How about organic growth, placing things like a natural village would have them and how about the decorations in your builds?


Remember, in the CLIMATE INCIDENCES section, even though it names some biomes ("relative incidence of cool zones like forest/plains/hills/taiga/roofed forest"), you can change the classification of ANY biome in the game, including BOP ones.

>B:"Half Zone Size"=true
This may be false by default. I believe this section (lines 116-150) manages CLIMATE zones, which are distinct from biomes. So climate zones (Hot climate zones, Cool climate zones, etc) contain groups of biomes. The earlier setting for biome size affects individual biomes, this setting on the other hand affects the size of climate zones.

Now that I think about it, I think I was WRONG about the CLIMATE INCIDENCES section in the last post. It wasn't about Cool/Snowy/Hot BIOMES, it was about Climate Zones, which is a lot different. Sorry about that.

Not sure if I explained it well enough, but basically a Snowy Climate Zone would be composed of Snowy Biomes.

>ocean control parameters
This part was the most important to me personally. I always wanted to generate a world full of islands. It took me a long time to get these settings just right.

My settings here make it so that islands are decently close, ranging from 200-500 blocks away from each other, but there are also some decently large landmasses (1500 blocks wide). Very large landmasses (3000+) are rare with my settings because I like oceans and seafare.

You have to be careful with these settings because I've had oceans that are too big and islands too sparse.

ALMOST FORGOT, it might feel like a hassle to test out all these settings and load a new world every time and then generate a lot of chunks (which is what I actually did while testing), BUT THERE'S A REALLY FAST WAY TO TEST YOUR WORLDGEN SETTINGS.

The mod ForgeAmidst can show you a topographical view of your world including biomes and even shows you what it will look like in chunks you haven't generated. IT'LL SAVE YOU A LOT OF TIME.

charlimit again rip

Any lesser known building mods for 1.7.10? More dyes and wallpapercraft gives lots of varied colored blocks, and the wallpaper mod gives some nice... wallpapers. Secret blocks is fun to play with.
would be nice to have more non-block building mods tho

Got bored, made a "quick" CT/MT script to show botania's integration with TC in a custom tab

Well after
that's pretty much all I can remember about Climate Control. Sorry again for not replying last night man. I hope you get around to seeing these message and they help you out.

Lemme know if you have any other questions and I'll be happy to talk. Hope your server goes well.

Conquest Reforged

I started off literally building on top of a vanilla village, you can still see the crossroad with the well. Two houses were already alright size, the rest were those shitty squares they never changed for some reason. Smithy was there too.
I just tried to make it click together and fill the inbetweens, then build around it.

Are you going for industrial buildings? houses?
I guess it works to just remake a vanilla village but you can't always work from that.
Also, how did you got those smooth arches? My arches look like pic related

Man, when is someone gonna backport conquest's cosmetic shit?

Honestly I'm for checking out Anything right now.
...Mostly I build houses, thou

Went back to my second island, this fucker suddenly spawned.

looks diseased, kill it

the fuck is that?
put it in a jar or something.

Go pegasus or go home.
It's quite fun dicking around underwater with a hippocampus though

>Also, how did you got those smooth arches? My arches look like pic related
no idea, what material is that even?
maybe I have just newer version or something

anyway the severs are now officially a go
I'm bored of the surface for now


Sitting there making hearts while it waits for trees to grow. Drones have no right to be this cute

what mod??

Then Bibliocraft, Apple Milk Tea, Bamboo Mod, Crayfish, Maple Tree.
It looks like they made an update 3 weeks ago, gonna check what new neat things they added.

Futurepack for 1.12.2. Before you get excited, for some godforsaken reason the automated mining and woodcutting drones are gated behind everyfuckingthingelse, though there is a cheat command to unlock all the research stuff if you don't want to press random buttons for a thousand years.

Here's my little tree fucker fucking a tree. It'll pick up the saplings and replant too. All the drops go in the drone station.

...and forgot the pic. I blame reCAPTCHA

I want a pegasus. How do I get a pegasus.

How good are they vs. Buildcraft Robots?

>i only play survival alone

am i wrong?

which one?
stairs in the middle of the roads are probably retarded but I can't come up with a way to put up that grate so the it isn't one block deep or above the ground...

First one, the height difference draws attention to it much better than the weird pressure plates.

but i already have all those
i wish i could disable those bamboo shoots everywhere

No, unless you build a lot (as in, almost exclusively). In which case you should play creative alone.

deffo the first one. it looks more natural

Did you try placing the grate from below? I remember you were able to place it on ground level.
Ye Gamol Chattels, Custom NPC's, Sometimes I use Open Computers blocks as servers for decorations, Railcraft, Road Stuff, Parzis Star Wars has some futuristic props that are nice (add a recipe for them), Immersive Engineering, Minefantasy, Atum, Thaumcraft, Witchery.

well. that certainly dodn't cross my mind

Difficult to say really. The mining drone looks like it's got a lot of potential for setting up complex tasks but I haven't tried it out yet.

I've seen pegasi in extreme hills a lot.
Mount it over water or lead it into an enclosed area with transparent blocks for the ceiling, they love to buck you off 200 blocks up in the air when you're trying to tame them. Awesome early-game flight if you can get one though.

Man, even though I know a lot of this is just conquest, your shit still looks really good.

reminded me to get railcraft and traincraft. Thanks!

Turns out they did update Conquest and oh, they overdid it with the 3d models. They are so beautiful.

tanks, conquest is incredibly powerful, I recommend it to everyone who want's to try some medieval goodness

A shame none of it is functional and doesn't work with mods at all.

What's the correct version of Chisel to be using in 1.7.10?

If you are gonna play Conquest it's because you want to build pretty things and being sad props aren't functional it's like being sad because you can't interact with props on an RPG like Skyrim or M&B

Are there any mods for 1.7.10 that add this sort of large stone corner brick stuff?