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Previous thread:

i'm gay

>a lil bit of sombra feets
good op

Here comes T.Racer!

here comes t.racer

well yeah, everyone that plays overwatch turns into a homo from electronic estrogen

>win as mercy in DM
>people call me a slut
um excuse me i just femdom'd you so you're the slut

I love her bros.

cheers luv, the cute is here!


1st for hoping that the Blizzcon hero is going to be a healer.

Tracer's comin' to town!

oh yay sombra thread

idk if i can be considered a slut, last time i tried doing lewd things with a guy i felt like i was gonna be sick
i mean not feeling feminine makes me freak out but i've never been told that i have dysphoria or whatever so idk
dom me by hitting me with your healing staff

Who has basically given up on this game since the Mercy rework?

>ow update
>pic related

like clockwork

Tracer's gettin BLACKED

>messed up links

Shit op just like sombra.

Anime Overwatch!

Stopped playing, but waiting for the incoming nerf.

>people saying junkrat requires no skill in the twitch chat
>junkyratboy: some people relate to the characters so please be nice
I need to go to sleep but this stream is so surreal

someone needs to shop tracer to be diving face first in to bloo's ass

>on my 700 sr account
>getting matched with all masters in qp
fuck off all i want to do is observe the bronzies for a shitty vid i want to make. this new season can't come soon enough


Why do you treat this general like your blog

I'm surprised no one's made porn of Mercy getting BLACKED

you arent looking hard enough

i chuckle evrytime, thanks Akande


but there's some (just a lil bit not too much) of sonmbra feets so its a win in my book

>tfw tracer looks like the most fun hero in the game
>absolutely dog shit aim and basically no tracking whatsoever

G-guess every team still needs a mercy haha..


winston's dramatic reaction makes me laugh every time

post cute d.va! or dv.a bullying dirty mexicans

>why did you reply to people


>Go dps and see if anyone will switch
>Team stays all dps
>They keep running to their deaths
>End up with gold
>Is the only one asked to change

I don't mind healing but why are people so adamant about staying dps even if it costs them game?


I main mercy after I've douched. Before that I only play tracer.

You dont have to aim you just generally have to keep moving.

I have a feeling it's simply a mentality thing. They classified the healers as "support" and helping someone else kill stuff, might not be a lot of people's idea of fun.

they think everyone but them is screwing up

healing is boring as fuck and people just want to have fun.

OW has dropped out of the top 20 on twitch

This is your healer for tonight.

You'll never get better if you give up now, just keep playing user!

So... when does the event end? In how many hours?

does she heal by sitting on my face?

>try some qp before S7 starts
>4 dps and a healer
>go zarya to get some warmups in
>dps is flanking and dying constantly
>healer and me are alone and overwhelmed most of the time
>healer says fuck it and goes reaper
>ask why everyone wasn't doing anything
>'just chill try hard, it's qp'

this is gold


tomorrow, probably at the daily reset

just cause it's qp doesnt mean you should be shit desu

Ow has dropped out of the top 20 on twitch
below 10k viewers

Even it means being spawn camped to death?

yas, squirting included

her right arm seems a bit too long

That's kinda vague. But how many hours until the reset? 27 hours?


why so many watch PUBG?
i mean its cool, but after 2h its boring to me
Fortnite is even Worse


Why do people think anyone cares about twitch

It's the flavor of the month, just like DayZ and that other shit I already forgot the name of

So basically Mercy has won helloween?

Competitive season is off right now, nobody wants to watch a streamer dick around in QP, and serious competitive guys don't play QP.

A lot of the really big OW streamers like timthetatman have moved on from OW because they were kinda bad at the game and couldn't be that gravitational player for their skill.

And yeah, I don't understand the huge PUBG following; its get a sniper rifle, then linger at the outskirts ad nauseum.


because in 2017 most people are attention whores and only care about appearance - in this case they care about whether or not their game is perceived as popular

Patch notes?????

>~2x more people watch WoW than OW


>post yfw another shooting in the US

>tfw someone got shot by my university

just waiting for trump to say "fuck it" and nuke all of the middle east

>tfw mechanics of a GM player but I'm in plat because of my teammates

no one will ever understand


what a shit highscore.

>be normalfag
>go out
>get shot

>be overtard
>stay in
>grind boxes, wait for next comp season to begin
>stay alive

Natural selection.

>tfw hard stuck plat for 3 seasons but i realize that it means i have areas i need to improve in instead of thinking i'm a god

>tfw soe sold out to ow

when she comes crawling back to dota well tell her to crawl back up blizzard's ass


You are in plat for a reason, mate.

Yeah, because of my teammates

She was just seen as James ex by most of the Dota audience


>tfw it was a regular guy no one would suspect who bought a gun with bad intentions

stop it with da feels

it was a muzzie, user.

>tfw am top 500 but bronze

>offseason so none of the usual streamers are playing OW and are playing Fortnite/Pubg

>make something like this
>every game, write down something you could improve on
>stop playing the blame game
>gain sr

>see a sniperkid
>spawncamp them
there is no other course of action

>tfw OWL-tier but lazy

Take your bets on when they're going to nerf Mercy and how severe the nerf is going to be.
I'm going to bet after Blizzcon when the game's morale will be at an all-time low, and that the nerf will not actually do much, leading to the game dying before Lunar New Year.


post wm booty

>tfw rank one, just haven't gotten around to getting the game

>liked your own tweet
it's time to die

realistically, how hard is it to get to 1 sr? I tried last season and was only able to reach 700-ish before I hit a 50% winrate because people were so bad they would still lose even vs a thrower like me. Is there a more effective way to get to the best of the worst?

>6 dps vs regular mercy comp
>mercy comp team never touches point for some reason leaving rein alone
RIP , i felt bad for him.

get a team and throw so nobody can make you win

did you give him a blowjob after the match to make him feel better

Yet a lot of people with 90% of time as their 'main' are shit.

>it's my alt bro
Still doesn't mean you should be shit.

So what are the chances that they remove all the other maps from Deathmatch? It's amazing how quickly they decide to ruin things and then leave it ruined for months.

Does anything else compare to the amazing salt farming that happens in deathmatch with mccrib?

1 hour bros

>Have to play Attack against this