Comparing our shitty savings

Good day Veeky Forums,

I was wondering how much you guys have saved.
I'm talking about the regular chode working a shitty job, not the successful business owner/investor.

Post amount in dollars, age, and occupation.

Bonus points for elaborate get-rich-quick schemes.

>7413,35 USD
>retail chump

30k ish in my account
IT, currently wage cucking myself for 45k but plan in 2-3 years making 75k ish

$20,000 in index funds, ~$6000-7000 cash
21 years old age

y'all some rich niggas

21, retail fag, 5.2k in index, 4.8k towards fall tuition (won't have to pay back, will graduate college no debt)
Betting a quarter of that on NMM and CVM helping me out here. If they double it'll help pad the bracers here


fast food
everything i have is owed and im completely cucked and my dog just died im just gonna end it tonight

to the military with you

Both my parents died to heroin and left me nothing but problems.

Wage slave 65k/year
1k in savings
Just bought a house.

45,000$ in savings 250,000$ in assets

18, minimum wage

I also meant to mention ''no inheritance fags''


45k on my brokerage account, ~50% of that tied up in long positions

Just turned 23

>13 500 $
>have worked part time in retail for 4 years and worked in a bakery in the summer breaks

>1k savings
>11k in equities

>30k savings
>Errand boy for a small business

>£12k index funds, 20k bank
>£23k year, auditor, getting accounting qualification

Aww wooks wike sumwun fowgot to put muney in his piggy bank :(

Recovering NEET.

6 years rent free to learn a skill. don't pick a worthless position that'll leave you stranded when you're out and use the GO bill as soon as you can.

>$6800 in 401k
>$220 in IRA and mutual fund
>$500 in checking account
>Bought $30 worth of ETH 2 days ago
>income 59k before taxes
>40k in student loans

Are the numbers you guys are posting here real? Explain to me how such young people with low wages have so much in savings.

>3000 in savings
>1700 in 401k just started it in august.
>12.63 wage cuck at home depot

I had a lot more oppurtunities to be in a better spot but squandered it over girls and drugs. Getting my shit straight and looking to get some kind of a small buisness. Were all gonna make it bizrothers

> $15000 403(b)
> 0 IRA
> $54000 checking/savings
> No meme coins
> $54083 income
> $34000 ish in student loans

Kill me now.

Did you add an extra zero to checking/savings? Why are you holding a year's worth of pay in cash?

20 virgin neet 1000 litecoin 1.5 btc

Maybe a few grand in personal savings, rest is in the home and business. People seem to think I'm retarded and suggest I should save money, fucking beyond me.


$65,000 in investments and cash
Gov wage slave

Goal is to have $100k within a year.

>54k cash
>34k debt
why dont you just pay it off? I DOUBT the opportunity cost of making payments to the debt will win out long-term over the (probably insane) amount of interest you'll pay on it.


about 900NZD so like 500usd
retail chump

11k USD
54 Ether

lots of student loan debt, some IRS debt :(

>2,000 CAD in a Tax Free Savings Account
>Restaurant Back of House ($1 over minimums + tipshare)

I only managed the 2k because I live with my parents. The restaurant is in another province, which has higher wages in general but I'll have to pay rent now.

$10k cash. $10k in 401k

2k in savings
2k in checkings
12k in debt (student loan and car loan)
no wage - unemployed.

>$42k investments
>$17k checking/saving
>20 yr old wageslave

Kill me.

27 year old

38K in liquid in various currencies.
25K in stocks, blue chip and speculative (no coins)
495K in assets (real estate after deductions)

Worked in Hospitality as a Wagecuck.

I quit that job and now i'm back in school learning a language.

5k in cash account
79 bucks in savings because literally just bought a house
800 bucks in assorted shitcoins
40% equity in 3 rental properties, total book value ~1 million
40% equity in the house I just bought, 535k
I'm 33 and don't work on Fridays. Income about 42k

I'm boring as fuck so don't really spend too much, I went university with my finances assessed from my single income mum, bankrupt dad so I got around 7k in bursaries for 3 years that I normally spent around half of, and my grandparents are well off and like me so randomly give me money.

Like when I started my new job they gave me £2k for moving costs, just two months after they'd given me £10k out of nowhere when I got my first proper post-uni job. I've got £12k of bonds maturing from them this year too

Feels good man

Why the fuck are you buying meme coins when you're in debt to the IRS

maybe so he can pay his debt (no offence)

>retail manager (aus so 80k p/a + up to 12k bonus pa)
>207k share portfolio + 76 super (retirement)
>mfw was 70k in the red last june

Pro tip: saving is for losers. By the time you save any real amount of money, inflation makes sure your money doesn't buy shit. Use your income to leverage debt, research large flip opportunities, lever hard, and make sure you're fucking right.

9% ownership of my house (18k equity)
4k liquid
2k stock
2k 401k

$9 an hour
>$1600 in main checking
>$700 split between 9 other checking accounts
>$1500 in savings
>$1000 in IRA from crappy retail job
I don't have much now because up until last summer I lived with my parents and they were scamming me big time. Charged me $750 a month rent and left me with $3k in credit card debt from cards I let them open in my name when I was a neet.

I'm slowly rebuilding my life though. Been making some outside income by churning banking bonuses and I'm getting an associates degree in a few months and a bachelors in a year. It may not seem like much by Veeky Forums standards, but I'm hoping to have $5000 in pure savings by the end of the year.

>associates in a few months and a bachelors in a year
>I'm doing the last two years of a bachelors in a year minus a few months


13k in CD's
10k in savings
5k in Roth TSP

It's getting harder to suppress my self-loathing daily.

I'm starting it this fall and I'm just going to do straight semesters next year with no breaks.

>almost 23
>Mickey Ds the past 5 yrs
>about to start new job as a research specialist at my potential grad school (stoked)
>5k in student loans
>0.56 cents in savings
>140.87 in checking
>almost 2,500 in credit debt
>101.13 in RH that I dick around with/small position in CVM in hopes of moon

With this new big boy job I'll start making about ~30k a year so I'll really start paying some shit off and putting real money into my portfolio/CVM

good luck user, i'm 23 and finally got a break making $25k/year

not much, but a lot more than i was making before with proper benefits (health/dental/vision, esop) and enough to save & invest some cash

Engineering Student

40k and 1 BTC
age 28
basically minimum wage.

In college for Electrical Engineering, working an internship soon.

BTW I just wanted to help some potential anons with this line of advice:

If you aren't getting paid to go to college, you are doing it wrong.


Actuary here. I essentially get paid to go to college while working full time.

42k net
engineering technologist

>68 USD

idk where I went wrong senpai :^(

did you get into real estate hard to accumulate that?

>did you get into real estate hard to accumulate that?

1/2 of it I took up a mortgage, the other 1/2 my parents contributed.

The rent I receive from the tenant covers my mortgage and still leaves some after all cost deductions.

Nice man, that seems the best option these days, you parents are fantastic financial advisers

mirin hard

> 12k savings
> 1.2k 401k
> 23 years
> 40k job
> 34k student debt


Thanks dude.

Its tough out there these days, never would've made it without my parents love.

Love you Mom & Dad

House, worth: 178k€ (300k€ worth -122k€ still owned to bank:)
Savings account: 4k€

You transfer your credits from the associates to a 4 year school. It's a good way to go to school on the cheap, get the bullshit ez low level courses done at a community college then do the actual courses that matter at a real school. It's what I did, got out with like 8k of student loans.

>$4649 in total savings
>$678 in memecoins
No debt though at least, and I'm 1/3 the way through college

you dont seem that bad off
actually good

> poorfag doesnt understand saving NEET bux

>180k USD (including 30k house equity)
>senor software engineer