/assg/ General

Sharp Hand Joe and his teachables: Flame On, Be Aware of Me, and Globin Guard are OP Edition

>What is Dead by Daylight?
Asymmetrical multiplayer slasher game where 4 survivors scramble to fix 5 generators, while 1 killer wants to sacrifice all of them.

>What is Friday the 13th?
A slasher game featuring Jason and counselors. 7 counselors with different stats try to escape the camp while Jason kills them one by one.

>What is Last Year?
In development. Class based with weaker killers. Beta Delayed yet again.

>Discord Chat

>Steam Group

>Latest Patch Notes (DbD)

>Skill Check Simulator (DbD)

Trick or treat

I want to fuck that feng

>That anatomy
Jesus Fucking Christ, it physically pains me to look at Laurie's shoulders

When will Jason come home?

Why does Blood Warden only sometimes activate when it's supposed to?

How do I hack blood points lads? it seems like cheat engine doesn't work anymore.

what do you mean by this?

Gates don't get blocked off after hooking the first survivor after the gates have been opened.

Are you sure they weren't opened after you hooked? Even if they get opened a half second after, it doesn't count.

>grind through swf squad
>two kill themselves early through an altruism overdose
>2 left with 1 gen remaining
>down Bill as i see Meg run towards the hatch already
>leave him and go after Meg
>he DCs
>she gets the hatch
>she complains about slugging post-game

haha epic

I'm sure. I've played enough matches to have been in basically every different kind of situation, it it only worked once. Either it's bugged, or needs a buff to be less rare and almost impossible to activate.

>Wanting all four iconic horror killers relegated to putting people on hooks for eternity.

At least Jason is doing something different, and his movies were all about going for whacky kills more than any of the others. DBD works for Michael though I reckon.

>Nightmare on Elm Street game to save the ASS genre NEVER

Yeah, at looks how it's working for his game.

tell me about interrupts in dead by daylight
Can I interrupt someone jumping into a hatch for ultimate denial?
Is there a situation where hitting someone in the face with a lunge is a better choice than interrupt?
How far does someone have to be along vaulting before they're immune to interrupt and it's better to lunge after them?

Yes. It's tricky, but you can.
Not really.
There are more situations where they're immune to lungers over interrupts.
Interrupts are solidly better than lunges unless it's a 4 survivor 4 flashlight situation where you'll be seeing white screens for 60% of the match.

But the console numbers...

This but unironically.

My point is Jason would be absolutely wasted in DBD and at least in F13 you get to watch some nice kills which was what Jason has always been about.

You can only do interrupts by clicking M1 and not holding it, otherwise you do a lunge. It's the only way to beat a survivor in a hatch standoff and it's a great feeling to snatch their victory away from them at the last second.

Guys, I think I'm going insane. It's 4:25 am and I'm heading to bed, and I can hear the Freddy lullaby.

A good dose of sleep deprivation along with playing survivor and trying really hard to pick up on the lullaby at a distance over the sound of the generator has pretty much ensured I'll fall asleep today hearing that damn thing in the distance.

Don't fall asleep, user.

Freddy's coming for you...

>kill 2 people
>black pip
Great system you have there, frogs

They said they're balancing it around ~2.5 kills per match, so getting two kills is just the average you have to surpass. They're coming up with a different system soon anyway.

>caring about pipping
>not wanting to derank instead

>Find my obsession first by chance, it's a flashlight Dwight
>The first thing he does before I even chase him is throws a pallet down and teabags me on the other side
>Had to tunnel him anyway for Remember Me, so this just gave me more intensive
>Post-game I politely ask him why he was teabagging me
>"Why did you tunnel me?"
What did I expect.

>Play Nurse
>Miss blinks
>Lunge is short
>Get bodied
how do I become the elite SS tier killer

The problem is 2 kills is enough to pip, it's just system is so garbage that it's not working properly

Stop missing blinks

>They're coming up with a new system soon
Please tell me you're serious

gib visual tracker plz

It's something they call the Badge System that's going to change up ranking in some way. I don't think they explained any details yet?

Whatever it is, it's still going to be a kick in the dick for killers. I swear the devs don't want people playing killer.

>having fun with billy
>almost out of spiked boots and primer bulbs
>tinker perks refusing to appear so I can't make the common add-ons useful


I've literally never played survivor and I'm always having fun. My only gripe is that people complain there aren't enough killers, but it still takes me 10-20 mins to get a lobby going. The time I spend waiting in this game is pretty proportional to the time I spend actually in-game.


get good plz

How do I git good at knowing the killers radius without ending up on a hook?

I always outsmart the killers in terms of hiding spots when I get a head start on them but I have a hard time escaping a pursuit in a one-on-one. I usually give them a good battle but end up cutting a turn too close and just doing myself in.

I installed last night pls no bully.

That's because a new killer just came out. Give it a week and you will get instant lobbies.

I just gave up playing killer this event week, my killer dailies have to wait. I didn't buy Freddy anyway, and whenever I get a lobby after 10 minutes people will tell me I suck because I'm not playing the new killer.

Why isn't F13 cross-platform?

I'm getting tired of running against decked out survivors.

>decked out survivors.

>0 Self care
>0 Borrowed Time
>0 Decisive Strike
>1 Sprint Burst


>All those explicitly anti-Freddy perks

don't forget
>no bulb flashlights

Maybe I'm just mad I got juked for a solid six minutes around a single generator, which they absolutely refused to leave.
>Anti-Freddy perks

>it's a Doc with Distressing and Unnerving with the most annoying add-ons

Almost every single one of the perks the survivors have equipped is to be used to detect when the killer sees you, but when you can't see them.
>Spine Chill

>It's a 'Four survivors with Brand New Part' match

>10 minute killer queues
>Instant survivor games but matched up with sub 50 hour players

This gen sure is slow. Slow like an autismo nurse who overblinks and jukes herself.

>it's a Wraith
>teammates aren't cleansing dull totems on sight

>Put traps near basement
>Hook someone in basement
>Leave basement
>Snap Snap Snap Snap
Is this normal

Freddy is a mistake.
His kit is retarded.

>it's a P3 Trapper
>teammates aren't cleansing dull totems on sight

>facecamping is dead
I just met a Wraith that ran at the body until he glitched and clipped through it, becoming one with the hooked survivor and we had noprompt to unhook. So those missing facecamps, it's still possible to do.

I haven't seen dead by daylight since ages. Saw a stream on twitch and it looks like they've added a few monsters and more maps. Is it finally a full game?

Yes. Always trap around the basement once you hook someone and then fuck off. Guaranteed you'll at least get back in time after an unhook to watch someone panic as they realize there's only 1 safe way out and you're in the way.

Yea, I'm noticing how stupidly effective this is as Trapper.
Is this consistent through higher-tier matches or is this explicitly for the scrub-tiers

If you haven't played since Beta, it's gone through about three major overhauls and another of the starter killers is about to get an overhaul.

It's finally fleshed out as a game, but the retardedness of its playerbase remains a consistency.

Trapper buffs when?

It's useful-ish at higher tiers, but expect most people to see your traps instead of falling for them. If you're really unlucky they'll stop to break your traps if they brought a toolbox or are actually using saboteur. That's why I stopped playing trapper since it got frustrating to see all my traps get spotted and destroyed.

New player here, what is the deal with the Hag? A dude was hooked and every time I would try to save him she would pop out from the ground. I even waited until she got quite a distance away from him, but every time she would pop and chase me.

Does trapper get notified if one of his traps gets disarmed?

Crouch, man. Her traps don't activate while you're holding ctrl.

Hag's power lets her put traps down in the dirt that look like triangles. You can crouch over them not to disturb them or destroy them with a flashlight. If you trigger them a fake hag suddenly appears and screams at you, and the hag gets a notification about it. If you're unlucky she'll teleport and take the place of the clone, then chase you. Next time just crouch over her traps.
He doesn't get a big notification blast but he can hear the sound of the trap snapping shut on nothing pretty clearly.

Noob survivor here.

So 2 players escaped already and I'm at the gate as well, but the last team member just got put on a hook by Myers. I go to save him but Myers is clearly camping him within 15 or so feet. No way I get in there without him seeing me do I said fuck it and went in anyway. I got my hands on my teammate but got slashed and had to get out there before I could complete the save. I escaped and left him to die.

What's the move there? How do I save a teammate when the killer is camping them and there's no one left? Or is there no saving at that point?

Just leave. He's fucked if the killer is hanging around close by because even if you do pull him free he'll just get whacked instantly and put back on the hook.

>I was the guy doing both gens
What the fuck do the other survivors do all the time?

standing around waiting for someone to get downed/hooked for fast points

>So 2 players escaped already and I'm at the gat
Get better mind games and swf, its possible to save someone if you have an extra body running distraction but it is really risky even still.

Jerk off in a corner hoping someone wins the game for them.

Run around the hook like chickens with their heads cut off. And that's when Leatherface makes that metaphor a reality.

I got Empathy 3 today. Holy shit, this perk is ridiculous. Whenever the killer's in a chase, you'll know exactly where they are. + you can find your dying teammates if they manage to escape.

This isn't a team game. If you can leave while someone else is hook meat, get out. Don't think of them of "teammates", they're trying to survive just like you. If it's convenient, you can save them, but it's better to just get especially since people are going to have Freddy's teachables pretty soon.

ha friendless nerd.

Someone actually got salty and messaged me because I wasn't playing hook tag with them.

Why are there so many retarded survivors?

So the Huntress seems pretty interesting but how can I use the goddamn axes in maps where people can bob and eave so easily? My first thought was that you use them to initiate but your singing is so likely to give away your ocation the bastards usually bolt before you can get a bead on them.

You take the hit for your teammate if you succesfully unhook him so both of you can run away.
If you got hit before you unhook, fuck right off.
Also, if Myers is holding the knife up high, don't even try to save.

what are the best maps in the game?

I enjoy playing SWF, but dear god is it unfair.

Shelter Woods

For survivors:
Lery's Memorial Institute
Backwater Swamp( both Grim Pantry and the Pale Rose)
Autohaven Wreckers: Blood Lodge

For killers:
Coldwind Farm: Rotten Fields
Macmillan Estate: Shelter Woods
Autohaven Wreckers: Azarov's Resting Place

For aesthetic:
Red Forest: Mother's Dwelling

>No addons to increase movement speed in Rank 1 Evil Within to pair up with Scratched Mirror
Whats the point?

Sneaky Beaky Shape with wall hacks. That build is really only good on Lery's anyway.


Same happened with me, I just looted a chest and peaced out, so the Claudette killed left the game instantly to scream at me, and then invited me to be friends after I left the lobby. We were against a really bad Nurse that hung onto every corpse she could down like a baby onto its Mom's tits and I don't run BT.

Came back to the game after a few months, what's the power ranking of killers right now? Is nurse still god tier?


You can turn around corners and wait behind walls to hit them. If you chase them around like you'd do normally, then don't play Scratched mirror because you'll get abused.
t. survivor that made SM Mikey ragequit because he kept chasing me following scratchmarks.

Nurse is still top tier with billy below her. Freddy is somewhere around trapper tier at this point.

>When Freddy is on the map instead of getting a bird on your head for idling you fall asleep from sitting in one place for too long

Think that'd be too much?




>Idling in one place too long draws you into the Nightmare
I'd like it.









Freddy's song volume seems to be all over the place. Sometimes it's soft when he's standing right behind me and then it's the peak volume when he's sleeping someone on the edge of my Bond. And they didn't run M&A

Is that a fucking Devaint Art base

I get this sometimes and its not just freddy. At first I thought it was just line of sight but dont think so

Yeah, most often he's not even facing me. The heartbeat also does whatever it wants sometimes, but with Freddy this seems to be almost all the time.