/nintyg/ - Nintendo General

Trick or Treat Edition

This is a general for the discussion of Nintendo consoles and the games released on them.

Previous: Tags: /wug/, /3dsg/, /mk8g/, /arms/

>Important News
「!」Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Limited Edition Accessory Set on the way: nintendoeverything.com/the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim-limited-edition-accessory-set-on-the-way-for-switch/
「!」New rare Blade Yuuou shown off in Xenoblade 2 art: twitter.com/XenobladeJP/status/925256529686626305/photo/1
「!」Odyssey themed event coming to Super Mario Run: nintendoeverything.com/super-mario-odyssey-event-coming-to-super-mario-run/
「!」300+ Publishers developing for Switch: nintendoeverything.com/kimishima-over-300-software-publishers-developing-for-switch-third-party-lineup-growing-appeal-from-children-women/
「!」Reggie talks about old classic Super Mario Bros movie and collaborations: nintendoeverything.com/reggie-fils-aime-on-super-mario-bros-movie-current-strategy-with-collaborations/
「!」Reggie talks about the Switch's upcoming online: forbes.com/sites/davidewalt/2017/10/30/nintendos-reggie-fils-aime-on-switch-super-mario-odyssey-and-whats-next/#446de8042ade
「!」New Strange Evil trailer for Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon: youtube.com/watch?v=najBTCS43p0
「!」Trick or Defeat special heroes now available in Fire Emblem Heroes: youtube.com/watch?v=2hm93myzJl8
「!」New free update coming for Story of Seasons: nintendoeverything.com/story-of-seasons-trio-of-towns-dlc-free-update-new-3ds-theme-launching-november-9-in-north-america/

>Upcoming Releases
JP - nintendo.co.jp/schedule/index.html
NA - nintendo.com/games/coming-soon/
PAL - nintendo.co.uk/Games/Upcoming-Games/Upcoming-Games-753286.html

>amiibo Compatibility Chart

>Discord chat

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Cute Atari image

300+ Publishers developing for Switch: >Based on the data at hand, we can see that the growth of our appeal among children and female consumers is beginning, more so for the Japanese market than for the US and European markets.

I can't wait for 299 publishers publishing fun menstruation games.

Happy slut day

I only like the pure ones

id let her plug into my butt

i only like girls who look like they aren't enjoying it

You all suck at Halloween

How many moons you guys got in Odyssey?
Favourite Kingdom?
Favourite Mission?
Where do you rank it with 3D Mario games?

What's the best Nintendogs/cats game?