Tfw finally perfected trading algorithm

>tfw finally perfected trading algorithm
>tfw beating the market by 67%

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post code

So you're making 13% a year instead of 8%?

Tits or gtfo

Eh i get 2-5% a day everyday using my machine learning algorithm based systems
so it will likely around 800% to 3000% by the end of the year
trick is to get a good systrn that nets you solid trades 70% of the time then create a mavhine learning risk algorithm that can predict when your main algo is most likely to fuck up

Lol guys, I've just selected all the squares with traffic signs (1 square on each of 2 offered images), yet the question was select squares with cars. And I bypassed captcha!

Guess, if more people would know, we could ruin neural network botnet, at least for a little.

what broker? real or demo?

>itt fresh meat for high finance

>tfw my shitcoin portfolio doubled from $60 to $30 in a fortnight

Is this some kind of malfunctioning spambot?


No, you just cannot fathom my intelligent humor and my important remark on defying the Google botnet.

I did this the other day. Selecting street signs for hours before noticing it wanted vehicles.



>tfw created highly sophisticated AI that I communicate with through dewey decimal system
>beating the market by 5000%

Are you using the xchange java library?

I doubt you completed something that teams of ivy league phds struggle to do with millions in their budget.

Fuckijg autist Veeky Forums roleplay

It's not that difficult.

It's just math.

You're going to do all right until you take one big punt, one last trade and you're done.

And then you'll get assrammed by Big Finance until your fiscal rectum dislocates and you become homeless.

As a taxbro my strategy is pretty simple, yet very effective.
>check if a company has more assets than stock value
>if so buy
>if not, don't buy
Sure, I can't always trade. But when I buy something it's always undervalued.

I just look at the here and now. And care much less about the future prospects, which seems to be what trading is all about.

What stocks do you look at?

Just all of S&P or what?

Can you beat this algorithm?

how does she know when it tops or bottoms?


Bruh. Jewish girl. Come on now.

This video gives me that weird ASMR feeling I get when someone I think is dumber than me tries to explain something in depth to me. it feels good.

I'm not giving that dumb sloot a view.

>what we need is a big move.
>and it happens

>we need a sharp decline
>and that's what happens

wow amazing. who would've thought this was this easy?

>Build a track record
>Open hedgefund
>Charge 20/2

Post back results in 4-6 years


£1000 would be a million in a year
In 2 you'd probably be a trillionaire even at 2% compounded

It doesn't work like that you can't become obscenely wealthly daytrading.

It's far more difficult to make 10% return on $100000 than it is on $1000 for a number of reasons.

At some point you need to scale up your operation by for instance starting a hedge fund or diversifying into real estate.

It took you hours to notice that?

How does one get into algo trading?

Do you need to learn coding? Is it daytrading so I need at least 25k in capital to trade? What programs do you use?

So many things I want to learn about it?

Do you take debt into account?

she traded oil like a


She's living the dream but also seems kind of retarded.

Ha, she probably made a ton off BAC.B
>3x etfs.
>into the trash she goes

It's pretty easy to make 1k a day trading with 100k than it is to make 1k a day trading 1000.

>tfw I developed my own Genetic Algorithm AI that analyses quotes and adapts it's technical analysis in accordance to industry
>tfw beating the S&P 500
>tfw my returns increase indefinitely, albeit linearly

>using GA for anything other than discrete optimization
>not using particle swarms
shiggy diggy doo

>tfw superior jew
I just buy what I my nose tells me to and beat the market by 200%

>stock price is indicative of stock value

What a fucking whore.

>draws random spikes

interesting, I think something similar happened to me. wonder what's going on with google's captcha AI... or if they are doing some kind of experiment on us (for example, I don't even read or think before solving the captchas, I just click the thing that repeats the most. perhaps they could be doing research on that...)

>the comment section

If I get proficient in python, how long would it take for me to get a decent algo going? I've been learning beginner shit already but this could be a bit motivator for me

why is there a thread here everyday where somebody discovers the wonders of datamining anew?

Buy Litecoin and DigiByte!!! They're both getting segwit.

Person of Interest is easily one of my favorite shows.

what? how do you spend hours every day?

I have Veeky Forums pass for streamlined shitposting

pure rage

K benjamin but what if their assets are near impossible to liquidate?