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/vsg/ - /v/scape General Spooky Edition
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First for Benny did not, in fact post with his name/trip
c'mon, /vsg/! One more ded thred!
third for he did
Reminder that Magic logs are for burning.
Why is Dio still not in the OP
Discord's broken so dylan i'll probably be in the hospital again for a while! See ya
we'll add him back as soon as he logs in
That's not a rule and comes off as pedantic autistic behavior to everyone else.
His trip has tesg in it, people searching for the actual /tesg/ on this board will find /vsg/ as a search result, potentially drawing more people to the game.
>we should add this inactive admin back to the op post solely to make elderscrolls fags see our thread when searching theirs
>as if RS and waifurim had anything in common
no user you're the fag