how often does Veeky Forums spend money on escorts?
girls are getting so hot these days i don't really see the reason for dating at this point in my life
how often does Veeky Forums spend money on escorts?
girls are getting so hot these days i don't really see the reason for dating at this point in my life
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I hang out with too many escorts socially to hire them professionally.
i am going to try to more if the value of BTC/USD goes up
I get laid (albeit infrequently) enough to not warrant hookers.
However, I may after this next contract ends take a month or two and spend it abroad in SEA being an absolute degenerate. Haven't had a vacation in awhile.
>tfw no escorts here
Guess I'll die a virgin then
I do a one month long trip to Thailand every year. Spend roughly $35-$40USD for a two hour session with a smokin hot 20-something year old almost every day, occasionally a couple times a day. Rinse repeat for about 30 days and Im sexually satiated enough to get me through the entire rest of the year.
All in all, with airfare, hotel, food, drink and girls it comes out to about 3-4kUSD for the month with very minimal budgeting.
i also can get laid, i just have no desire to hookup with civilian girls and then have the complications afterward when they realize i was only interested in fucking them
i figure the best situation for everybody is to use escorts
what do you do that you can take a month off in thailand
I just got laid for first time by a really ugly escort, i want to try backpage again, but now i am sketchecd out. and yes i am over 18
just fap to hentai idiot
get the poison out and shut down the caveman brain
Im a Merchant Marine Sailor. I only work half of the year, if that.
Besides the fucking, is Thailand a fun place to hang out? I'm a big nature guy so I'd love to hike around and see elephants and waterfalls. All that jazz.
Go to Pattaya for cheap sleazy sex and partying, Chang Mai/Chang Rai for nature and temples, and Bangkok for urban exploration (and more sleazy sex and partying as well, albeit a bit more expensive than Pattaya).
Awesome man, think I'll go ahead and pull the trigger. Contract ends here in a month and I've got plenty in the bank. Is $2-3k enough for a monthish or until I get tired of it?
ma niggah
if LTC goes to 20 USD im fucking hookers in the moon
>a smokin hot
>some asian
Pick one.
Paying is worth it if you get girls like OP's
The only problem is they are not easy to find and you have to use condom
Only Chad wins at the end of the day
Yeah Id say so man, so long as you dont spend all your time in Bangkok. Decent hotels can be had for $400 for a whole month in Pattaya, so do some searching and then you can plan your budget from there... Fyi most will require a deposit that you will get back at the end of your stay, so prepare for that as well.
yeah nigger im so ready for this shit
Look here poorcoiner some people are of the asian persuasion.
We are all talking about fucking hookers so get off the high horse.
yeah i honestly don't think thai women are hot enough to warrant a trip all the way down to their country just to fuck like 10 or 20 of them
i'd probably rather stay home and fuck 3 or 4 american girls
got in a 4 usd lmao
I dont care how good Chads looks are or how tight his game is- he is not fucking a different chick EVERY NIGHT for a whole month straight to the point of boredom and asexuality. And even if he somehow is, he would have assloads of drama stemming from all of that. No thanks. Ill stick to sex tourism.
Sex loses value when there is no connection behind.
yes, there is the "I own you for 1h" factor that can be hot, but I like to enjoy the company of the person I'm fucking, because you can't enjoy pleasuring a whore.
yeah keep telling yourself that
>straight to the point of boredom and asexuality
T. low test nu-male
going to some shithole to fuck asians.. sounds like a plan
only asians i would fuck is those japanese girls from JAV with killer natural tits
paying for sex = fucking hot girls not some fucking thai sluts
Yeah, fucking cheap asian sluts with a condom sure beats fucking 8/10+ prime jailbait-1st year college girls rawdog with no drama because alpha chads control the situation and make them take the pill in front of them
keep coping
t. someone who is too poor to travel to Thailand and fuck multiple hookers for weeks on end
>with no drama
>8/10+ prime jailbait-1st year college girls rawdog with no drama
This is literally what I do in Thailand.
Eh not entirely true, if you go too long without contact it can wear on your psyche and sometimes it's nice to just get that release without all the emotional bs
Daddy got some assets, he can surely pay for a cheap trip to pedo-land.
Also got my little savings on LTC at 6, maybe I'l celebrate later.
Traveling in and of itself is a fun experience. Getting to fuck in random countries is a bonus.
You sound like a sad cunt m8 but that's to be expected of most coiners.
All the pedos fucked off to Cambodia and Phillipines years ago. Thailand does not fuck around when it comes to that shit anymore. Girls have to be minimum 20 years old to work at bars and brothels and the police do check, so dont fuck around over there or you will land your ass in deep shit.
Not a merchant sailor, but same goes for me. Get a years worth of shagging in a month and thats me sorted.
3D woman are to expensive
>rawdogging a bunch of used and abused cheap asian sluts in some shithole
I sure hope you aren't that stupid. In that case enjoy yor AIDS. Meanwhile Chad will be rawdogging actual 8+ jailbait, fresh, anglo females as they beg for it.
It is very liberating not having sex always in the front and center of your mind 24/7/365. Like being freed from shackles.
Thanks to my annual month-long trips to Thailand, the other 11 months of the past few years have been some of the most productive, busiest, energetic and stress-free in a long, long time.
I wouldn't put my wee wee in some gook's infected va.
>8+ jailbait
So Chad's going to jail?
Why can't I do both? I get girls every so often so.
Even rich chad hires escorts somtimes
>American girls
>not used and abused
The delusion is strong with this one. You do know hookers are mandated to go through routine STD testing by their employers right? Meanwhile, Stacy will get a train ran on her by the entire football team, niggers at the nightclub and various random Tinder meet-ups without even giving STD's a second thought.
Youre much more likely to catch an STD from a mentally ill, abused, "free spirit" American cum dumpster Stacy than a professional hooker.
So I take it you already have herpes and all the Thai girls you sleep with already have herpes too? Is that a fair assumption?
Married man here.
100% this. Hentai is the way to go.
you're not seriously arguing that a girl who fucks 2 or 3 men a day on a regular basis is the same as the average american white girl are you
No he isn't you autist. 15-17 yo fuck 20yo Chads all the time. And in Europe is legal so there.
Yeah you wish to get girls like that.
>15 year old jailbait
>used and abused
Anyway, comparing rawdogging some pretty HS/college girl that has had a couple bf and a couple hookups at worst vs a prostitute that (as you claimed) does bareback sex for 40 dollars in some shithole of a country.
Yep, seems legit.
That's how autists cope.
>but muh stacy
>muh tinder
jesus christ lol
> Anyway, comparing rawdogging some pretty HS/college girl that has had a couple bf and a couple hookups at worst
How old are you? Like 14? Lol.
Lol you are fucking delusional, kid.
I also lived in Miami for three years, while working as a security guard I would see your precious snowflake white girls come down to South Florida for a week or two and fuck every Jamal and Juan in South Beach while making fun of their beta as fuck boyfriend stuck back in Georgia or New York or wherever the fuck. White girls are some of the biggest whores in the world, even in Europe you have them visiting rapefugee camps and fucking Abdul and Kareem without even a blink of the eye.
Some fucking fantasy world you live in. Stop watching your make-believe anime and step out into the real world.
>he believes all girls are massive sluts that team tag entire football teams
Stop it. You rawdog ugly gooks in an AIDS infested hole. You live a different reality compared to Chad.
ok mr. min wage, you do realize that fucking a few guys on vacation is not the same as a woman who fucks 2 or 3 men per day for 10 dollars an hour, right
Chad's above the law.
Yeah OK Euro-cuck. That special snowflake Euro-slut girl youre dreaming about is probably out fucking Abdul the rapefugee literally as I type this. Hope you enjoy your cuckold fantasies because as a low-T European nu-male, thats all youre gonna get.
back to /r9k/ or /pol/ plz
Yeah, youre right. IMO its worse. At least with hookers there is no bullshit and drama, which is kinda the point you retard.
I also dont work as a security guard anymore, that was years ago. Im now in a comfy sailors union and the money I put away in my pension every two weeks alone is probably worth more than what you make in three months, and I make enough money to where I only work half the year at most.
Im fucking Asian chicks while everyone else in here has a blind worship of Aryan white girls. How exactly do I belong on pol you idiot?
Probably because you think all women are bitches and whores.
That's really more /r9k/, though.
I'm going to Chicago on business next week and I'm paying $400 for a 500 lb web model to do an escort and squashing session. I have never done this before, I've been fapping to her since I was 17 so I am pretty excited.
>pay for sex
>pay for female attention
No thanks, I'm not repulsive and girls actually just want to meet up with me because they find me physically attractive and interesting, hang out and fuck. No, I don't need expensive dinners and shit, not even a coffee.
I dont think all women are bitches and whores, but there are more than enough slutty ones out there (not that Im judging), if not an outright majority, to shut down these delusional fantasies of "muh pure Aryan waifu" that alot of these kids on here seem to have.
>smoking hot
>skinny Thai rat looking bitch festering with STDs covered in weird whitening cheap makeup
You are a fucking disgusting pleb.
>in Europe you have them visiting rapefugee camps and fucking Abdul and Kareem
>Stop watching your make-believe anime and step out into the real world
Its hilarious to see these two statements in the same post.
>moore refugee fucking retoric
While you post on /pol/ as you save money to visit Shitholeland Chad's taking virginities left and right.
OK Ryan Gosling, wtf are you doing then alone on a Saturday night boasting about yourself in a thread about escorts on an anonymous imageboard?
And Eurocucks are getting ran over by trucks left and right lol.
The ironic thing is is that Thailand will actually more than likely be a nicer country than the entire continent of Europe in about 20 years time.
Fuck off pedo.
I'd be way too paranoid about getting some degen STD, so it's wait till I'm super well off and can afford a primo, AAA+ escort, and of course
Living the dream
anyone here go to Tijuana for escorts? any advise
>alone on a Saturday night
>the only time go go out and socialize is Saturday night
I'm a voice actor living in central London, plenty of free time and there is no designated night to party for people living in London, you dumb midwestern pleb scrub.
>voice actor
Damn I bet you get tons of pussy. I'm assuming you have an awesome voice, girls love that shit. Got any stories?
Polish hooker the best. Cheap hot and pictures available.
I love this loser who is defending his love of Chad while obviously so clueless to what actual popular decent looking males still have to go through to get decent amount of sex.. Don't worry kid, i'm sure you will be Chad oneday lol.
You go son.
>I'm a voice actor
btw is the market over saturated, or is it a case of just keep grinding doing free stuff and upping that quality?
>t. someone who shamefully helped voice a friends home made hentai for Newgrounds
>yes it was as bad as you think
Did you read the new Thaï constitution proposed by the military?
>few hundreds deads in western Europe because of Islamist attacks over several years
>Your continent is doomed
/pol/tards needs to go. And read a book
Girls who are into voices fucking love mine. Its very deep and has a bassy rumbling at the ends of words, forgot the name of it. That paired with immaculate enunciation which comes naturally and isn't forced and a posh British accent makes some girls go fucking insane I must admit. Not all girls care though.
I'm not too sure, I have an agency and I don't do any of the internet stuff. I don't even have my own equipment. I'm still new but I was taken on by an agency very quickly because they liked me. I'm new but making connections is the hardest thing. Most voice actors are regular actors doing voice shit on the side. They have connections and such, I don't really have any. I just want to meet more people in marketing and advertising who want to use me to shill their stuff.
I wouldn't say its saturated though. Every voice, acting delivery, accent etc is different. If you'd like to continue doing it then do it. Someone is always needed for something and you may find something that you're perfect for.
I must reiterate though that connections are EVERYTHING in this, absolutely everything and they are so hard to get. One time a sound engineer told me that he saw some woman who wasn't even that good, get to do a national advert that paid £70k (a nice check, no waiting for residuals etc), she got it literally only because she was friends with the person who was in charge of the advert project at the company. If you can land a TV advert for a Fortune 100 company say, you'll make a shitload of money. I heard the guy who voiced Megatron got paid $15 million for his roles, around 3 hours of total recording, for 15 million dollars. Getting a film role though is super hard of course. Its still always about who you know, even if you're amazing you won't be able to touch shit without good connections. Sad but true.
Poor /pol/tard can't get his dick sucked by beautiful anglo girls for free so has to resort to cheap ugly gook prostitutes ;(
So you're hot, and you come here to say it. must be tough to have so little confidence you have to brag to neet losers on taiwanese rice exchange platfirms
You sound furious lmao
Thailand is fucking great. Partying, drinking, beaches, slutty euro bitches; all cheap. Its a magical place.
Not as if I actively looked for a thread to say it. I just want to instill some kind of shame and self awareness that sex tourism is only going to make you more of a loser than you already are. Man up and fuck your local women, don't retreat and surrender 7000 miles away and pay money to rent filthy cheap women who don't even like you. My confidence is rock solid, don't you worry. The only, ONLY people who go to Asia to fuck are beta males and literal pedophiles.
>All this talk about Thailand.
German FKKs lads.
Grow the fuck up. Most women are interested and complaining about the exactly same.
I love your lifestyle man, last time I was in bangkok and pattaya, best soap massage ever.
Samefagging cuck leave
user how u voice actor?
Work from home?
Details user tell meh
Mate, the details were already posted by me. Here
Mfw i know and am friends with pro athlete.
Mfw i know an actor in comiefornia
lets get rich user!
Don't play with my heart, user. This is Veeky Forums and I believe nothing I see, but I want to believe you. I'm literally asking my friends for possible connections and giving them commissions if they find anything. So far, still nothing. At the risk of sounding naive, where do you even live?
How are first year college girls JB? They're 18 and legal
bump + please come back ITT
>Looked up German FKK clubs
Holy shit this sounds great. Have done this, user? Or anyone else here? Did you go on a tour?
Hook a brother up with employment. I just graduated. I'll buy you some hooked as a thank you.
cool stuff man, I gotta add this to my bucket list
That seems like a huge waste of money. Especially since you never get anything valuable out of them like love.
>just le man up meme
Nigger get off your soapbox. We can OUR spend money how we like thank you very much. The only loser is you getting buttblasted over where and how someone gets their dick wet. Mind your own dick and quit worrying about others you homo.
My wife doesn't let me do that she put blockers on my pc. I'm only allowed to fap in the shower if I'm quiet doing it and I imagine her
>Especially since you never get anything valuable out of them like love
bait is too obvious, nice try