Affiliate Marketing General

I've recently started going away from Amazon. The conversions are high, but your cut is so low that it's not worth it (in my niche at least). If you sold boats on Amazon I guess I could see how it's good.

CJ and Shareasale and other niche specific affiliate programs are what I'm really trying out now.

IMO Amazon still works well because people buy more than what you link them to.

If you link someone to a blender they might also buy some paper towels, some kitchen cleaning wipes, and a new crisper for their fridge.

Amazon has everything so it has become the Walmart of online shopping. This generally means it'll be here to stay for a while.

But I do agree there are tons of other affiliate programs out there to test. If you can find niche-specific offers they'll work very well(ie. arts&crafts, golfing, sewing, cookbooks etc)

I haven't tried to join Shareasale but I've heard great things about quality, esp compared to Clickbank.

But for newbies Amazon is an excellent way into the field. You'll definitely convert people once they click over and the site has basically everything you could ever hope to sell

what do you consider a profitable niche?
any directions in finding one?

There's so many possible niches and so many variables that it's unproductive to tell you a single niche, because once you understand how to find one (it's really easy) then you won't have that question again.

Niche choices can be seasonal or year round. For example, you can make a website about easter products that obviously wouldn't do well in September, but you could end up making a lot of money during easter season.

Like I've already mentioned, you can look through Amazon best selling products and get ideas from there. Let me do that right now just to give you an example.

Okay, here's an Omaker M4 Portable Bluetooth Speaker. If you're an audiophile, you could easily have some fun with this product. If not, it's still a good item to promote.

Now from this product, there's lots of things you can stem from. Make a niche about bluebooth products, about speakers, about music listening devices in general. You can even go a bit broader and make your website about what does good music sound like (music theory). These are just ideas off the top of my head.

For this, we'll say the niche we'll be testing is "bluetooth speakers".

Next, use a keyword tool to search up products related to bluetooth speakers.

I'm not using my own tool for this, but here's some ideas I'd enter in:

best bluetooth speakers 2017
best bluetooth speakers
where do i buy bluetooth speakers
should i get a bluetooth speaker
what is a bluetooth speaker

and so on. After analyzing the numbers for these, you want to have about less than 100 competitive websites while still getting at least hundreds of searches per month. If there's too much competition or not enough searches per month, try out a new idea for a niche (e.g. "bluetooth products" instead of "bluetooth speakers").


Once you have a good niche, you can come up with ideas to produce content (articles) for that niche. With "bluetooth speakers" as a niche, you could make a top 10 bluetooth speakers article, why are bluetooth speakers better than other speakers, battery powered bluetooth speakers vs rechargeable bluetooth speakers, and so on. As you can see, the ideas for content that you produce within that niche is also endless.

How does he get money from it? From visits or amazon refferals?

I hear ya, but I disagree.

The cut is abysmal, especially for those hard-drives mentioned before. But that is normal. There are hardly any margins in that niche and everybody knows it. I always made the big bucks from unrelated purchases. My angle was B2B sales. IE, you sell a toner cartridge, but the same customer buys 20 office chairs on the same cookie.

I got my clicks from other things than copywriting, guess that is why Amazon canned me (cough). But if you can write engaging copy about someting B2B related (and not kill yourself in the process) you can definitely make good money.

An important thing to keep in mind is that the average North American buys something off Amazon about once every 100-200 days. Just by having your 24hr cookie on somebody's computer, you can get a piece of that "automatically".

>How does he get money from it?
Turn off your adblocker user. There are Amazon ads splattered all over.

I have a porn image gallery website website. I get around 4000 impressions on the homepage each day. right now I am making a measly 25 cents with trafficjunky ads. Can I make more with some affiliate banners/links? Anyone recommend an affiliate offer or network or something.

Hell yes. Crakrevenue is my personal preference for adult affiliate marketing.

I have a question about the amazon cookies. Say a visitor goes to another user's affiliate review blog and clicks and get amazon cookied. Then they go to mine and click on an Amazon referral link. If it's been less than 24 hours, does my cookie replace theirs? Or does amazon use the original affiliate cookie and doesn't let it be replaced for 24 hours?