Let me get this straight: god built us for sin and then cursed us for eternity when we did sin but decided he loves us but instead of removing his curse he did a blood sacrifice of his son so that we could remove the curse on ourselves individually but only if we believe in an impossibly implausible scenario and never sin either?
Let me get this straight: god built us for sin and then cursed us for eternity when we did sin but decided he loves us...
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yes, any other questions?
Don't forget that his son is really just an aspect of him, so in order to forgive us he had to convince himself by hanging himself on a cross. After that he was so touched by his own sacrifice he lifted punishment he decreed.
Yes, several.
1. Why would god curse all of humanity for all time because of one thing one of our ancestors did?
2. Why didn't he just 'forgive' us?
3. Why the fuck would anyone worship this asshole?
Who's the butterface
Cathodox here.
God "built" us as free beings. We CAN choose sin or not. If we don't want to sin we must accept God's help.
Because Christianity is antihumanitarian. All people are sinful by default, we are bad and we need to repent. Religion of slaves, really.
>1. Why would god curse all of humanity for all time because of one thing one of our ancestors did?
God will judge every person individually.
>2. Why didn't he just 'forgive' us?
God just forgive us through His Son.
>3. Why the fuck would anyone worship this asshole?
Strawman argument. If you don't understand Christianity is your problem.
You just have to have faith, user. Don't ask so many questions.
The warcraft universe has better lore than christianity.
I see God like an alien being that tried to teach humans I mean jews how to be civilized, and will reward humans that prove their worth with heaven that is most likely a utopia alien planet while hell is in essence a star and God makes you immortal and throws into that star causing you to be burned up forever and it never fucking ends.
Not even once.
You need to contact Mormons or Scientologists, your pick.
>mfw not built for sin.
I really got to work on a body that will make women think satanic thoughts.
>Religion of slaves, really.
*tips fedora*
1.Ask him
2.He did
3.Tell me when you become a wargod who managed to dominate 5/8 of the world LOL you stupid cuck
>built for (to) sin
>can sin
>cursed for eternity
its a choice
>impossibly implausible scenario
"Well, Christianity is really dumb." Why? "Because I have a totally different viewpoint." But why does that make Christianity invalid or dumb from the Christian viewpoint? "Uhhhh, read the God Delusion."
pls stop, these Reddit tier threads get worse and worse each time.
>tfw starting to suspect Catholic subversion of a purely protestant board
The fedora meme just proves further on how christianity is a religion of slaves. Instead of countering claims, they simply choose to use shaming and guilt in hopes the reciever stops posting.
>God created everything, including the very concept of sin, including us, including our ability to sin at all which serves no purpose except erecting His hateboner for us
>God made you and fucking hates you, therefore you should feel bad about existing
>also give us all your money you fucking pleb
>holy shit he did give us all his money the absolute madman! now about those dumbasses over there....
It's a pyramid scheme meant to abuse the poor and ignorant for the benefit of a privileged, self-appointed caste of wankers. Essentially humans being assholes to other humans for profit, nothing unusual or special about it. I wouldn't have a problem with it basically being a tax on retarded people but they're just so fucking preachy and insistent that everyone else needs to share their schizophrenic belief in talking voices from the sky and omnipotent concepts giving even one percent of a shit about any of our lives, shit gets annoying after a while.
>god creates the concept of sin, evil in the first place
>creates everything evil
>has the power to destroy or change anything evil to something NOT evil, doesn't
>god willfully allows and through inaction despite omnipotence+omniscience effectively encourages the existence of evil
>god is willfully malevolent
Religious people are fucking nutbars.
>god built us
>blood sacrifice
seriously is that necessary? why not just leave it at sacrifice. its like your trying to be edgy with this "DUDE THE BLOOD OF CHRIST MAN, FUCK YEAH" stuff
Because it was literally a human sacrifice.
Not just any sacrifice will do, has to be a blood sacrifice apparently.
>asks a question
>Strawman argument
>Problem of evil
Fucking weak.
its still just a sacrifice. drop the shit tier edginess
"just a sacrifice".
Giving up cheeseburgers is a sacrifice.
Having your son crucified is a human sacrifice. A subset of the regular sacrifice.
It's called specific.
I'd build her sin, if you know what I mean.
therefore the needless insertion of the word "blood" is just some crap attempt to appeal to people who enjoy gore or violence or whatever, hence 'edgy'
if you say youre sacrificing a person most understand its a human fucking sacrifice
Why are you so upset?
In all your posts ranting about some "edgy" strawman you've used more explicit language than anyone else in this thread. And the fact that you read so much into it to interpret the edgiest meaning possible would all indicate that it's you who's the edgy one here.
OP used the language they felt accurately described the situation. Which it did. It was by all rights a blood sacrifice. This shouldn't be any cause of contention.
Let me get this straight: god built this qt and then he said I couldn't have it because I wasn't born as Chad? Why is this allowed?
Actually that's not what God said. According to God we should all practise strict monogamy and women should have no rights. Thus making relieving the plight of the beta.
I finally see it. God is great!
why are jewish women so perfect?
Chris metzen please.
Enjoy your retirement, and spend some time with your family.
It's part of G-d's plan to lure goyim into marrying them and producing Jewish children.
Who is that semen sinner?
Because of race-mixing with Europeans. Remove the white genes and all you have is your average goatfucker-ess.
image search says this is milana vayntrub but it doesn't really look like her?
is it because I've never seen her in a lewd position?
Oh fuck off, atheism is the bastard child of Protestants interpreting the Bible based off their feelings.
They birthed skepticism and disunity in Christendom.
>atheism springs from christianity.
>Oh fuck off, atheism is the bastard child of Protestants interpreting the Bible based off their feelings.
You do realize the idea of atheism is older than Christianity by a long stretch, right?
I'd say the same forces that gave rise to the reformation gave rise to the expansion of secularism. But it has more to do with a combination of the church pushing shit too far as a material institution and them playing the philosophy game and losing.
Daily reminder.
Oh yeah one of thousands of popes does it. Obviously all catholics do it.
You're fucking stupid.
I really don't get what the big deal about this image was. Didn't Jesus wash some dude's feet as a gesture of humility and respect?
I do get a kick out of how this image seems to have ended the /pol/ack brand of Catholicism by and large (though it probably created a lot of /pol/acks claiming to be sedevacantists).
Not necessarily.
>don't believe in Abrahamic god, or any other god for that matter.
>don't believe in concept of sin.
>living a life free from sin.
it's just bad optics man, you can tell that muslim is thinking "wow the fucking POPE is licking my feet can you believe it Europe is fucking done" and not "boy golly gee these Catholics sure are a forgiving and open bunch, or at least they strive to be"
t. atheist
Ex J Witness here, studying philosophy amongst other things.
Chill, Christianity has been here for some time now and probably isn't going to end in our lifetimes. If you want to challenge it or anything else, remember that being all emotional detracts from your credibility, unless you do it in a really classy way.
I highly recommend reading the lecture series entitled The Hermeneutics of the Subject by Foucault. As ever his readings are sublime, and it'll give you great insight into the times of Christianity's foundation - attitudes, the significance of symbols, the practical role religion and ascetics played and so much more.
Of course Christianity has changed since then, but read that and you'll begin to understand Christianity better than the majority of Christians today.
I don't understand why God would create criminally insane people. You've got people so fucked up in the head that they can't tell the difference between right and wrong. How can you judge someone like that? And if you can't then what's the point of creating someone who can't actually be judged at the end?
but humanity is edgy though
Symbolism foo', that shit ain't just edginess, it's deeply entrenched with meaning.
Foucault is a faggot who died young, but not young enough.
Cool story.
>don't believe in the concept of gravity
>live a life free from gravity
it doesn't work that way
>builds humans in his image
>prone to corruption, sickness, hatred, "detrimental emotions" and death
Christian God is shit.
>God creates man, offers him a perfect life in paradise as long as he does not sin
>man sins (not because he was made to sin, but because he was made to be free, which includes the potential to sin)
>man is damned and lost as punishment until the promised messiah arrives
>messiah arrives and gives man an offer of salvation, redemption for his past evils and a return to paradise
At this point man's punishment is essentially over, but it is up to man as a free creation to take the offer of salvation, it can not be imposed upon him as God wishes for man to be free more so than he wishes for man to be saved, which is evidenced by the fact that we are free to deny the offer and damn ourselves if we want.
You need to understand that man's freedom is an expression of God's love, not of God's hate, he values our freedom so highly he allows us even to damn ourselves to eternal despair if we desire. None of this is imposed upon you, you are only going to Hell if you choose to go to Hell.
He never built us for sin it was adm who did that
Friendly reminder that God expelled Adam and Eve from the Garden because he was scared that they would eat the fruit of the Tree of Life and become as him.
Why would he include the freedom to sin in the first place?
>because you're not free if you can't sin
I'm not free to create my own universe or do a lot of other things either
Human beings are free to do literally everything within the boundaries of the foundational laws of the universe which allow it to sustain itself in a state of stability. You can create your own universe using the technology and resources the universe can offer you. Humans are limited only by their own lack of understanding, there is no universal law (that we know of) that says you can not create your own universe, we just don't have the technology to do it yet.
You can ask the same thing about humans not being able to spontaneously fly, the answer being it would defy the law of gravity which is integral to the stability of the universe. You CAN fly with the technology to do so, however.
Furthermore with enough computing power you can definitely create your own universe, it's just not possible with current technology.
>implying free will exists
Oh you.
But the laws and stability of the universe were placed there by God. An omnipotent being could have easily made people with the ability to defy gravity.
Why would he limit their freedom in that regard but not limit their freedom to sin?
gravity is original sin
It's easy to see God wishes for the universe and everything in it to behave in a systematic fashion, I can't possibly know why, but it is clear that is how things work, we have found no discrepancies in the universal system that can not be rationalized (like people spontaneously defying gravity).
I can not know the rationale of God himself, I can only guess and say he may have a simple taste for the integrity of the universe he created such that the laws he laid out are inviolable for better or worse for mankind.
>dur im retarded
explicit language isnt 'edgy' its just colorful. just do yourself a favor and leave it at "sacrfice" so you dont embarass yourself
>Not believing in god was created by the protestants
Catholics everyone.
>god built us for sin
The thing that gets me about Christianity is the inequity of the whole reward/punishment. Humans live for about 100 years max, and if they were good enough during that life which they start with no knowledge of God and no understanding of right and wrong, they get an eternity in paradise; if they were bad, they are damned to suffer for all eternity in a lake of fire. But somehow God in his infinite wisdom knows that this is the proper test, even though he got so fed up with people once that he drowned the entire world, and then shortened the average life of a man by more than 90% soon afterward.
dayum milana vayntrub truly is divine
>christianity existed before atheism
wtf man
>one of thousands of popes
What did he mean by this?
You call yourself any kind of historian and you don't know about the thousands of popes?
Here is the problem with free will.
We lack perfect information to act freely.
All of our decisions are based on information that predetermines us to make a decision.
We can try to educate ourselves but we still have imperfect information that we rely on the outside world for.
What am saying is that to make truly free choices, we would need more information.
To have free you would have to be omniscient, and omnipotent.
>sin is washed away by the sacrifice of Jesus' "precious blood"
>don't call it a blood sacrifice you edgelord!
Take it up with Christian scholars if you don't like it.
It did.
>free free free free free free free
Nobody is "free" to do anything. Metaphysical free will that is required to make sense of the nonsensical actions of this supposed god is an incoherent concept.
One is about as free to choose whether to sin or not as he is to choose their parents. Ironically, this god also punishes people for the sins of their forefathers, which is just gold. It's amazing how much christian apologetics rest on this inane free will magic.
You can repent.
You can keep telling yourself whatever lets you block God's influence over you.
The choice is yours.
Sin only exists in the way law exists - nothing will happen until someone enforces it to some degree, whether it be divine retribution or self inflicted.
Break the law and no one catches you/you feel no remorse - nothing happens.
Gravity however, has been proven to exist and works with or without us.
Bullshit, we are born with no understanding of the concept of god(s), we are primarily atheist.
If this god's influence can be blocked on mere whim, he is not omnipotent.
What's also fucked and temporal is the bible. It was written precisely shit-loads of years ago and as Hartley said "the past is a foreign country, they do things differently there"
The reasons for using the symbolism they did in those stories, even the very terms themselves, are lost on us, who live in a society with very different points of reference. Even then the translations can never truly be accurate without a butt-load of notes attached. You'd have to be a scholar to even be close to trying to understand the original sentiments of the books of the bible.
>I can't possibly know why, but it is clear
The possession of sexuality is itself a sin. We are originally sinful by necessity. This is why we need Christ.
>We are originally sinful by necessity.
Your god sounds like a super fair guy.
I think he's referring to the Dawkinsite church of atheism, not your everyday lack of belief in supernatural beings.
but I was corrupted
Funny, I liked him when I first left my religion at 14/15 and felt bitter and resentful. The man raises a couple of decent points but is a moron none the less.
this is Christianity summed up
>its just colorful
Explicit language is often appropriate but it's not acceptable when you can't finish a sentence without using it. It's middle-school tier discourse and no adult should be so reliant on it to characterize their speech.
OP saying "blood sacrifice". Is an example of properly flavouring speech. It's accurate, appropriate and adds to his clearly atheistic point.
>leave it at "sacrfice" so you dont embarass yourself
As I said you're the only person who seems to be so worked up about it.
Blizzcon was dead without chris.
ITT: libcucks without an ounce of theological knowledge still salty that Trump won