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>post THAT unit that keeps cucking your 5 star summons
He spooked me once when I was sniping for Nowi. Couldn't he at least have been Alm?
Should I do it?
Fertilizing Nowi's eggs!
Previous: Because OP is braindead.
>tfw I like mommys
>tfw I like lolis
How can /feg/ even compete?
Can someone actually edit these orbs to cover them with semen?
Felicia is the cutest! Holding her in my arms! Giving her little kisses on her cheek! Whispering sweet things to her! Holding her soft hand and going everywhere together! Falling asleep while cuddling her! I love Felicia!
>happily tapping Sakura over and over
>"please don't scratch me behind the ears, it is just a costume you know"
>tap her even harder
>no 5 stars from halloween banner
>over 200 orbs spent
This reminds me of the doujin where a mermaid rapes a shota then lays her very orb-like eggs inside.
But I bet you're not a degenerate oppai loli fan
Bullshit it's just a costume, the fucking things twitch.
>200 orbs spent
>-atk soren
It could be worse.
>red mage
you really shouldn't but if she's your waifu do it anyway
Is Henry the best Halloween to roll for?
>res high as fuck
>eats Reinhardt for breakfast
>ravenbreaker shits on Lyn
>armor so he's got higher bst than all other raven mages
>comes with armor march
>nuFE banner means I can save my orbs for Leif
This is the comfiest feeling.
>Got two Henrys and a Hector
>25 orbs spent
lmaoing at you're life.
>that spoiler
O-of course not
Just like Lucina's hat, that thing is alive.
>nuFE banner needs to be limited, fanservice, have pity rate breakers, have unique unit types AND needs to have a full 4 units to compete with ZIGLUDO's banner
Just like Luci's hat.
It's always funny to see these people DESPERATE to be contrarian and hoping to be heard over the millions of dollars being spent on literal whos like henry
Remember that incest in FE is the best thing. Eirika x Ephraim is the canon ending just like Corrin x Azura is the canon ending of Fates.
I didn't get her fuck my life
I just want my Sumia as a new hero, not a special one, that's all.
Who is the better red for an armor team with Halloween Henry, Fury Black Knight or Arden?
also if I'm using internet at a public library since mine is out, can they find out if I try to download some doujins
>make one remark
>nuFE babby shits his diaper
Every time. Feel free to roll on it, it doesn't interest me.
Quan is stinky and deserved to die in the desert
They know now.
t. Travant
Panne Lucina.
and shigure
"big daddy sigurd" jobbed to shigure, even with ayra's additional jewish tricks like sharing a color with eldigan.
What would you do to Nowi's soft tummy?
Decorate it with my thick, hot semen.
>u mad!
Nope. You mad. Reply again, saying literally nothing, to prove it. You obviously will, crybaby. You already did once.
Why Yuragure? He looks like shit.
At least the Halloween units look good.
I'd put babies in there.
worship this
Arden for brave sword + armor march memes.
Same here but saving for Micaiah.
God I hope she's Sigurd-tier powercreep.
Filling her tummy with my yummy cummy!
What's the cutoff point for nuFE?
>make one remark about nostalgiababby's need for attention
>it immediately shits its diaper
This won't be the last time either
will they do anything if it's on my laptop
I've been using him in TT and he's pretty goddamn monstrous. Even without the stat boosts he still seems stronk so I'll keep him on then.
>someone mentions not liking nuFE
>babbies throw a fit
inb4 "worthless post"
pls help me build a team for extreme/infernal ursula, /feg/...
You're the one that angrily replied first to an innocuous remark saying nothing first, my dude. If you really didn't care you wouldn't reply in the first place.
Please don't contribute to shitting up the thread anymore and I won't either with this dumb argument, thank you. Sorry if I offended you or whatever.
What does Micaiah's first morning piss taste like?
Shadow Dragon.
>it's another nuFE vs grandpa thread
Sothe's shota semen
Cursed image do not open
I caved for the Dancer banner but nothing here interests me, so I'm safe.
I even got a Furyman on my free roll.
too old
wtf I'm a pedo now
I'd cum on her freckles.
better photo, that one got cropped
It's still there?
How much did she rape the poor kid?
Cummy cummy in that tummy
It's literally every thread. People should just let others enjoy what games they like.
Let's not forget that the Genealogy units had BST boosts handed out like candy, prf weapons and unique skills everywhere, and you definitely wanted one for the Tempest since no old units were 40% bonus.
And they still lost.
you got your son right? his limited alt was his only version, he's not coming back
Advance Wars.
There's only one time I actually tried to get an Olwen. The others have been off banner spooks. No, I don't actually get mad when she spooks me, she's just a common off banner 5* I get.
Halloween had the same amount of BST-boosted units that FE4 did
Flora is MaMui's best wife since she hates him almost as much as we do.
>marrying that frigid bitch
Hes the next GHB
No, you are going to say the games I like are superior and you are gonna like it, faggot.
This post lacks worth.
no his art is trash
>unable to handle real women
I'm holding out for Kinshi Knight Shigure in the future. Hopefully we can make it happen.
That or Sky Milf.
FE Switch
Only dancer I didn't get. And not one regret. Captcha agrees.
How does Sigurd do it?
His game was never even released in the west and he wasn’t in smash like Roy
Reminder that if this guy ever gets a GHB he is going to be the hardest and you'll wish you had pass fodder.
Idk but use Effie
Put her in the top left to bait that one dagger user while you put your other hero in the other spot to fend off everybody
What does her medallion taste like?
>I've also accidentally gotten Olwen three times, all off-summon and the first was -res+atk
It's a weird feeling but hey, cute and useful base 5*'s aren't a bad way to lose pity rates.