would we be a more advanced society today if the nazis had won?
Would we be a more advanced society today if the nazis had won?
Define 'advanced'.
How are we supposed to know ya dingus
If the Nazis were capable of building a more advanced society they would have won. Or better yet, wouldn't have chimped out for dumb reasons and attacked the entirety of Europe to begin with.
>what if
Yes because only white and asian people would exist.
Isn't one of the many reasons the germans lost the war was partially because they put too much money in research instead of in troops/weapons/...? Pretty shure they were really advanced.
If by "advanced" you mean in a science and technology sense, then no. Nazis were bad for science.
>Is water wet?
well the US keeps losing wars in the middle east but they're obviously more advanced so, ok
The thing is the US doesn't get totally conquered and subjugated by the countries they lose to.
i think that has more to do with the fact that there's an ocean separating them
Nigger plz
How is fucking up nations beyond repair in both Iraq and Afghanistan "losing", friend?
They did what they were suppose to do in true American spirit and now have new bases close to the ayyyranians and the ruskies.
You must be literally retarded if you think that is the reason why Vietnam didn't conquered and subjugate the US.
Didn't stop the USA from owning West Germany.
Oh yeah, and the USA is also smart enough to realize that going to war with entire continents is a bad idea.
Lol, no, the Nazis were terrible at science and drove out all their own best and brightest.
No, and here's why: cold war.
Nothing pushed tech forward faster than the cold war, especially the air war.
Yes bro a fucking continent beat a small european state, the fact Germany was so advanced that it already tookover Europe is proof the Nazis would have advanced humanity greatly, because that has never once happened in history all of Europe getting btfo by a single European state, not even the Great Bongs were capable of annexing small parts of Europe like the Frogs they were pussies that picked on subhumans in Africa and the New World who couldnt put any sort of fight at all.
Sure but they are stagnating now. Britain would be a better comparison.
>losing wars
How? They're successfully destabilizing oil competitors. Back to youtube comments please.
ah yes nothing says winning like fucking around a country after the main forces have been destroyed only to waste trillions of dollars and lose thousands of guys to insurgents and lose all the land you gained after the creation of ISIS, yes job well done jack
again the ocean separated them, germany was never going to conquer them, and i love how you left out the part where a bunch of other powerful allied countries conquered germany too
fair point although the countries britain conquered are now conquering britain
Yes, and? Germany was the scientific capital of the world before the Nazis came to power, and the Nazis ruined that. WVB was not a product of Nazism. Yes they dumped a lot of money into propaganda-friendly research, but they also smothered academic freedom and tried to murder half their own scientists and completely isolating the rest from anything non-German.
Except Napoleonic France. And France actually managed to stay relevant and not get absolutely dominated by the coalition afterwards.
> the fact Germany was so advanced that it already tookover Europe is proof the Nazis would have advanced humanity greatly
The fact that not only were they dumb enough to start a war with the entirety of Europe is proof that the Nazis would have driven Europe into the ground.
And lest we forget that not only did they lose to allied great powers. They also lost to fucking Albanian partisans. People give Italy shit for lesser defeats yet conveniently forget that the Nazis got wrecked by Hoxha and his boys.
What stormfags conveniently forget is that the true test of a nation isn't starting a war you can't finish. It's building an empire that can last, and the third reich lasted an absolutely pathetic lifespan. There have been African banana republics that have outlived Nazi Germany.
So congratulations Krauts, you managed to occupy much of Europe for like 10 minutes. Your prize is getting raped by Russians.
pro-tip: smart people aren't healthy
>and i love how you left out the part where a bunch of other powerful allied countries conquered germany too
I didn't. I just said the USA owned West Germany which is true given by the time it was independent Britain and France were already the lesser powers.
>and the ocean seperated them
Fucking what?
I know that you dribbling imbecile. My entire point was that an ocean separating them didn't stop the USA from occupying Germany to this day.
>more advanced
If by "more advanced" you mean "more over designed technology that breaks down easily and is expensive to repair" then yes.
>that the Nazis would have driven Europe into the ground.
Oh shut the fuck up jew, Nazi Germany had a booming economy and would get rid of jewish debt economy in Europe booming their economies as well.
>It's building an empire that can last, and the third reich lasted an absolutely pathetic lifespan.
Would still be here if the American cancer didnt exist.
>Oh shut the fuck up jew, Nazi Germany had a booming economy and would get rid of jewish debt economy in Europe booming their economies as well.
Notice that massive nosedive around 1944. That's caused directly by Nazi policies and not by mythical omnipotent Jews.
>Would still be here if the American cancer didnt exist.
More like would still be here if Hitler wasn't a dumbass who declared war on all of Europe is pursuit of an ebin grossgermanium.
>would we be a more advanced society today if the nazis had won?
advanced as in (military/industrial) science? nope, the germans were behind in most areas of those
Judging by the great minds they´ve kicked out and the politization of academia, lolno.
Oh sure, I bet 6 years of war in 2 fronts against all the major European powers has nothing to do with that nosedive, it's all about the policies.
A war they fucking started, you retard.
That was my point. The war was their policy.
>Notice that massive nosedive around 1944.
WTF?! Did German economy really get worse after they suffered decisive defeats on all fronts, lost literally hundreds of thousands of soldiers in a single battle, and when their empire started to crumble in the face of multiple enemies, internal struggles and rebellions? I never would have thought that to be possible!
Either you are literally 12 or (more likely) you're from one of those third world countries where Mein Kampf is a best seller. I don't believe a western adult can be this thick.
The Nazi's might have lost, but their economic and some social policies were copied by Europe, and look where it's gotten us today. You be the judge.
>The Nazis invented Keynesian economics.
Actually the Eternal Anglo did that.
You mean enviromental conservatism and anti-tobacco laws?
>That was my point. The war was their policy.
That's seriously retarded. No other way to put it. By your logic all forms of government and all regiments are bad the moment they end up in war. The dip in 1944 tells absolutely nothing else than that Germany was starting to get its ass handed to itself. A year later Germany was absolutely annihilated. And saying that a war was their policy is just so god damn stupid. Their policies might have been designed to support the war effort or even to lead to a war, but war is simply not a policy itself.
>Either you are literally 12 or (more likely) you're from one of those third world countries where Mein Kampf is a best seller. I don't believe a western adult can be this thick.
Your insult might have an effect on me if you hadn't proven yourself to be intellectually far beneath me. Don't bother replying, I'm not going to read it. You already killed a couple of my brain cells.
Of course not.
Remember, the Nazis have no meaningful way of striking at the UK in a fatal fashion, let alone the U.S. They maybe, as an outside possibility, could have broken the USSR, so a Nazi "victory" implies defeating the Soviets and holding on to Fortress Europa long enough for the Western allies to recognize them and their conquests.
Ignoring the unlikeliness of all of this, we run into a little problem that the Anglo-Americans had a greater air force than the Germans did, by quite a bit, and by 1945, would be bringing nukes onto the table. Some of this depends on when exactly the Allies throw in the towel, but a Nazi victory in Europe also probably means a baked, irradiated cinder of a Germany.
>Nazi Germany had a booming economy
dem boyos in jerry land were indeed booming
first the real wages dropped so much it made a boom
and then the bombs started falling and it was even more kaboomey
>And saying that a war was their policy is just so god damn stupid
It was. Literally from the get go Hitler was out for war and proved this when he declared war on Poland subsequently knowing he would draw in two of the most powerful countries on the planet.
Then doubling down on this twice later when he declared war on the USSR and America. The fact that this happened is a failing of Nazi policy.
> intellectually far beneath me.
I laughed.
Hitler had no choice since the jew controlled France and Britain was already trying to fuck him over.
t. Loys (from France)
>Don't declare war on Poland
>France and Britain don't enter the war because there is no war
>Problem solved
Sounds like a choice to me.
I love how it's always the Jews fault when Germany bites off more than it can chew. Stormfags just can't accept responsibility.
Jews in Poland were becoming a problem.
Well the entire world was against them, I don't think they lost because they were unadvanced but because the odds were against them
Yeah, right. I'm sure those poor as fuck Hasids had grand schemes for how to ruin Germany next.
>poor as fuck
Jews controlled the banks in Poland.
Meme all you want kike your kind is the only human that has been exiled out of over 100 countries, there is something wrong with your jews on a genetic level that makes you human cancer.
It's their own fault for declaring war on the entire world.
You're right though, Germany was by no means unadvanced. But the Nazis were absolute apes that didn't deserve to lead a country with such great potential. Similar to the Saudis in a way.
>Germany started the war
Veeky Forums should know Hitler tried many times to have peace with winston
>But the Nazis were absolute apes that didn't deserve to lead a country with such great potential.
Yes surely they should have let jews turn Germany into a communist shithole where they can easily kill off German goyim like they did in Russia.
Nazi Germany was a great country only butthurt jews would say otherwise since the one thing jews hate the most is goyim happiness they are pure evil.
>Jews controlled the banks in Poland
Yup, Moshe Goldberg the local deli owner (along with every other Jew) actually somehow controlled the banks of Poland and stranger still was somehow going to use this to foil the Germans once again.
>the only human that has been exiled out of over 100 countries,
Germans have been exiled from quite a few countries in the past century.
>Would still be here if the American cancer didnt exist.
Yeah but it sort of does and ignoring that means you're a shit ruler with no comprehension of international politics.
Sort of like Wilhelm II.
After he gangbanged their ally with Russia.
Jesus fucking Christ.
>look I know I am occupying your ally, your other ally, your other ally and few others, but we should totally make peace now because I am running out of soldiers to throw all over the world and could really use it if you stopped fighting so I could make use of what I conquered and destroy you a bit later
Why are neo-nazis retarded?
Fascist here btw.
>Yes surely they should have let jews turn Germany into a communist shithole where they can easily kill off German goyim like they did in Russia.
The funny thing is Germany later did become a communist shithole (well half of it anway). And it's entirely Hitler's fault.
>Nazi Germany was a great country only butthurt jews would say otherwise since the one thing jews hate the most is goyim happiness they are pure evil.
I hope you realize it's probably the least popular country in history. Even among gentiles.
America had no reason to enter any world war, its a jew puppet state that assists other jew puppets like France and Britain when their order is broken like both times with Germany.
Except the fact that Germany and Japan declared war on them.
>Even among gentiles.
Gee I wonder why kike
Lies America already was gonna fuck up Germany but created propaganda to trick its mindless public into thinking Germany was declaring war against them, Pearl Harbor was already a false flag operation used to trick the American public into agreeing to a war with Japan.
They have illuminati tier health.
>Gee I wonder why kike
Perhaps because the Germans killed a ton of them whilst trying to conquer their countries.
>Pearl Harbor was already a false flag operation used to trick the American public into agreeing to a war with Japan.
>look, we are slowly conquering the world and have no intention of stopping, while our allies are taking control of the Pacific. You guys just sit back, we will do nothing to you, promise - just like I promised to let Bohemia be alone after they gave me Sudetenland.
Just deal with it, Hitler had NO IDEA how to do international politics and he lost because he lost all credibility and created enemies everywhere he went.
Even if it was run by jews, they (the Jews) weren't the only one oppressed by the Nazis and nobody likes being a slave to Germans.
Jew propaganda was used to make other euros hate germans.
No jews created the illusion that Hitler made enemies when in reality they were the ones antagonizing Hitler.
Its no coincidence that all of Europe can suddenly agree on killing Germans.
>Jew propaganda was used to make other euros hate germans.
The Germans did a fine job of that themselves when they slaughtered them in the millions and occupied their countries twice not even half way into the century.
Yes but jew propaganda wanked the Lolocaust to ridiculous levels that even bigger genocide DONE BY THE FUCKING JEW THEMSELVES like the Holodomor are unheard of.
>Yeah we've killed you in the millions and tried to conquer you but the holocaust is exaggerated and Holodomor (done by Stalin, a gentile) was even worse.
Stormfag logic.
>disregard science if a Jew was involved
>be "more advanced"
they did win they are now called the CIA, duh.
fucking retard.
Holodomor was done by jews, fucking antisemetism was illegal in Russia of the things WHY SOMETHING THAT TARGETS JEWS SPECIFICALLY.
Simple because the jews are the evil bastards that created Communism to torment the goyim.
Oh mighty jew if you are so master race why must your kind be a cancerous parasite that even with their own state can stop parasiting.
No. They were absolutely bumfuck retarded.
The world would have been so much better if WW2 didn't happen. There wouldn't have been a retarded bloc division, fascism wouldn't have become demonized into becoming a meme, Europe wouldn't have been brought to the brink of destruction (for the 2nd time in 20 years, for fuck's sake)...
Well... I wonder how advanced we would be without the rivalry and competition between the Soviets and the US.
Also, I would be surprised if a mega Reich would even survive after "winning".
>Holodomor was done by jews,
Stalin wasn't a Jew
>, fucking antisemetism was illegal in Russia of the things
Yet Stalin still managed to execute all those Jews and start deporting the remainder to godforsaken parts of Siberia.
>hates Nazi Germany & Neo-Nazis
Are you me?
>everything that ever happened in history was a jewish conspiracy
Why aren't /pol/fags banned on sight?
Because Hiro is a pussy that doesn't have an ounce of the integrity that moot did.
Which is a massive accomplishment.
Depends on what is advanced to you. Hahaha
report him if you want
I find him hillarious
>mention nothing about jews
>10,000 rats swamp a lion
>"whoa guys, I guess rats are superior to lions, amirite?"
as a collective the rat is superior, thankfully in reality the rat is a drunkard
You have to admit collectivism is far more efficient in a labor based economy. Just think of all the money the US has wasted on fruitless shit like affirmative action and other social programs designed specifically to close cultural gaps over the years.
Not to mention the Germans had no trouble innovating technologically, even in the middle of a two-front war, with inventions like stealth bombers and ballistic missiles.
If I had to guess, I'd say they'd be at about the same point if not slightly more advanced technology wise. Most people would be White, the Reich would stretch across the entire Eurasian continent (assuming they won via nuclear weapons), and it would be culturally developed in a similar fashion to Europe.
It wouldn't be a terrible life desu.
anything they had that was worth a damn was already embraced by the US, USSR, and Israel.
After Hitler's death there would be a civil war between all the Nazi factions. Add to this constant unrest in Eastern provinces. At best it would exist for the next 5-10 years.
>implying hitler would not live forever through the occultic arts
>Just think of all the money the US has wasted on fruitless shit like affirmative action and other social programs designed specifically to close cultural gaps over the years.
Or the atomic bomb, unlike the dumb Nazis that considered it 'Jewish science'.
>Most people would be White
Most people in Europe are white.
>it would be culturally developed in a similar fashion to Europe
I wouldn't.
>third world countries where Mein Kampf is a best seller.
Indian here.
People think "So what if hitler killed a bunch of jews, its nothing special, at least he made germany great again."
>Its no coincidence that all of Europe can suddenly agree on killing Germans.
Probably has to do with germans invading all of europe.
>Not to mention the Germans had no trouble innovating technologically, even in the middle of a two-front war, with inventions like stealth bombers and ballistic missiles.
if germans were so good why didn't they have proximity fuses?