What are some good non-cryptocurrency hustles for making money in the short term?
What are some good non-cryptocurrency hustles for making money in the short term?
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Buy NMM.
None i lost like 2k on btc because its just to goddam volatile I'm just rolling the dice on ETH and going long
This NMM? I don't think anything with an HQ in Greece is going back up anytime soon...
I heard that silver is a good investment because its value is being artificially kept down. Is this true Veeky Forums?
BTC is volatile?
It's close to an all-time high and pretty stable compared to everything else.
Did you fucking put $20,000 on BTC at its all-time-high of $1300 or something?
Probably not. That's a shiller's lie.
Silver tarnishes and decreases in mass over time.
If you think physical precious metals are the way, then get gold. It's called "the gold standard" for a reason.
If you think currency will become worthless and the world will go to shit, then get land, put up a huge fence, and stock up on steel tools, good guns, the appropriate ammo, and clean water.
Do the research. Shipping industry is at the beginning of an uptrend and once they're financially stable again they'll be paying most of their profits in dividends. If past performance is anything to go by that could mean over $1.50/share annually.
buying drugs off the DNM and then selling them to high school kids for an insane profit is the best way to make money in 2017. and it doesn't even take any fucking effort.
if you are a NEET and you aren't buying drugs for cheap and selling them to kids (who are likely going to die from OD whether you supply them with the tools or not) then you're missing out big time, sweetheart.
Rather not have that shit on my conscience.
Buying pounds of that medicinal good good and then selling to liberal hipsters by the ounce. 20%x5 = dubs.
silver is more rare than gold btw its a consumed resource.
pardon my asking but...which drugs?
Teenaged children are more weakminded and high-seeking than ever before. They have no fucking rationality. Literally anything that isn't black tar heroin. Rich white kid drugs are good.
Buying drugs online and selling locally is high risk, high reward. Depends on the supply demand in your area, and not only that, but you are taking double the risk of buying online and selling in person. You need to be secure and rightfully paranoid. Your clients are not your friends, they will call the cops on you, or sell you out to a violent drug dealer if shit hits the fan.
Buying online is expensive, in person is expected to be cheaper, but if you clients are retarded, you can charge whatever you want.
Shitty areas = lower chance of arrest, higher chance of violent competition
Good areas = dumb clients, little competition, high chance of arrest
trust this guy, also don't sell drugs, not nuff reward for that risk.
lol just store it airtight
no its 9 times more abduant than gold. where did you get that bullshit?
silver has been shill pumped for the last few years
unless you are a collector or have stakes in solar panels there are much better options than silver
nonsense. silver has a historic use as wealth along side gold.
if you are keeping coins in capsules they wont tarnish much at all. ultimately condition only matters to the buyer and even then its often only on low mint pieces.
1oz is 1oz. you may get cents more for a clean eagle, you may not. you certainly will on a lunar series.
uh.. robert kiyosaki... the audio book was pretty old so maybe they found some more....
What he said was disingenuous at best.
There is actually less silver held in reserve than gold, because gold is not used for much other than jewelry. Silver is consumed in a lot of industrial and electronics applications. So, silver reserves are less than gold reserves.
But silver is far, far more abundant than gold in the earth's crust. Its also easier to mine. That's why every five years the world's silver mines combined produce more silver than there is above ground gold in the world.
If you want to try to capitalize on the scarcity of a metal based on industrial consumption, go with platinum. It is rare, like gold, but has industrial applications, like silver. It is also trading at a discount to gold, which has not typically been the case. There aren't as many sources of platinum bullion, but it's still fairly easy to get.
i'm young(19) and my parents didnt send me to school so i have a massive disadvantage but i'm hungry for knowledge. do you have any reading material you'd recommend? preferably audio-format so i can listen to it while i stock shelves.
The Intelligent Investor - Benjamin Graham.
Do you have any links, I think that NMM looks like a good pick, but I don't know what is stopping them from rebounding.
Silverfag here. Silver only diminishes in mass if you polish it to get the tarnish off. Otherwise it looks less pretty but doesn't lose it's value. Collectors items are a different story. Also, the US hasn't had a gold backed dollar since 1976.
silver does not tarnish unless humidity and sulfates are present. active charcoal in an airtight container keeps them free of blemish practically forever.
They're being held down by debt but they seem to have it under control, at least for this year. Management is very confident about this year and all signs point to it being recovery time for the shipping industry.
19 also currently reading
Rich dad poor dad- Robert t
if they make 100million a year and have 400million in debt, it will be 4 years before they turn a profit
I'm probably wrong about how companies deal with debt, I have no idea what debt maturity is.
>once they're financially stable again
if you are talking about greece, I'd like to know very much when that will be.
Any thoughts on dryships? (DRYS)
I don't give a shit about Greece.
NMM pays most of their profits in dividends. They just haven't been able to pay one since Q3 2015 because the shipping industry took a big fat shit and they needed to focus on making sure they didn't get raped by debt.
Now that the industry is recovering, we could see a return to that massive dividend some time this year. It could even be this quarter, if business is good enough.
I haven't done a lot of research on it but I know they only own Panamax ships, which means they don't even follow the BDI, which is a weighted average of the various ship sizes. Last I heard, Panamax ships were going down.
Second this
oh, ok
I thought you meant the "greek shipping industry" which I figured was tied to their economy
I gather you meant the shipping industry in general, or at least in the mediterranean zone.
As you can see, I know shit about the shipping industry.
Is the upward trend a global trend? And why was the company unstable in the first place?
I will do my own research if you point me in the right direction
>I gather you meant the shipping industry in general, or at least in the mediterranean zone.
The whole dry bulk shipping industry was in the shitter last year, but it has since bottomed out and things are looking up for the industry as a whole. NMM's management claims they are in a very good position to take advantage of this, and since they have a large and diversified fleet I'm inclined to believe them.
These companies ship raw materials like coal and iron ore around the world, so it's an inherently global industry.
>And why was the company unstable in the first place?
They were too heavily leveraged when the industry went down. They have been paying off some of their debt and I've heard they're also restructuring it, but I haven't looked into that yet.
That'd be a pump and dump lad
When would be the right time to jump in and and jump out then?
thanks a lot pal
>bottomed out and things are looking up
how much do you trust this to be true in the short term?
I've read it feint to do that before and went back to the lows
I'm not an expert, but the experts at Morgan & Stanley seem pretty confident that it's hit the bottom.
That said, the BDI reached this level in November. If you trade penny stocks you probably remember DRYS going up a few thousand percent over a few days just after the election, before everything came crashing down again. If you want to be careful, you can wait until the BDI hits a higher high, which would imply we're in an actual uptrend and not just another month-long bull trap.
trading 3x leveraged ETFs
19 here second this
Suck dicks for $1 each
Despite Deutsche Bank recently settling a lawsuit for $38m and releasing evidence showing there's on going collusion to manipulate the spot price? There's transcripts between traders rigging the markets. I'm not gonna spoonfeed you, but it's easy enough to find.
What are you talking about, selling to high schoolers in a rich areas is practically risk free if you just supply the school's dealer.
10x leveraged etf
>It's close to an all-time high
You must have forgotten the part where the SEC said no and it lost 25% of it's value instantly.
seriously i dont have much in drys, but there is about to be a reverse split tomorrow and I am trying to understand how the ceos are playing this company
Gold is high af tho.
Land is the way to go. Most of the time it goes up
No fucking shit...
Lunar series?
My man!
Anything in the personal finance and investing tab user. College is shit anyway.
Why waste 4 years of your life just to incurr massive debt when u can get rich in 4 years and retire
And people wonder why inflation runs rampant.
Wonder how long we can keep this bullshit up
Dont stop user.
Why buy them off the DNMs and not just buy them in bulk locally for way cheaper?
sell at the time of the announcement, then buy back sometime in the dip. of course the price will recover, that entire event was based off of panic.
I assume they're referring to silver series of Chinese lunar calendar coins - a lot of western countries have done them over the last decade and a half. I think Canada has done parallel series at different face values, and Australia did a matched set at different weights - some were kilo coins, I have most of the 1oz series.
Sets like that generally will increase based on collectors value more than the single year sets outside of anniversary series like the 150th that Canada is doing.
>not trading 15x etfs
>Not seeing your $1000 go from 1k to 3$ then 8k in a day