/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General

>Current Event

>Patch 4.11 Notes & Logs

>Callback Campaign:

>Job Guide

>Resources, Guides, Free Companies and Linkshells:


you think she ever hooked up with one of them lizard dudes?


Beating up my friends is fun.

I thought she hooked up with the elder, but maybe I was reading into things.

>he never did the breeding sidequest

But that's not a nunh user.

Please don't talk about my bottom shelf waifu like that. She only wants to be a jawesome warrior and also not wear dresses and also fall into furniture and also yell at me.


I wish to do the breeding subquest.

Yes you.
Do you have other npcs?

Something about tan + turquoise hair just gets me, I wish more people used it.

I don't believe you.

Anyone on Mateus want one of these? This is the second one my retainer has brought me and I still haven't even sold the first.

Yeah but I'm technically breaking many laws posting just one already.


gnight !! sleep well

Know what I want?
Goddamn SHEATHS. They could give 'em to SAM, so why not other jobs that use bladed weapons? I'd fucking love a nice sheath for my PLD's sword or my NIN's knives instead of them just hanging there bare-bladed like I'm a dumbarse who wants to cut myself accidentally.

I want europoors to go.

Stop eating my food!

how do i meet a panda person?

meet me at quicksand right now. I'll have a mini dragon with me.

All tanks to 70, time to sell all this shitty looking dungeon gear

Gnight coolroe

It's not called a "sheath", it's called a "saya".

or anybody at mateus shhh dont say it, it triggers the haters

BLM feels incredibly clunky to play. Am I doing something wrong or is the job just like this?

Íllt er að eiga sverð sitt í annars slíðrum.

What do you want with them?

>but that's not a nuhn user
>gets instant boner
like that's my ultimate fetish

I'm a cool guy. Honestly anything. I'm a noob with rp so i'm not a erper

I don't see anyone with a dragon sir.

who /scary/ here

Did you want to join them or something?

How fucking blind can you be

Glad a deviant such as yourself is not one.


i didnt say taht. i'm literally standing on a chair, standing

Silly cat, you can't run around the cold with no warm clothes on.




maybe a linkshell. I'm part of a cool FC right now


What is the tier list for dps right now?

DRK will become best tank again soon!!!!

>Hit standard synthesis thinking I won't one shot the item I'm making and fuck myself out of HQ
>One shot the item I'm making and fuck myself out of HQ
>Have to go farm mats again
What is the fastest way to commit suicide with the least amount of mess?

ok i'm doing a black ranger pose

But I wanted to keep doing runs...

Sure. And the devs will totally revamp MNK and make it fun and effective too instead of just slapping random new vaguely monk-themed shit on it that has no synergy with the rest of the kit and flies in the face of the original concept of the job. Absolutely.


did beepy kill himself again?


naked catboys


>See this
>Go to reply in defense of MNK

Gotta admit, MNK 60-70 skills are kind of sad compared to what everyone else got...

No... dont do this to me user... they're gonna fix DRK.. They're gonna make it good again.

I refuse

do it


> Pugging with the same guys last two days.
> They ask me if I want to tag along for O1S-O3S this pseudo-static since we've got some good mojo going on.
Today was a good day.
English mother-fucker, do you speak it?

Hi chemo

hello hater of hmmm posting

hello hater of yysara posting

It seems like DRKs have figured out that the key to being overpowered is to just never shut up about the buffs you want on the OF, so it probably actually will.

ho hum

I mostly just kind of feel insulted. Tackle mastery? An ability that requires you to be hit to trigger? One that makes you punch SLOWER? It's just... "Hey players, we heard you were bad, so we gave you some shit that boosts you if you're bad. Oh and enjoy feeling like you're punching through fucking molasses."

Of course they're gonna ask you when you have bottom tier raiders that can't even clear o4s by now.

It's a group of 4 that haven't even been playing much longer than I have on this alt. I've been helping them since I don't need to raid on my main.

Show me the strength of your will!

Halloween sleepover tomorrow night, right?


no I'm going to a party to look at thick sluts in slutty costumes, remember if she's thicc she's down to get dicc'd

>Two Gordian Bureaus
>Two Plundered Treasure
>Nymian Wall lantern
>None of it selling
Anyone on Mateus want this shit before I vendor it

what a useless transformation

Gib to me. Kettle Li please.

Reddit and Gilgamesh raise macros were a mistake.

How much you planning on selling those banners for?

bootshin crits

I miss Mafu

What banners?

Fact: elezen female is the self insert race/gender combination for lonely 26-30 year old women

It's better he's gone his hate boner for taletta was crazy

It wasn't funny the first time, it's sure as shit not funny now.

I read Bureaus as banner.
I'll go ahead and commit ritual Sudoku now.

These aren't jokes, these are facts

Nigga I'm a grown ass man who just has an elf fetish. Get your mommy garbage out of here.

Stop posting.

What about mature women who are old enough to be your mum?

Yanxia ( 31.5 , 19.3 ) Z: 0.4

Too bad Mado ruins your theory and ruins the race too

Should I commission a picture of my catboy getting:

>Beaten with a bat
>Limbs cut off
>Fingernails ripped off
>Teeth smashed out

I'm leaning towards teeth.

Getting a restraining order out against you.

I vote for anally penetrated by a futa roe



>"Ah, yes, that about finishes the expansion..."
>"B-but Yoshi-sama, w-what about.. MNK?"
>"MNK? Giru a tackle skill."
>"J-just one?"
>"Many colors!"
>"A-are you sure that's enough?"
>"Lyse issu MNK! They will ruv her. That is enough."

About 110% sure that's how it went down. Then, one of the merciful devs snuck in brotherhood, so we weren't completely jew'd when it came to picking DPS for end game content.

>one that makes you punch slower

Nysoph says hi

ftelor NO!

for why though

Fingernails! Can you include me in the commission? I HATE catboys!

Who gives a fuck.