Why you hate so much jewish?
I don't, this isn't /pol/
Who /Jewboo/ here?
Proud goyim here. I live to serve the jews. Please reward me with big titted Ashkenazi gf.
Plz I am good goy who dindu nuffin
I like the Jews desu
they have the best women too
t. Arab
wrong board nigga
what is this
i never met a jew
but most people here don't hate jews unless they're memeing, jewish history and mythology is pretty baller.
Why haven't you applied for Israeli citizenship yet?
For me it's love-hate feeling. I both admire them and hate them.
If your mom is a Hebrew then you are too. That is how it works for them.
I don't OP
At least you can say you're the same race as Ataturk
>the same race as Ataturk
so he is still a jew ;)
We must not hate all jews but realize that for a minority group they've played a huge role in history, bad for some, and hold a huge amount of power in the economy and media.
Well they are cunt to their nighboor with no reason and the só i dislike Israel very mutch its whole existence is a mistake outaside of it they are fine with me i think some off them abuse the "muh holocaust" card way to mutch
>people dont like jewish more then 4 thousands year
>jewish dont know why
I live in a very jewish neighborhood and I have never heard any of them use the holocaust as an excuse for anything including Israel. Their excuse for Israel is either it's where our people were originally from or dumb fuck arabs couldn't beat us so it's ours.
how is jewish formed?
Ive heard several jew saying their relegion deservers especial treatment because of things like the holocaust
And isreal is a completly artificial country that was no right to exist were it does why create a Jewish state in a place where everybody Hates them all that holy land is bullshit there are a shitton of races that got kicked out of their original lands and nobody got them back for them
Israel should have been carved out of germany as punishment to the germans it only seems fair
I will NEVER understand anyone that's not Jewish who shills for Jews, literal subhumans.
Even if holocaust was mean, I don't give a fuck doesn't turn them good.
I literally have no reason to hate Germans, did nothing to me.
>an heterogeneous group of people comprising millions
>me speaking of individuals
The Jewish religion is what I'm speaking about and all Jews subscribe to Jewish culture and religion.
t. Butthurt Canaanite
Ashkenazis aren't even Jewish. They're Italian converts.
>Their excuse for Israel is either it's where our people were originally from
See >or dumb fuck arabs couldn't beat us so it's ours
So they embrace the same doctrine as the Nazis, then?
Me af
My mother is a Jew. Hey while side of the family is. By tradition that makes me a Jew as well. I'm not religious, and if I go to holiday things it's usually just for the family and Jew snacks. I probably wouldn't see myself as a Jew if I didn't get a bunch of shit for it in high school.
Inside perspective: Jews are really fun ( at least the non Orthodox ones). The girls are usually either really cool, really brainy, or screeching fuckin lunatics, but even they're abusing to hang out with. In general, Jews will be a small pocket of bantsmasters wherever you can find them. I've noticed a tendency towards a simple lifestyle except among the Jewish American princess type.
On the negative side: kvetching (after a while), rants, going on and on forever about extended family, and little diversity in political beliefs (every one that I've met is clustered around the same general area on the left side of the political airstrikes)
Never actually met a stingy Jew, only Jews that like a simple life and get some enjoyment out of being thrifty. Collecting all the right coupons and finding sales/bargains is like solving a crossword or a find-the-word to my grandma.
Your mother Israeli too?
People like to borrow money from other people. They hate having to pay back money they have borrowed. They unironically hate the people who loaned them the money in the first place.
>jew snacks
You are what you eat
Im a jewish person and while I like the fact that were smart fucks all the girls are screechy and about as good looking as a fried udder
They're cool.
>Very interesting religion
>Long and storied history
>Interesting and relevant present
If I could be convinced that god exists I would literally convert to Judaism.
>tfw goyim
i want a jewfu so bad
Mother is not Israeli. They're from Eastern European roots. Great grandmother left what was then Russia and came to new York. My grandmother did live in Israel for a time in the 1980's, but she mostly just hung around and cleaned up uzis.
do you like that?
Unironically this. Before you start having a hissy fit about Duke, just watch the video. If you can prove what he's saying is wrong I'm all ears, but what he shows in the video is damning.
Holy shit that's an autistic link. Sorry about that, on mobile.
wut? I heard the Khazar theory before, which is also bullshit but this is a new level of stupid.
i had never seen this, thanks man, knew i was right to hate the zionists
are normal jews ok? do most normal jews actually oppose zionist jews?
Are West Bank settlers basically Jewish rednecks?
>extremely religious
>obsessed with guns
>hate foreigners
>have a bunch of kids
>claim to be patriotic but always start shit with the government
Pretty much.
They're like Israeli's cowboys on the Wild West Bank.
Only some of the settlers, I was a settler once and this wouldn't describe most of them, the religious ones maybe, but even most of them not really.
when/how did the jews begin to think they were better than everyone else?
i mean where did the false sense of entitlement come from, do all jews share it?
and do they want to drive america into the dirt or just use it to exterminate everyone else?
>when/how did the jews begin to think they were better than everyone else?
They don't. Well maybe some of them do.
Everyone thinks they are better than everyone else.
Not not all Jews share it.
I don't know.
t. Jew
It's hard to make the distinction usually, like Jews like Ben Shapiro are passable, but at the same time they have absolute loyalty to Judaism.
Like Duke showed in the video, that guy that went to Jewish summer camp wore Israeli military uniforms, saluted the flag, etc...
They tend to be incredibly tribal, so the line gets very blurry.
>user, we have to support Israel, it was given to us by God!
I don't want to fucking go to Israel and die if its army fails to protect it from invasion just once.
Shoulda just brought us all here to USA and settled in Montana where no one else lives.
We aren't trying to destroy America. We just want to live in it because everywhere else sucks
Because as a Veeky Forums user I must be self-loathing
I hate anti-semites so much. Yes, jews are overrepresented in politics, big business, banking, media etc. but that has more to do with jews being very pro-intellectual (your typical anti-semite is anti-intellectual) with a bit of nepotistic tendencies.
That's all. There's no jewish conspiracy and the average jew isn't filthy rich.
This so much
(But the ethnic food too good)
i only like Ashkenazi Jews cause their white and smart
>AIPAC is the most powerful lobby in America
>Sharon had the sole responsibility for Sabra & Shatilla
>That woman is some sort of representative of Zionism because she organizes a Jewish women learning group or whatever she does
>Hollywood is attempting to encourage self-loathing in white people (somehow, despite the large majority of protagonists being white men)
>Jews control European media
Most blatant nonsense I've seen in the first six minutes.
I hate orthodox Hasidic Jews. Their rabbis hold pro much power, creating an insulated society where th y can away with huge molestation ings
is it anti-semitic to resist zionism?
is there a jewish-only (zionist or not) version of the illuminati?
Same reason the people in all these places did.
> Everyone thinks they are better than everyone else.
Notice he's not saying this about Chinese, Koreans, Germans, Americans, Italians, Russians, Greeks, English ...............
How can Semitic Arabs be anti-sematic?
Bullshit. Hollywood has pushed so much modernism in recent times it's ridiculous.
>all female ghostbusters
>black protagonist for Star Wars
>black James Bond
All things that were traditionally white are trying to be changed in the name of "progress".
Not to mention everything else you say is nonsense is you trying to underscore the actual ramifications of what they say.
>Jews will be at the forefront of Europeans change to multiculturalism
That isn't normal.
i wouldn't know, i'm not a semitic arab
Considering anti-Zionism is strongest among Semitic groups like Syrians and Palestinians I'd say it isn't anti-Semitic at all.
Antisemitic doesn't mean anti semitic though.
Alright, so they mixed in some white girl protagonists with the white guys, that still a far cry from a cinematic white genocide.
Out of the top 10, let's say three are n/a do to being animated, then six have white protagonist, and the other is The Jungle Book.
America is 23% nonwhite, and I'd be surprised if you could find 23 movies with nonwhite main characters on that list.
that's like when my uncle used to tell me that the gypsies were direct descendants of the ancient egyptians, it sounds like complete and utter retardation.
Read 'The Culture of Critique' by Kevin Macdonald. It's an eye opening read about the question of Jews in western societies.
I honestly can't grasp that mindset. It's like people who adore the Shia Islam while not being Arab except even worse since Judaism is even more explicit about being ethnochauvinist.
The religion itself isn't even good, it's very materialist-centric with incentives for people who follow a set of increasingly ridiculous laws that even the most hardline orthodox fundamentalist don't follow 100% and they have to be born into the right tribe on the mother's side for it to count, the religious commentary by the 'respected' rabbis almost always boils down to occult mysticism combined with reactionary butthurt over Christianity and part of their 'holiest' days are celebrating historical genocides they supposedly committed.
Perhaps even more importantly it's hard to argue that they're the ancient religion they claim to be due to just how different even the most hardline practice is now compared to prior to the fall of the second Temple much less the entirely different religion that was around with the First Temple.
If we ignore the religion culturally they're just another outsider minority group who act against their host nations in favor of their own ingroup, which is why you can see the same person argue for open borders for the West and walls + sterilizing of "African invaders" for where their ethnic loyalties lie.
You see the same with Kurds and Turks in the West. Only real difference is that the latter don't have the financial and cultural support.
I once believed the whole intelligence thing but it's really a small groups of European Ashkenazis in America (who imo are results of the underclass never getting there). Once you visit Israel and meet the regular Israelis wether their background is European, Russian, Arab, Spanish etc you'll be disillusioned of any notions of intellectual superiority.
Not saying they're worse than any other minority or anything. Just that the whole mythology/romanticism surrounding them doesn't hold up to real life scrutiny.
No. Who the fuck cares about Zion? Only the jews and the arabs around them, that's who cares.
I don't inherently hate Zion, I hate that Zionism, despite the point of giving Jews their own nation, is still internationalist in nature. If Jews are going to still have their nation within a nation crap, I'd rather not have them drag my nation into their Zionist problems.
What really pisses me off is when people don't know what zionism is.
>Zionism: a movement for (originally) the re-establishment and (now) the development and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel. It was established as a political organization in 1897 under Theodor Herzl, and was later led by Chaim Weizmann.
Tldr: zionism is essentially nationalism for Jews.
Zionism does not equal globalism, and globalist Jews such as soros are generally anti zionist.
The problem is Zionists are actually globalists and insist on dragging western nations into their regional problems.
>zionists are actually globalists
Once again, no. Soros is a globalist, soros funds open borders for Israel, and globalists in general want one race and support Islam.
Whereas actual zionists, such as Netanyahu, are against the islamisation of Europe, want Muslims to stay in Muslim countries and swing towards the right.
>insist on dragging western nations into their regional problems
This is debatable, and not always the case. Rather, I could argue that it's the West equally (if not more) keeps butting into Israel's problems. The West, mainly the EU and the previous Obongo administration, will not shut up about "muh Palestine", and make everything Israel does difficult. If Israel had just been left to do it's thing then the whole conflict would be over by now.
Pic related is Rabbi Meir Kahane, a famous zionist rabbi who wanted American funding to be cut off from Israel, as he said that the money will make Israel weak and that Jews are a people that don't need charity. I agree with him personally. Israel won the war of independence and the six day war without a yearly US grant or even large scale US support.
I have a lot more of examples why I think being too trustful of jewish people is dangerous, but I don't want to be banned for spam or whatever.
Just because there are anti-zionist globalists doesn't mean there aren't pro-zionist globalists. Either you have zero logic capabilities or you're trying to deflect. Soros isn't the only fucking Jew. Where do you think the arms Israel used to for that war came from?
I dont believe they're controlling the entire world or anything but I hate how they never shut up about the holocaust
It wasn't the first genocide and it wasn't the last, I don't get why they're allowed to use it as an excuse for everything
They don't though? Have you actually ever talked to a Jew before?
>Soros is a globalist, soros funds open borders for Israel
didn't he cancel funding to a feminist group when they started protesting in Israel about gay rights or something?
no I live in country that until 20 years ago was 97+% Catholic. I can only judge by how israel acts and how jews do in the media.
Israel can't get away with shit.
There have been more UN resolutions about Israel than about North Korea.
It's just that the US likes them because muh underdog.
Literally everywhere else in the world, they get their fair of shit and then some.
I think you're seeing confirmation bias. There's a shitload of Jews in media that don't bring attention to the fact they're Jews, much less talk about the holocaust.
Yes, but what I'm saying is that the majority of zionists, particularly in Israel, have completely opposing views to zionism, and that globalism does not equal zionism. If some Jews living in America and Europe are globalist, that is not the fault of the zionist movement.
>where do you think the arms Israel used for that war came from?
Which war? In the war of independence, they were locally made on kibbutzim + smuggled out of Czechoslovakia. In the six day war, the aircraft were bought from France and the tanks and rifles were bought from America (hint: bought not given).
Wow I'm totally BTFO by a bullshit picture. Meanwhile in reality, Israel has nearly 50% of the world's Jewry, and Jews from poorer countries tend to be much more right wing and Zionist than their US counterparts.
I'm not sure about that, but Israeli Jews do not like soros. I've read israeli news articles attacking him as an "antisemitic Jew"
It is because of these kind of shenanigans that I am weary of jews
>in before lol go back to /pol/
*completely opposing views to globalism, not zionism
>globalism does not equal zionism
I never said that. Globalists are Zionists is different in meaning than Zionists are globalists. You don't seem to have a Jew IQ.
>Wow I'm totally BTFO by a bullshit picture. Meanwhile in reality, Israel has nearly 50% of the world's Jewry
The big circle is globalists, not Jews. The big circle isn't just Soros either. If you had some common sense you'd realize that. You really do fail at logic.
The reason why there have been so many resolutions against Israel is because the UN, the EU and the entirety of the modern left, will throw western values and everything else under the bus to appease third worlders and Islam.
China completely occupies, and is ethnically and culturally destroying Tibet, yet the free Tibet movement is Tiny in comparison to the free Palestine movement. Nobody cares about the Hindus genocided by Muslims in Kashmir, or the balochs genocided by Pakis in balochistan, or even the Christian biafrans genocided by Muslims in Nigeria. When Muslims shoot up a gay night club, or Muslim refugees start moving into white areas and raping women, gays and Muslims will be thrown under the bus and discarded in an instant.
We live in a bullshit society that caters to inferior cultures and Islam, and I genuinely don't know why.
Mate, you seemed to have missed my original post, the reason why I posted in this thread. This was the only argument I wanted to make. Insult me all you want, but I don't care because my original argument has not been disproven.
Not him, but I always thought that the reason the UN had so many resolutions against Israel is that there are dozens of Arab states who pretty much universally vote for any Israel condemnation they can get.
more like ubermensche
The holocaust literally made the Jews better than whites.
In WWII, Hitler sent off the best German men to war and got them killed, towards the end of the war all that was left was old people and children.
At the same time, Hitler captured and killed all the worst and dumbest Jews, but let the smart and successful ones escape.
That's Nazi eugenics for you.
They have too much control of the media
>The holocaust literally made the Jews better than whites.
As evinced by all the mentally ill immoral scumbags coming out of this one people.