Income ideas please

Biz, can you give a 19yo law student an advice for making booze cash (literally ~200 euros/m) without much effort.I have 0 own income which i want to change,tho i have little time to start working a decent stud job due to study.

Suck cock

Suck cock

Suck dick

suck cock

Sell shit on Amazon

Sell sucking cock on amazon

Have you tried sucking cock?

where can i get someone to suck my cock

Duck sick.

If that doesn't interest you, you could try cucking sock.

Speak with:

I heard there's this one business that involves sucking dick. Can't remember it's name

Realistically, how much could a relatively handsome twenty year old make by sucking ONE dick?

Tree fiddy.

>Realistically, how much could a relatively handsome twenty year old make by sucking ONE dick?

You can't expect to profit from sales volume that low.

I meant to say, how much PER BJ, assuming a scale of 10 BJs per week, excluding transportation costs

Didn't see anyone recommend it yet, but for starters i would implore you to get a sturdy pair of kneepads. I would recommend pic related, the price to quality ratio is great and they come in multiple sizes.

$200 a month?
Dude, I'm an alcoholic and I spend half that.
Quit buying $7 beers

Suck 1 million dicks for 1 dollar and buy 1000 btc trade meme coins for extra cash

Offer unskilled labour work on sites like gumtree and Craigslist etc, you can make decent money doing this.

I only drink once a week on fridays and spend about 80-160$ per time, i live way above my income level