no waste of space links edition
previously: happy spooks
no waste of space links edition
previously: happy spooks
Other urls found in this thread:
he seems autistic
Where do You cum?
I've cummed in my pants a bunch of times (not in public) and it just kind of stinks after a while, especially if I cum a lot of times
I wanna cuddle Jinx treat her tricks
I bought an old account from a coworker for 20 bucks.
I have all the champs but I don't know which ones I should start playing with first. So, can you guys give me a quick description of some of your favorite champs?
i really don't care if they're hard, I just want to play something fun that looks cool (maybe an assassin?) with high outplay potential.
>draven loses to tear rush ezreal
A glitch in the Matrix?
Sona is a cow
Reminder not to judge people for their choices and instead appreciate the good qualities about every waifu for what they are
xth for my wife Syndra
if you're actually asking this chances are you shouldn't be worried about outplaying anything my dude
>ends lane 0/4/1
>ends game 23/5/7
Guess the champ.
xth for my gf(male) Swift!
delete this
Post Champs in Halloween outfits!
It doesn't matter if your waifu isn't good in someone's eyes it only matters that she's good in your heart.
Yasuo. Duh.
Protecting Caitlyn's smile
The game is not that mechanically hard compared to other games.
Also, I have a quick reaction time so I'm probably good with skillshots and dodging them.
Anyone on euw that has voice comms ( that speaks English pls) and wants to play some comfy arams/norms? I'd be okay with ranked too but I've not been playing much league lately so I'm kinda behind. I main adc/supp
Annie is pretty good, you'll outplay everyone with her.
it sounds like you are the perfect riven/yasuo/zed player, my man. go outplay everyone else on rift, summoner.
Sup, /lolg/.
How's it going?
xth for breast metal waifu
Gonna try these, thanks.
How the fuck is it even possible I didn't got a new champion in the last 20 shards. This shit is rigged.
unless you were high elo in a different moba, or an RTS game or any other tactical game chances are you will fall flat on your face in silver where the others "mechanically gifted" but 0 macro players rest
>no Succubus Jinx skin
life is suffering
Play Kassadin
Jump around like a massive retard
You can disenchant all those shards for a new champion tho. Or reroll 3 for a new champion. 200 iq plays
don't own any of them, either
quite the lucky streak
Here's the full club
my man gorgeous as always
i want to kill all waifufags owo
Demon/Succubus Jinx woulda been fun or even one where she references Darkstalker's Lilith.
What drives people to post the same things every single thread?
Jarvan didn't even try
why? that's not very nice
This. As long as your waifu is good to you, it doesn't matter if someone else has a shitty opinion
So I just have to watch streamers and take notes on their general habits? That's easy dude, I did that all the time back in CS:GO and helped me get out of master guardian.
He dressed up as a dragoon to impress dragonfu
Was PUBG the final nail in the coffin for league e-sports?
Always when I check PUBG has more viewers than league
W-what's in that cup OwO
Autism, perhaps?
Is everyone going to buy urf wick?
i dont think I will. Obviously they are going to release stuff you can buy with BE and they need some BE sinks so people are more likely to spend money.
URFwick in itself isnt even that good of a skin, lthough the recall is nice now, and I dont even play WW much. It wont even be rare or special anymore, and it will be released which they already confirmed with the BE store appearing multiple times a year. (urfwick is not there everytime but he will return)
I rather get a couple of gemstones and save the rest for chromas and future chromas
Heavy autism. I want them to get banned so bad.
What drives you to react to it instead of ignoring or filtering it?
Post your main and your most frequented board, and let other people judge you as a person.
YFW this could have been Lux if Riot was let loose all those years ago.
This was ACTUALLY their first splash of lux and rendition of the model, but the community told them they were retarded so they re-did her
Veeky Forums
literally only played by chinks, battle royale is a soul-less genre that is only made by Todd-tier developers. They only care about the money and will keep everything on beta so nobody complains about the obvious shitty coding that the game has and how it is so embedded into the game that it will be impossible to make it all over.
>Veeky Forums
it's like poetry
>tfw no slut lux
>tfw we got dumb bimbo lux instead
Some waifus are better than others~
Some waifus are better than others~
Some waifu's mothers are better than other waifu's mothers~
Good, she looks like a end 30s nurse that lives alone with her son
Are you implying this isn't disgusting garbage?
>Was overwatch the final nail in the coffin for league e-sports?
>Always when I check pcbang has more players than league
fixed that for you from 6 months ago
Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums
>explicitly ask for non shit support
>they lock in lulu
Post your mains:
I’m a massive tryhard I know.
Veeky Forums
I don't know what it means
The real league killer is going to be monopoly online
dont tell anyone ok
fucking disgusting.
Veeky Forums
We really have come a long way.
why riot are autistic who have no idea to balanced something? every season same shit, last season and this season tank meta, and now cancer protect the adc meta. no fun allowed anymore, did riot become blizzard?
All waifus are good, the only best waifu is the one best for you
except lulu, fuck lulufags
what is the difference between Silver and Diamond?
I love Camille
>malzahar is allowed to be OP for months
lmao, when is riot going to grow a couple brain cells and nerf this champ? LMAO
Why does MF have AP ratios? They not even worth trying to go AP mid.
most old champs have ratios for either ad or AP even though they are only one of those
its because it gave them a lot of extra power with old baron buff
>Implying I wouldn't just go and feed my ass off with some shit I've never played and then complain how I'm hard stuck.
Those tilde's remind me of King Grey
I unironically miss him pls come back bb
Filtering is the true problem in multiple threads on Veeky Forums desu. While you might say it's the easiest way to deal with it, and it technically might be, ignoring something doesn't actually solve the problem. You still have an unhealthy environment that other people aside from you will have to deal with and will probably comment a shitload about.
Worst case scenario, you just live in a dead thread with 80% of the content filtered. There's a few of those people around Veeky Forums. Best to work together to make our threads healthier places. That said, /lolg/'s level of shitposting is pretty low on the whole so it's not a big deal. Luluposter(s) are fucking annoying though.
Because they help when you get AP from baron
Can we talk about how Urgot got buffed like 3 times in a row and has another new one on PBE? How long until he's overtuned cancer?
It's to make up for the months he had to spend as a sup. Brand needs a little more tweaking to get him back mid
I fell for the weeb bait champ hardcore.
tfw no other junglers are remotely as fun to me anymore
Kayn ruined me
>not going AP support MF with MS runes and spam the shit out of your E and then running away.
That shit is annoying as fuck in the early to mid game.
i wish kayn would ruin my ass
I just want him to notice me ,;_;,
Shouldn't the other adcs get AP ratios on all their moves too like Ez and mf then to make it fair.
>Certain champions don't die in their "death" animation
>it's urgot free week
I just want to learn to play Irelia.
I only say filtering because apparently some people are such massive crybaby splergs that they need a filter. Personally I just don't look at or reply to posts that dont interest me, which frankly isn't all that goddamn fucking hard to do.
Alot of ads do have AP ratios
uhh.. guys
Literal Patrician my dude. Feel free to post any time
Rageblade and Gunblade are sometimes okay on her. Support MF can also make use of Spellthief's
Ive seen all of these to some degree of success, especially Guinsoo's Rage during the devourer patch where it was a ranged Ravenous Hydra
No because new baron doesnt give that much ap/ad anymore only a %
its an old leftover
new champs dont need it and some new champs still get it for lulz like jhin who has good ap scaling on his traps
He's fun. Hope they don't kill him.