League of Legends General - /lolg/

Spooky MF edition



>tfw completely obliterated a Yasuo main
serves you right cuck.

xth for I approve

xth for my wife Syndra

Ok, fuck this, I'm done.

How do I Tryndamere myself to Diamond next season?

>tfw haven't lost lane 1v1 to a yasuo ever

Its pretty easy to lane against

xth for Rengar!!! please revert his rework

redheads are the best

>MF and Sona will never sit on you

Best girl.
Best feet.
Best wife.

xth for my gf(male) Swift!

>tfw no qt petite gf

Watch BoxerPete vods

>You should definitely practice champs on Flex queue!

I wanna cuddle Jinx and support her in her pursuits to kill the undead and enjoy the decayed husk of a world society has become

hey, that's my wife!

Do you think your mother would approve of your Waifu if you brought her home to meet your parents?


>Beat Yas in lane
>Teammates feed him and propel him into lategame mode
Every time

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

>taking flex queue seriously

>his highest rank is in flex


flex qeue is pretty much ARAM-tier
no one takes it seriously

>I will never sit on a wide couch, Sona to my left, MF to my right, hands on their tits, while Evelynn slobbers all over my cock and Morgana stands behind me with her tits wrapped around my head

This world is a shitty one.


>he doesn't practice new champions in soloq on a smurf

Xth for Caitlyn and Vi's platonic friendship

thats funny because in the higher aram elos people take it very seriously

its the same in flex meme, although not as serious as soloq

Do you feel in charge?

>Turret Siege mission is restricted to 5man premades
It's not like you need to shitpick to do that, or run some weird ass comp. Why restrict this to 5mans?

>tfw currently playing Urgot and won every game while being completely fed so far
Is he completely busted or what?

stop posting Kataranias I just fapped like an hour ago

>tfw no Syndra gf

now get the fuck out

>Enemy jungler kills the dragon, and the herald, and ganks successfully everytime
>Our jungler just farms and keeps farming
>Whenever he tries to gank he dies and gives the enemy the blue and red buffs

>Not faping 5 times a day to Kata
Lmaoing at your life user

is ARAM autism real?

Why, though?

Have you considered playing jungle?

Man I wish Ahri was as viable for ranked as she is viable to make my dick diamonds.

because you are posting with the sole purpose of annoying me

It's your own fault for not taking your autism pills.

Um sweetie? Ahri is fine and still popular in ranked

There are numerous people with ARAM only accounts with only good ARAM champs bought, so yes.

It'll be a good fap, at least.

I don't think she likes hobo girls :(

Stop posting the same waste of space in every fucking thread you filthy fucking autists.

I bet ribbon lacks table manners and would just grab everything with her hands and get super embarrassed when everyone stares

uhh, I think you didn't take them because I sure as hell do not need any of that user.

Why is Nautilus pretty much never played anymore anywhere?

>Have you considered playing jungle?
I main jungle for precisely this reason but then I get this bot lane.

Cant play 3 lanes at once, and yes I ganked bot 4 times

I disagree. Riven seems like a very sincere and genuine person I'm sure most mother's would be delighted to have their son bring someone like her home

post more zed and kayn interaction

Because there are now multiple champs that perform his job much better.

I love Camille

>In promo
>Our jg goes afk
>Start a vote to remake
>People vote no because "we can still win, we just gotta do our best!"

My waifu is not a league slut so yes.

Convince a dota player to move to lol.

They nerfed his mana costs then nerfed doran ring stacking on top of that without giving him any buffs to help, so now he can't push waves making him shit

Fuck off, we're full


>some junglers are better than others
fucking wow what a revelation dude

Which league girls would be understanding of my depression and help me cope with it?

When do I put a point into silence as Soraka?

Lvl 3?

but lolg says that you just gotta carry harder

DRAG THEM your team DOWN

This is actually the stupidest shit I see in ranked. In the game in general. Willingly playing at a huge disadvantage where you won't have any objective control, pressure on towers, and will lose every teamfight if the game reaches 20mins. Those who vote no on remakes in ranked games needs to be slapped.

They're very important people user. They don't have time to baby your meme illness kappa

imagine being this delusional

dota patch is out guys ;3. valve went out of their way to cater to your needs to salvage their dwindling player base. will you step up to the plate and play?

Q -> W -> E
and you max them in this order

Q -> E -> W

>he literally confirmed it the post after, and every post he makes in every other thread
same to you friend

>tfw you have one of those games where your top mid and jungle all feed without ever getting a single kill or assist before the teamfight phase

sorry but shit teams like that are literally uncarryable

There are no waifus in dota and the game is boring to play

this but up W first

Why would I play something like LoL instead of LoL?

Also Pangolier looks like fucking cancer.
>melee carry nuker disabler ganker escape initiator durable

Say something nice about Lulu.

Dafuq? You always max E last.

She's fine.


>don't remake we're duo he'll be back
>team votes not to remake
>he doesn't come back

Really makes you think

Too busy fapping to Tali and Annie. I wish I had more options.

>Twitch was nerfed 0 times



That fucking sucks for you. The only time I've had people vote no on a remake is if they knew the afk player and said "he's coming right back"
If some suggested that we actually try and play a 4v5 from the beginning, I'm not sure how, but I'd find a way to troll the fuck out of them.

do you guys realise you are ruining valves whole strategy for their game, very rude. maybe redditors can salvage player count

the damage is useful
soraka's heal is useless, she's not a healslut, she's an AP hypercarry and should be played as such

>Being this dumb

Or else what?

damn i miss old soraka

Because he's actually fine and doesn't need nerfs.

Both games are dying.

League is a 9 year old game, everyone and their momma has decided whether or not to play it by now.

Riot admitted that the new runes changes were made to attract new players to the game.

Not to mention they releases a cringy ad as well.

PUBG is the future apparently.

Gr8 b8 m8
Here's your (You)

Please help me guys, I know this is bad, but I love fucking kayn men.
How do I make blue kayn stronger.
I farm a lot and go Warrior>Dusk>Static shiv>IE>GA>Sell warrior for Death dance.
Is there a better build besides Full pen. or this crit one?
Any Hidden OP builds for blue.
Team ends up feeding to hard to get fed enough on camps to build what I need.

So which Pros(and ex-pros) have the hottest girlfriends?

She's actually a ranged burst autoattaker carry duelist disabler support assassin anticarry

I watched professor akalis video

>this picture
fucking hell guys my dick can't take this

>PUBG the future
That shit will blow over in a few months, just like every other battle royale game

IWD. His ex is hot and his current gf is hot.


jesus, even her avatar screams TUMBLR
bet she identifies as non-binary

>in champ select
>someone on the other team is picking
>i pick next
>they wait until the timer hits 0 and lock their pick in at the last possible moment
>it still dodges anyway
>"you have recently left a ranked lobby"
>i lost LP
>have a dodge queue timer
what the fuck is this