Riven is best girl edition
OT: eyosongive.us
Riven is best girl edition
OT: eyosongive.us
Xth for my Syndra.
I'll unlock her Redeemed skin soon!
Best guy!
What are you doing today. /lolg/?
Anything interesting?
Buffs, perhaps?
Just trying to decide if it's worth the effort of bothering with the premade mission.
I'm climbing out of silver!
Riven is my go to character in Honey Select when I want to rape a girl
Happy Halloween, anons.
Reading the dota patchnotes
I think you might have used the wrong image friend.
Gonna try and learn to play mid.
You too user.
What is Honey Select?
>ywn have a qt Riven as your gf
Why live?
Practicing Heimer, Ornn, Azir and one other. Currently mulling over a steal of a purchase on some figures and gum (staying under budget again!) I might go over to my Not!sister's place for movies and meet some people I met through playing League with her for the first time, and see some of our old friends.
What is Google?
Prepping to move to my new house.
Besides that, playing a bit of ELEX since i don't have to play ranked anymore.
So this is the last week of worlds missions, right?
I only have 65 tokens, so I guess I should just disenchant them all into BE, right?
Pics or I call bullshit.
>no Stannis champion
? ? ?
>tfw too much of a brainlet to understand this build
xth for my wife Syndra
Nope, get the fuck out.
>theres people who didn't pick the adventurer skin.
What does your waifu dress up as on Halloween?
Mine is a witch!
Hi does anyone want to give me gatekeeper galio as a halloween present ?
She might get them all eventually.
Too slow again, nerd. I'll bet you don't even play her.
Mine is a pirate this year.
playing hearhtstone
battlecast is fucking retarded, doesn't fit the theme at all
When will league get a champion as awesome and fun to play as Sven? I want my 200% damage steroid with armour-ignoring cleave.
That's my guess. No way riot doesn't capitalize on the work they've already done. This is just a stunt to show people they're thinking about illaoi still.
>not playing ornn mid to counter kat shitters
whats your excuse user
I would if my character making skills weren't garbage
>space, sci-fi, aliens, Typhon, astronaut, Morgan Yu inspired skin
>adventurer skin that has green vines and may not have any treasure motifs
Preference aside, I'm simply not taking the risk that the Adventurer theme won't be lived up to
First of all jump off my dick faggot, second nice try, I have 1.3million points, while you just post her for my (You)s.
It makes me wonder how many things they have in the works/storage right now.
A nurse.
>There's actually people who play Ornn seriously besides me
That's bretty good shit senpai.
Concept wise probably at least 6 months of skins and possible champs. Actually being worked on probably a patch or two, not counting the one on the PBE at a time.
Does the fucking new champ finally get shown tomorrow or wednesday? Tired of waiting.
ornn is fun
This skin is garbage. It's kind of funny how Kat skins have gotten progressively worse with the exception of Slay Belle, which is literally never used.
You know Udyr is actually pretty fucking fun if you're not trying to emulate Trick2g and OPEN DEE GATEZ
>Enemy Kha'Zix thinks he can 1v1 me
>Smack the fuck out of him
Dumb bastard thought redsmite would help him
Why don't pros play Sion?
I want Sona to be my mommy and breastfeed me everyday.
the 8th at the latest
Next week at the earliest if they don't tease her at world's.
qtpie looked semi-human with short hair. Why the fuck did he grow it out and become an ape
Bless this man.
I'm undecided as to whether I truly enjoy his kit and would enjoy Thunderlord enough if I unlocked it.
the hairs the only thing keeping him observable
>Mundo Jungle
>Enemy team doesn't get any GW
simple heroes like sven wouldn't be fun in league
there's no sense of impact with it's mobile game tier graphics and animations
that's why there are like 4 fun heroes in this fucking game excluding adc's
meant for he's really fun
Wait you can hit your R multiple times? I thought if you missed it then it went on cooldown?
i hit e into the wall and then hit r
He E'd into the wall then used the second cast of his ult.
>Point-and-click AOE Stun
Riot would never allow such a thing
>Bloodseeker's rupture is my favorite dotes spell
>Riot specifically named rupture as the kind of spell that they think is too unhealthy
>enter: Camille Ult
But honestly, I kind of hope that Volibear gets reworked to be similar to Sven
Would he be ad mele Azir, summoning soldiers and outplaying enemies with terrain creating ult?
My favorite hero is actually Nyx, but
I feel like he'd be far too strong in League since you wouldn't ever see him until after he oneshots you because they can't do invisibility properly
Here's your Mordekaiser, bro
And who might those be, user.
Nah development doesn't work that way. They work on champs like a year in advance. Dev cycles are weird.
Different skin tiers for example have different time budgets. A 1350 skin has a longer time budget than a 750 one for example. Ie "if you can't do it in this period of time it's probably not worth doing" type thing.
Champions/legendaries generally take much longer. They've talked about their dev cycle and runes reforged they've been on for the last year+ etc.
Managing dev cycles is actually pretty complex
>point and click aoe stun
>riot would never allow such a thing
>Samefagging on your mobile phone data
I really don't know why Sven is supposed to be the most fun hero in doter. You always hear about fucking MUH CLEAVES!!!! but he's so fucking basic. Old (AD) Sion with a tiamat was exactly the same thing and no one ever fucking played AD Sion. Why? Becuase he is literally just target stun a person and then go up and kill them in two auto attacks. If I wanted to play someone who only auto attacks people, I'd rather play Lycan because at least then I have some exciting wolf playz to work with or I can buy an icefrognomicon and back door.
I really have no idea why "simple heroes wouldn't be fun in league" is even an argument anyway? Simple works in dota because there are fewer heroes and the items have a bigger interaction to make up for everyone having two passives and two abilities. The graphics argument is stupid because you could also say dota graphics are drab, dull, and devoid of actual life other than there being green on the radiant side. They're both shit in their own ways in that department.
He's really fun to watch, I just don't know if playing him or even most melee characters is for me. It's not about kiting, I just love the distance that lets one admire the particles and effects of a ranged characters moves more easily. Snowy Mountain Flut Flut mix is a pleasant BGM with Ornn though.
I imagine his ult would basically be Rengar's ult, where he can be spotted by invis wards and you get alerted when he's about to jump on you
>having a mana burn spell
Another mechanic that Riot says is "too unhealthy" for legal legos
I would be willing to bet that Riot isn't a fan of Annie's stun passive but they're too afraid to change it, for fear of community backlash.
Besides that, Annie either deletes you or she doesn't. Having Sven in the game would be like if Yi had a ranged, point-and-click aoe stun, and was also beefy as fuck
After playing on the NA server.
Do you guys believe these Americans are some of the dumbest people of all time?
Thanks for the info user. I appreciate it.
Remove Annie's stun?
Season is ending, hows your rank? Still trying to climb?
I just got demoted from D2 to D3 with 0 lp and a lose streak, and I want to kill myself.
I hope you all voted for the best skin
i'd say pre-rework azir, rumble before heat changes, fiddle, maybe bard
just saying most champs get boring after the 10 game learning process since you build the same items every game and there's not a lot of variance within matchups
FWIW I don't think Annie is poorly designed or anything, but when was the last time a champ was released with ranged point-and-click hard CC, excluding Ryze's rework?
I legitimately don't understand how people think rupture or doom are good abilities that should be in league?
>but muh tp scroll but get your temmate to deny you
When they use your ultimate on you, it doesn't matter how much health you have because you're fucking out of the fight until it wears off or you WILL die.
I did :3c
Yeah. You also gotta consider shit like how different aspects of development affect eachother. You have to scope out a kit, create art, animations, make sure it all sorta works thematically, see how the kit actually plays, try something else, re-do the animations for the new ability you realized was needed, do VO work, etc.
It actually takes ages because you have to iterate a lot which means re-doing things across multiple different people's work which affects what others are doing.
Change one thing and 3 other people have to do a bunch of shit. It all takes time.
We're getting the Swain VGU on December right, with the Irelia VGU dropping on January?
>ywn be molested and milked by her space tentacles
>want qt cumdump to use and abuse
>still won't get it.
I am going to sleep. Hope the rest of /lolg/ have a good day and or night.
>joining the inglorious bastardization
Should've been Dreadnova - better suit would make the human aspect fit better and provide more contrast for the midriff or at least the boob window.
i have 7 days left till i decay but the season ends in 8
im thinking of just ignoring it since ranked is literal cancer
Yeah, I did. No need to worry.
so am I correct in saying Twitch does literally nothing with his ult down and can 1v5 with his ult up
>Teemo shrooms are healthy
>Undispellable invulnerability is healthy
>Items being glorified statsticks is healthy
>Manaburn is not healthy
Riot truly are garbage.
I didn't say rupture was a good ability, I just said it was fun.
IIRC Riot's specific beef with it was "if BS ults you and you seem him running at you, instinctively try to run, but that will still kill you"
Then they release Camille, and her ult basically works the same way. If Camille ults you, instinctively you would try to run, but oh wait you can't, and while you're trying and failing to escape, she's kicking the shit out of you.
I don't think Camille is OP, though
Right here, fellow space lady lover.
>ywn show Illaoi you can stand equal to her in bed without her tentacles (or even with them)
Post Rivens
In Annie's defense she doesn't have a mobility skill and is usually stationary and her stun is in a limited range to cast on compared to veigar and syndra.
>No young Illaoi skin to pander on
Riot please make this happen.
>like the explorer skin, and the change from tentacles to vines would be pretty cool
>but they teased
>i have a hard on for space stuff
Iwant them both
I can see him being an ad caster, but I'm not sure what his kit would look like.
Have you tried acquiring one?
xth for my gf(male) Swift!
I only just made this connection, strange.
I want her tentacles inside my mouth and ass, and milking my dick
That would be pure heaven
Several times. They either can't handle it or stop talking to me because of how objectifying it is.
Would the tentacles have mouths at the ends that opens to suck you dry or would it just wrap around stroke it?
Is there going to be a new set of halloween themed skins coming up?