Hey guys i wanted to know if anyone could give me a breif awnser to making money online, im new to this and so far i've heard about SEO,Affiliate marketing, and i see bitcoins? are popular here.
I would really appreciate if someone could help inform me more on what i can do to start of.
Hey guys i wanted to know if anyone could give me a breif awnser to making money online...
Other urls found in this thread:
cam whoring
buy a webcam and some knee pads
>affiliate marketing
Yeah you just named some of the biggest meme's surrounding "online business".
It once costed nothing, and now 1 coin costs more than $1000. You missed your chance friendo
Good luck getting clients
>affiliate marketing
Do you want to make money? Don't fucking go into af then
If you're new to "this sort of thing", I recommend giving yourself a few months, perhaps a year, do really divulge in information, books and lessons in business, before you jump right in. You won't go far if you try now.
It is not without reason that every spam comment on the internet is something in the lines of "MAKE MONEY FROM HOME WITH THIS SIMPLE METHOD".
Everyone wants to make money online, thus it is a lot of fucking work to do so.
If you want to start a website and want to generate google traffic, expect at least 4 months before google sends you any traffic.
If you know what you are writing about, and do get a community, you go with adsense and affiliate links.
If you are any good a social media, that is a great way to go. You can bypass a shitton of wait time and get loyal viewers/customers through you social media community.
You can also look into dropshipping, which is very popular at the moment and quite saturated. This also requires a lot of social media work and good ads on google etc.
Bitcoins are fucking volatile and I don't know shit about them.
Youtube is fucking hard, unless you have some awesome subjects that you can cover.
OP here, yeah i did realize that if it was easy everybody would be doing it and having high success rates with it.
Im going to keep researching online and learn as much as i can.
I did hear about drop shipping aliexpress products to shopify, it looks like a great way to start off and build experience or at least learn from the errors ill make.
Thank you for the info and help guys
You can join our Discord group in different methods to make money online.
woah, the most honest thing I think I've ever seen on biz
Your only real options are selling stuff on ebay, doing freelance work at a website like freelancer or upwork, aaannddd that's about it.
Or you could get super lucky and be a famous twitch streamer.
u know nuffin.
Lurk on thebotnet
lurk on hackforums
lurk on bitcointalk
You will find alot of methods to make money.
I just made $500 from 1 day of effort. All from affiliate marketing. Honestly SEO and affiliate marketing are great for beginners to just make their first online dollar and expand from there.
It's cheap, and it's fast because you get paid your commission up front. All you need to do is target people, and get them to click your link and buy something. With SEO you can get passive traffic on certain keywords, then a percentage of people will take action on your affiliate link. You can advertise for traffic, you can try to get "organic" traffic, nowadays all I do is advertise. When I take out an ad I know I can turn $1,000 into $4,000. When you are just starting out, you can get free traffic by just doing repetitive work. Anyone can do it, I told one of my friends about it and now he is making money online.
My point is that making money online is not a meme like these people say, it's real, and there's a million ways to do it. Anyway let me know if you have any specific questions.
Put your money in a risky ETF and wait thirty years
Don't try and skip to the end with pumpndump scamcoins
I do affilaite marketing and will say there is absolutely a LOT of money to make. Like disgusting.
However it's also a shady industry so if you have morals do not bother. Just note that there are absolutely people pushing $3-5MM per year in profits through nutra, bizopp, and adult/dating offers online. These are huge.
Anyone who says affiliate marketing is a "meme" is beyond ignorant.
This is all assuming paid traffic tho. If you wanna do SEO that's a bit better although it's even more competitive.
Good to see others running paid traffic! I try to keep tabs on this board for this very reason.
What sort of verticals are you running? And how long you been doing it?
I'm doing mobile pops right now but since the audience is so broad it's a weird area. I REALLY want to get into native but the budget requirements are astronomical... pretty sure I'll have to wait and form a mastermind with friends at some point to ever hope to break into native.
Also OP you can earn well in affiliate marketing without the "immoral" side of paid traffic. But this is more about building a brand like SmartPassiveIncome or like the food blogger at PinchOfYum. They both earn close to $100k/mo from a mix of ads+affiliate sales.
But that's fully reliant on SEO traffic so you'll need to constantly keep that resource online, high-quality, and valuable to the Internet.
I like paid because it's faster but you absolutely need a budget. That's why 99% of people shout from the rooftops that it's a meme/scam/fraud/etc
The people who make paid traffic work usually shut the fuck up about it because there's not much reason to help newbies. But everyone who started in paid traffic was a newbie at one point. It just comes with practice like anything else
>It once costed nothing, and now 1 coin costs more than $1000. You missed your chance friendo
What will you say once it costs $2000
then $10000
and so on?
>It's cheap, and it's fast because you get paid your commission up front. All you need to do is target people, and get them to click your link and buy something.
Yeah, so easy.
You need shittons of traffic to get a few people buying.
>I told one of my friends about it and now he is making money online.
So what did you tell your friend specifically for him to start making money online?
I'm not him but I can probably answer your question. The answer depends how his friend started affiliate marketing/making money online.
Was it with SEO? Then he probably told him about keyword research, how to setup WordPress, how to target "buyer intent" keywords, and how to write reviews/best-of/help articles that push products. He might've also taught his friend about linkbuilding and how to create content that'll rank for targeted keywords, all of which ultimately aims to sell affiliate products.
If it was for paid traffic then he probably told his friend about traffic sources, affiliate networks, and tracking systems like Voluum. He told him about running campaigns across multiple geo's and testing dozens of offers at once to find potential winners. This might've turned into talking about landing pages, conversion rates, and angles on how to push certain affiliate offers(copywriting & marketing basically).
If you're hoping to learn "specifically" what he told his friend so that you can copy it & make money online then you're in for a very very long post. Explaining all of this stuff is so much easier in person, and even then it takes a long time to fully understand how it all works. There is no way you'll pick it all up from one Veeky Forums thread.
However it is possible and yes you do need a lot of traffic. But people make money thru affiliate marketing. If you really wanna learn just do some cursory research in Google. Pick either SEO or paid traffic & take action. You'll screw up a lot but over time you'll learn.
i just launched my first affilate based site last week and am a little underwhelmed with the results....
i paid a guy on fiver to promote the website on reddit and this resulted in a little over 2k viewers of the website. the affiliate links got over 400 clicks which i was stoked about, but ive only sold 9 items for a grand total payout of 5 dollars. how am i fucking up this badly?
>I just launched my first affilate based site last week
>I expected this to already be earning a ton
You're not necessarily fucking up. You're just really impatient and/or expecting amazing results. If it was that easy with 1 week's work everyone would be doing it.
Plebbit traffic also doesn't convert as well because people usually aren't in a buyer's mindset. It's a site for mindless meme consumption and stupid videos/infographics/GIFs/cat pics. Smaller niche subs can drive traffic(ie. /r/cooking for a food blog) however those people are usually tech-savvy and rarely convert.
You need to try to rank in Google. Write articles that will rank when people type in buyer terms. This way when someone searches "what's the best Android smartphone" you could try to rank & catch them when they're ready to buy... but that search phrase is probably competitive so I wouldn't recommend that specifically. Just an example.
tldr; you've been at this for a fucking week. it's absurd to expect major results in one weeks' time even with a PBN. Keep reading, keep writing, keep going. Give it minimum 2-4 months before you expect any major earnings.
Is there any way to begin campaigns without prior knowledge or money for cloakers, and VPNs and new CCs?
I just want to start but theres so much to watchout for and I cant even wrap my head around it all.
You don't need to cloak but you do need money. At a minimum you'll need:
1. Tracker
2. Hosting
3. Spytool(debatable but very helpful)
4. Adspend
The first 3 can add up to $250-$350 per month. For adspend you'll also want at least $500/mo, preferably closer to $1k/mo. So you'd really need about $2k/mo to invest into paid traffic and it'll take a few months to see growth.
If you're more of a saver try to amass a solid $8k-$10k and go for broke. Just be sure you're OK to lose the money because it's not worth going into debt to make aff marketing work. Treat it with respect like any fulltime job and you'll find a way to improve.
Many others recommend STM but that'd be another $100/mo so that's up to you. But bottom line if you're serious about paid traffic you'll need money to spend. That's why so many beginners choose SEO instead because it's cheaper
Thanks for the reply. I already have a niche website but I really wanted to get into fb campaigns..
I guess that will have to wait till I make some dollars.