Browsing Veeky Forums in class

>browsing Veeky Forums in class
>ads for bikini anime girls all over my screen

Animu is the highest art form of modern times Desu

>browsing Veeky Forums in class
>Veeky Forums all over my screen
This is why you sit in the back.

>he still hasn't dropped out of society

are they cute bikinis?

Veeky Forums itself is way more embarrassing than anime.


>browsing Veeky Forums in class

>not turning your brightness all the way down and siting in the back

Sadly currently the case.


use adblock you sad cunt




And here I thought it was because I'm black.

Wtf I love this!

>don't care if people seeing me browse Veeky Forums in class
>not like I browse any cringe boards just mostly Veeky Forums and /out/ and come here sometimes
>get robot and /b/ kids all riled up when they see Veeky Forums
>fuck off

guilt by association
whenever I see someone browsing Veeky Forums in class I automatically assume they're a fat neck beard pedophile
(they are)

>fat neck beard
I mean, you couldn't have figured these out just by looking at them?

yes but my perception of them morphs from slightly chubby guy who doesn't shave to a disgusting sub human

their weight and beard go from features they posses to things that completely define them

makes sense?

I'm just a regular looking person. Most people I see browsing Veeky Forums are regular people too (at least half of the time). The fact that you associate that imagery with yourself only shows that your project your own image on others. I've seen some pretty odd looking dorky/geeky people browsing Veeky Forums in public, but never a stereotypical fat neckbeard.

Be glad you didn't get the huge cock with semen coming out of it ad.


What is going on here? Why is warplane attacking Pepe and why is Pepe holding that projector?

Even a cat knows to bury its own shit.

Not that guy, but you should keep your internet shit and your real life shit well and truly separated, lest you become one of those cringelords posting rage comics on Facebook and talking about memes in real life.

German-chan a cute

> lest you become one of those cringelords posting rage comics on Facebook and talking about memes in real life.

You mean being normal?

He's using a laser designator to commit suicide via airstrike

You're not being normal.

You're getting the worst of both worlds. A fag in real life and a fag on the internet.

Keep your peas out of my mashed potatoes, you newfag Milhouse nigger.

Veeky Forums is an anime site newfag.

adblock you dolt

>browsing /k/ in class
>classmate sees
>tells teacher
>teacher thinks I'm gonna get shoot up school
>sent to principal's office
>principal tells me he browses /pol/
>tfw we meme about wall building instead of calling my parents

Seriously though, don't browse fucking Veeky Forums outside of your safe zone

Stop. Just stop.

No, I'm pretty sure that is normal, at least relative to old Veeky Forums. I had a newfag /b/tard room mate once. He thought he was socially awkward but went to parties and smoked weed and shit. He had a Guy Fawkes mask he displayed, and his image macro folder was filled with memegenerator advice dog style memes.


Are you 12?

Im european