Is nihilism the most redpilled ideology? Pic very much related.
>He hasn't embraced Nihilism
>a nihilist
You haven't read Nietzsche.
I did for quite a while but I'm not sure yet.
My mind's telling me yes.
But my heart's telling me no.
No, you cunts haven't read Nietzsche. Or at least haven't read him very well.
Nietzsche is very much a nihilist. It's just that his criticism of nihilism is what distinguishes him as an active nihilist in opposition to a passive acceptance of nothingness.
Nietzsche actively argues against nihilism as a life-defeating ideology.
That he does. But what he argues for is very much nihilism, just an active form of it as opposed to a passive life-defeating form.
This is what I mean. Saying he's not a nihilist depends on a very surface level understanding of Nietzsche. He employs this kind of language constantly, such as against anarchism. These aren't total rejections of these ideas. Rather they're urges for them to be reconsidered in a way that embraces life fully, a kind of constructive criticism if you will.
He literally outlines this distinction between passive and active nihilism himself in that passive nihilists simply aren't nihilistic enough. It's not enough to just empty yourself of meaning and fall into the void, the task of the ubermensch is to absolutely level the field of all pre-existing constructs so that something new can be crafted. To Nietzsche nihilism in this form is a sign of strength.
But Nietzsche didn't see life as meaningless / empty of meaning. He was past the meaninglessness-meaningfulness duality just as much as the truth-falsehood duality.
For Neitzsche the world is continually evolving, so the old values die and have to be regenerated through an act of creativity. The person himself must exert himself in the world through an act of power, and thus Christianity is rejected because it teaches meekness, the very opposite of the will to power. In Freudian terms, what Neitsche is saying is that Christianity denies the id and therefore attempts to deny reality.
Shut the fuck up, Donny.
That's because Nietzsche was an active nihilist. He embraced life to fill it with his own meaning.
If he saw life as meaningless he'd be a passive nihilist.
Yes it is
How compatible is nihilism with stoicism?
As compatible as you want.
If nihilism is getting in your way then you're not doing it right.
the whole point of active nihilism is to get passed the gap of nihilism and stop being a nihilist.
Nihilism doesn't even have a Stanford entry.
>A nihilist is a man who judges of the world as it is that it ought not to be, and of the world as it ought to be that it does not exist. According to this view, our existence (action, suffering, willing, feeling) has no meaning: the pathos of 'in vain' is the nihilists' pathos — at the same time, as pathos, an inconsistency on the part of the nihilists.
t. Nietzsche
> It may be questioned, though, whether "active nihilism" is indeed the correct term for this stance, and some question whether Nietzsche takes the problems nihilism poses seriously enough.[41]
If nihilism is not only contradictory and misjudged as a definition, but also a pejorative, then why would you want to characterise such a strong value-legislator this way? You sound more like a Stirnerite, wishing only to clear the ground of the old gods and replace it only with your uniqueness. Nietzsche has new gods, like physiology, master morality, will-to-power in the eternal recurrence. The unique one is not an evolutionary projection like the overman.
Of course. But I don't think Nietzsche got that far.
nietzsche was spooked af tbqh
he bought into this bizarre warrior code, he was like a school shooter fantasising about being badass like in doom
The only reason he likes 'warrior code' is because it is more free of ressentiment than other codes, more fruitful. Also he doesn't fantasize about literal warfare, he was strongly against Bismarck and Wilhelm. He just thinks applying ('sublimation') that code to civilised pursuits is the best way to pursue them ('who handles his language like a supple rapier and, from his fingers to his toes, feels the dangerous joy of the quivering, over-sharpened sword that wants to bite, sizzle, cut'). And it works, the spookmeister Stirner is merely a footnote to Nietzsche and Marx today, and has shitty Hegelian spirit prose.
>who handles his language like a supple rapier and, from his fingers to his toes, feels the dangerous joy of the quivering, over-sharpened sword that wants to bite, sizzle, cut
Why are continentals so fucking fruity?
Why are Anglos so autistic?
You know, it would probably sound less fruity in German, during a Romantic century, and when being trained to fence was a common phenomenon.
bomber harris do it again desu
They all sound pretty fruity though.
>They all sound pretty fruity though.
Nietzsche predates the continental/analytic divide though, which has since reclosed.
Also not all of his writing is like that. If anything he's more well-known for his 'gray' prose like in the polemics and aphorisms, the Zarathustra style is the exception.
>implying Churchill wasn't one of the baddest motherfuckers to ever live
No, it's Catholicism but Nihilism is a close scond.
What the fuck does 'redpilled' even mean?
If you evaluate philosophical notions on criterions that are made from meme words then its clear youre much more invested in some contemporary social pseudointellectual trend than the actual idea
>taking pills
its a reddit term for...hmm...basically being shitty men. it comes from r/redpill just go there and look at the top 5 posts and youll get the gist
yeah but who cares about being spooked?
stop overthinking memes and getting mad at them makes your look gay and retarded.
>Nietzsche is not a nihilist, because Nietzsche defines nihilism as not believing what he believes, even though his philosophy is nihilism by common definition of the term.