>TFW fell for the "living with parents past 20" meme
TFW fell for the "living with parents past 20" meme
Save your money, max out 401k, Roth, etc., rest of it put into cryptos and stocks.
Its only a meme if you hate money
Everything is so volatile right now i would just keep everything liquid all year
moved out to get laid
got laid
losing 1k per month to rent not worth it
i shud move back in
>tfw I was out before I turned 18 and haven't ever been happier in my life
Delete this... my parents are cucking my lifeforce
Well to be fair friend I joined the Army which I used to save money and earn a degree along with medical care
11/10 would do again
oh god it fucking sucks
Hah! Funny. Freud and Jung studied this in depth. You can't become a self-actualized individual with your mommy and daddy looking after you.
Delete this man. Please
>half moved out, half kicked out at 15
>three years of hell as a wage slave
>65hr weeks, no days off bar xmas
>laid off at 19
>have 5k savings
>buy share of large dairy station
>tfw chinese investors
>my parents are cucking my lifeforce
this, I need OUT
It's impossible to live like this man. The savings aren't even worth it anymore.
Same here, feels good but doesn't feel good
Do you have a ton of girls wanting to fuck? If not, there's no point in moving out.
Literally the only reason to move out is if you are in the position to be banging bitches and need some privacy for it.
How about living next to cancerous poorfag parents who constantly hold back my progress and also living in a shitty area with little opportunity for solid employment without commuting for over 1.5 hours a day to the city?
Are those good enough reasons for you?
Meh, rent and utilities are expensive. I mean even if you get a big job in the city, it's going to be cheaper just living with your parents and just adding a little extra to your commute.
>B-But muh time
I'm going to bet your parents do a lot around the house. Do they cook your dinners? Do they clean? Any time you save in commute will go to the chores you now have to do around your apartment.
>How about living next to cancerous poorfag parents who constantly hold back my progress
You need to explain this more, but I'm betting you're over-exaggerating.
>tfw making $55k at 24
>tfw want to move out but don't have the balls to burn bridges with my parents
wat do
We have always had a bad relationship, they were very abusive physically and psychologically up until I became a teenager and even now we regularly get into arguments and fights(non physical). Just a lot of messed up stuff over the years...
Yeah I guess you could "you're saving money" but at some point it becomes that id rather just pay more for quality of life.
I don't see myself spending 3 hours a day on cooking and chores
I did it for about a year after graduating. It's ok and I didn't mind and the savings were nice but you really get too comfortable. It's not a good way to live your life.
Comfort Vs. Growth
>Out by 20, moved back for a few months
>moved out again by 22
>moved back in at 24 for a few months
>Out by 25, never went back
Took a few short drops but it feels good man. Like a baby chick learning to fly.
>Out by 17. College for four years.
>Rented a bedroom from various landlords for 2 years
>Buy a house at 23
>End up asking my real estate agent out before I close
>Wife two years later
Never ever do I regret moving out immediately after high school. Renting a bedroom is tops because it saves a ton of money and is much less restrictive than living with parents because anything retarded they do you just roll of as them being your crazy roommates.
>tfw want to move out but don't have the balls to burn bridges with my parents
nice bait
>live with parents
>max 401k/IRA
>max hsa
>invest 10k in index funds every year
>only child so parents are fine with me
>mfw normies want me to move out so I can pay (((rent))) and the lease on a stock BMW so I can meet arbitrary meme standards of success
>IRA deductions start to phase out at $62k MAGI
>maxing out 401k and HSA reduces MAGI
>can effectively make $83750 before IRA deductions START to phase out
>tfw living in parents' second house alone
i at least try to pay a rent that is proportional to my paycheck
>tfw sank half a bottle of whisky and went ballistic at my parents last week
>in the morning they tell me they understand and they forgive me
I mean you do you, but it's pretty fun being able to put all your wages into savings, investments or whatever hobbies you like. At least it's fun to me.
just look for places behind their backs and don't tell them until after you signed the paperwork. that's what i'm planning to do
if your parents don't give you shit for anything or if you already live close to work then it's understandable staying with them for as long as possible. i don't have that luxury
Gimme pic
>just look for places behind their backs and don't tell them until after you signed the paperwork. that's what i'm planning to do
Yeah I can't really afford it and I'd much rather save the money
I'm torn between having my cake or eating it basically
there's no solution
life is a scam if you aren't born rich so you can enjoy the sanity of having privacy as a young adult in your prime when you are at your horniest and need privacy to fuck while not getting but fucked by monthly expenses
life is a fucking scam
>20 years ago
>house prices 80k
>average area wages 20-40k
>now when i want to move out
>same house is 320k
>average area wages 20-40k
aint no one but retired doctors and Chinese business men buying here
$500/month is a small price to pay for freedom of sorts mate
and the things you learn being completely financially independent -- i can't imagine how anyone still living with their parents becomes financially successful past the point of a mediocre-paying wage slave job
Nice pic asshole. Me and my best friend drank every day till last year. He got fired from his 40th job and i gave him shit for it. He said he would teach me to grill the next day.
>mutherfucker went and shot himself instead.
I am convinced vodka cannot give me alchahol poisoning. I can ruin my kife and cause me to legit do dumb shit i never remember.
Learned 2 things i will share with u cucks...
It does get better. Not much sadly. Bit it does. Tradgedy finds a way of rekt u vut healing other parts i guess....
And if you havent laid some slim jims in a smoker you havent lived...
Just keep your head up and grow up man. Its hard but u can flip burgers for rent and move out.
this is truly the life, all the benefits of having your own place without the costs.
sadly it seems that one of my siblings is going to move in soon so i will need to find an alternative. Or maybe not since it's hard to find a better deal than this.
I make shit money but I could easily live with $500/month rent holy shit. The cheapest place in my area is $750/month and it's literally nigger-tier ghetto.
Fuck the fucking east coast
I'm afraid to leave my mom because I don't know if she can live by herself.
This is alright bro, take care of her
I only pay 250 a month plus utilities. Tfw when I live in the city
Sorry about your friend, sucks he decided to check out. can't say any of your story is relevant to this thread though
The irony is that you completely control your situation. You can move out any time you want, but you need Mommy and Daddy to make the decision for you.
what god awful shithole of a city do you live in, and how ghetto is your area?
when they've been calling the shots all your life it's hard to suddenly tell them to fuck off without getting shit for it.
Wow I love your parents. Mine would just have one of their monthly mental breakdowns and make all of it my fault like always while my freeloader brother would just lock himself in the room and fuck his girlfriend while I'm getting figuratively beaten to death.
>have to share an office with my dad since my room is too small to fit my desk in
>can't unwind at the end of the day because he's always working from home until 9PM, don't want to disturb him on a call or whatever
>get home at 6 and sit around twiddling my thumbs or shitposting from my laptop until he's done for the day so I can dick around until 11 when I go to bed
>rinse and repeat until the weekend
>20% of the time he works on Saturdays as well
>parents are always barging into my room or whatever, only place I have any actual privacy is in the bathroom with the door locked
sometimes it's downright infuriating, I feel like a caged animal
I feel like the second I move out I'm going to explode from rapid depressurization
>burn bridges with my parents
What? They aren't going to get mad if you move out.
Still, I live by my own means since I'm 22, and I'd advice you to delay moving out as much as you can.
Nothing quite like having your mom doing your laundery and cooking for you. My gf does it whenever she comes to my place, but it's no the same thing.
so you're literally a welfare queen
not exactly something to be proud of
>over 1.5 hours a day to the city?
that's not much
i'm tired of blowing 3 hours a day on my commute. i'm tired of feeling like i have to ask permission to do everything. i feel like i'm just pissing my life away while everyone else i know is enjoying themselves. what point is there to save all this money when i'm gonna be too old and busted to do anything with it by the time i can actually use it?
>I only pay 250 a month plus utilities.
For a 3 man tent in a park?
>tfw 31 and still living with parents
>tfw don't have to pay rent, electric, or internet bills, just anything related to my phone/car, misc expenses, and some food
>tfw 32k salary but my life is comfy
Living with your parents isn't that bad.
You must be my twin, my situation is almost exactly the same. However I am going out of my mind and need to get out asap. I have a lot of money saved up doing nothing right now.
Do you not get along with your parents or is there another reason why you want to get out? Just want independence?
I'm honestly fine with the trade-off of living with my parents as an adult. I get along with mine just fine and since they're old, I help them out a lot, so they'd be at a loss for having me gone.
That's called growing up and becoming an adult. Unless your parents are absolutely fucked up, I'm sure they want you out of the house by now.
TFW live with my mom (I am >20yrs) to help take of care of little sister (
I get along with them fine but small things are starting to just irritate me. Loud TV's, loud phone conversations, always a commotion going on, overhearing constant bickering about stupid shit. Not to mention the social stigma of it all, I just want peace and quiet and just to do my own shit. The only thing I'm waiting for right now is for a few things to line up at my current job because it will factor into my decision if I buy a house in the same city or move out of state.
>tfw living with parents, saving money, and learning to trade
>mutherfucker went and shot himself instead.
lmao the absolute madman
If you can't accomplish this you definitely haven't matured enough to take care of yourself.
^this desu
I could live alone but
>cheapest rent costs nearly $300/month without gas, water, electricity in some forsaken nigger shithole
>all bills amount to $600/month at the cheapest
>full hour jobs pay $600/month at MOST by going 8-18hrs, getting up at 5:30am to get in time
>most pay $550/month
Chile completely sucks desu, i'm in uni in my third year of engineering, and even university sucks because engineering is 6 years here instead of 4 years like in the rest of the world
Chile has all the first world memes, like 10 years of experience for shitty $1500/month jobs, expensive houses and expensive bills, without any of the salaries of europe or USA
Lol you cant be serious
(Almost) can't put a price on freedom. I love my parents to death, but after I graduated college there was no way I could still live with them.
ur literally me
but i have sluts waiting for me when i move out
Living with parents like a parasite. Comfy as fuck.
I was living with my parants, in a house with a girl in a small room.
Made about 250K a year buying goods from a Chinese website and reselling on eBay for 3 years back in 2010~
She was apearently on birth control and cheating on me, I should be the one being made fun of.
>She was apearently on birth control and cheating on me,
At least you get to cum in her pussy; there was another man's dried sticky cum inside her but it's okay.
>Living with parents like a parasite. Comfy as fuck.
>the comfy feeling when you mom makes you food and does your laundry :3
>live in (((long island)))
>rent is $800 month for a room in a shared unit in not so nice part of town
>house prices highly inflated, average 400,000 for a house that would cost 200,000 in pennsylvania or something
>everyone I know is living with parents beyond graduating from college
>only one trade worker bro who is buying a house
Fuck this over populated meme island. And fuck new york. Shits only gonna get harder because they just made college free, how are they gonna pay for that?
did, don't regret it.
i have no debt, no credit and pay everything cash.
>TFW you by a $50K new car via bank transfer and leave the lot 30 minutes later.
notice the man has no hat, and there is no little boy in that image.
usually there is a man with a hat, holding a childs hand staring off into the distance somewhere in the image. in that one, he is on the left.... alone....
You sound like the cuck who paid for it.
Sounds like he made a smart move.
Good job user
Sounds like you know the answer. You need and want to move out.
Look at your options and make a decision.
the money's out there and somebody has to take it. Don't be jealous that you paid for user to fuck exotic pucci and slaughter brown children for 4 years, then go to college for free, while you were working 12 hour shifts at mcdonalds and going to night school.
>there was another man's dried sticky cum inside her but it's okay.
A man's penis is actually shaped to pump out another guy's juice.
I'm 25, was living at home, but decided to rent a home because I got a job that was a 2+ hour drive away. Now I do whatever I want on weekdays, play Runescape on Saturdays then in the afternoons I drive to my parents' house so my mom can do my laundry and cook for me
You don't have to live your parents. You could just get roommates. You don't have live like a homeless person or never buy coffee or worry about stupid small shit like that.
The biggest cuck move to avoid is spending more on anything just because you earn more. Rent, cars, etc. There are cuck rules like "spend 30% of your income on rent" that you can simple ignore.
Even if you only have an average income say ~100k you should be easily putting away 50k+ a year. Cucks will spend 40k/year on rent, 40k on a bmw and then bitch about the cost of a cup of coffee and other small shit.
the only advice I can give coming from a 22 year old junior, at least make use of the time you have. If youre not grinding 24/7 with the spare time living with your parents gives you, then your fucking yourself. I swear to God i never want to work retail or sales ever again Id rather be homeless
>tfw I got cucked and had the opposite of the neet life
I lived with my parents until last summer (24), and they were basically a money drain on me. Overcharged me $700 a month for rent, maxed out 2 cards I let them open under my name while I was a neet, etc. They even forced me to give up my paychecks completely during summer 2014 to help pay for a broken stove. They also stopped payments on those credit cards when I finally moved because they were "tired of paying them".
I even found out they were stealing tax money from me. I was completely ignorant to how taxes worked and they were claiming me as dependent for the last 3 years even though I was paying rent. I could've written off my school expenses+ get 40% tuition back and gotten my degree 1-2 years earlier if not for them. I also was paying double in taxes because of that dependency.
I lived in awful conditions too, I didn't have a room, just lived in the corner of the living room with a shitty portable bed and my laptop, no privacy whatsoever. My parents also had their annoying Chihuahuas in the kitchen (right next to the living room) and they would bark at any little thing all night. Sometimes they would shit up a storm and it would smell overnight when I was trying to sleep. I also had all of the usual parent bullshit like arguments, forced to help them with random bullshit, constant threats of getting kicked out, even when they were in the wrong. They would humiliate me for going out, accusing me of being gay. Fuck all of that.
Moving out was one of the best things I ever did, I'm happier, I have more money, I'm on track to finishing college in 1-2 years etc. I hope to never see or talk to my parents ever again. They're fucking scum of the earth and I hope they suffer when they die.
WHY the FUCK didn't you move out before you mouthbreathing retard?
I 100% admit I was retarded. I just had blind faith that my parents were looking out for me since they're my flesh and blood. I would always just rationalize everything in my mind. "y-yeah I'm a g-good son helping out his parents".
It wasn't all at once too. Just little bullshit here and there slowly building up over the years.
Holy shit dude
Then drive that car to your parents house
Trips doesnt lie. Went and saw all of his friends that week, put a goofy fb post up, grabbed a finiky pistol that never fires and probably pulled the trigger over 1 dozen times.
Mutherfucker even had sense enough to take a tool to the chest so we could have an open casket. The funeral guy did really good work and i need to thank him. Fucker looked like he was taking a nap. I no shit woukd have shook his dead ass if his mom wasnt there hokding his hand crying. I pray every day that he somehow was just put into witness protection and his mom is lying but nobody is that good... plus i had a fucked up dream the other day. Been watchibg that faggot movie looper on repeat as background noise. Always imagine getting 1 minute to go back and give my brother a hug.
Had a dream where i wole up to take a piss and hes just passed out on the couch. Beer cans abound from an obvious party we had.
Of course i lose my shit babling about time travel and he is hing over and already done with my shit and just looks me in the eyes and says fine. Say i believe u. Wtf do u want?? I have some news. Bad bad badddd news brother. "Dobt tell me" wat!???? Sometging very VERY fucking bad is gonna happen to you user. "Everything happens for a reason man. We will just have to deal with it." "No go the fuck awayyyyy." Lays down, goes to sleep, i lay down, wake up irl.
Been over a year and shit still weighs heavy but either i am psychotic or my brother finally told me he was okay.
Hahaha. Yeah, i laugh every week when i go weedeat...
They even tried to steal my 2016 tax money, despite not living with them for most of the year and paying rent. I had to mail in my return because of my efile getting denied from them trying to claim my SS#.
They called me up two weeks ago when they got a letter from the IRS and made up some bullshit about a police report they filed a year ago because "the neighbors heard us arguing" and that they would press charges against me if I didn't back down with the taxes. My father also claimed that there was no proof I was paying rent "You owe us for treating you as a kid, so you can go fuck yourself, user"
move out you fucking dimwits
Dude, I hate to say this but you have serious issues. I am very sorry you lost your friend. I've been there, had a buddy commit suicide. It's the worst shit ever. Was 4 years ago and I still think about my friend in at least one way every day. A year from that point, I still felt the fog. Its mostly cleared up now, thankfully.
You'll never get over it. Ever. You'll never be the same, but you will be better. You'll always remember him and your life and his will be twisted together in ways you never think about it. Deep down, you know that if you continue down the path you're on you're going to lose your life, and by losing your life you're losing him as well. You need to take your own advice. Better yet, you need to take your own suffering and grow through it.
> tfw mom still makes you dinner even tho u are a 21 yo neet virgin loser trading meme cryptos.
this seems really typical of American parents, which is why Americans are the ones to move out early
on the other hand I'm 24 and still live with my parents even though I could have bought a house with cash by now
I don't pay rent for my childhood bedroom, their mortgage was paid off a decade ago and that would be absolutely retarded
I help out around the house because they're getting old, yardwork and cleaning, as well as some cooking and contributing to the grocery budget. I also give them stuff like my tablet, computer, etc. to make their lives easier and I help them with their finances a lot because they don't understand what they're overpaying for.
We get along well and I don't see myself moving out for a long time.
Seems to me when you don't come from a culture of poor, uneducated drug addicts you can live with your parents successfully
>Giving up self-respect, a sense of worth, individuality and freedom in exchange for not paying rent
>depending on paying rent in order to feel self-respect, a sense of worth, individuality and freedom
"Hey user, can I come over ;)??"
"No, sorry, parents are home :/"
"Hey bro, can I come over? I got a six-pack, let's call the crew and watch the game?"
"Oh, sorry man, my parents are home, and they have the TV to themselves."
"Hey user, why do you have two cars in your driveway?"
"Oh, I actually don't, those are my parents'."
Oh boy, I don't know if it's worth not paying rent and groceries if it means you're going to be living like this.
>mfw done saving for retirement at 32